
Thoughts are not facts, they are simply what your mind is saying or creating at any given moment. They may be based in factual events, but they are simply the mind thinking. This is an exercise on being mindful of thoughts you may find difficult, and accepting them without judgement.

Mindfulness of difficult thoughts mp3


Start with a mindfulness of the breath. Sit with your breath for a few minutes.

Now bring your awareness to something that is difficult for you in your life. It may be thoughts of an event in the past that was painful or distressing, it may be something in your life in the present time that is causing you painful feelings, or it may be something you are worried about in the future. Allow yourself to bring your attention to focus on one of these worrying thoughts.

Notice what is happening in your body right now as you have these thoughts. Are there places or tension or tightness? What is happening to your breathing? Don’t try to modify the sensations in your body, just allow yourself to notice them with curiosity.

Notice now the thoughts that that are going through your mind; just notice them as thoughts. Remember, thoughts are not facts, they are simply what your mind is saying or creating at any given moment. They may be based in factual events, but they are simply the mind thinking. Think about the thoughts you are having. Notice them as they change and notice each new thought as it replaces the previous one.

As you continue to notice the sensations in your body, see if you can put words to some of the feelings that come with these difficult and painful thoughts. They may be feelings like sadness, hurt, anger, loneliness, fear or pain. Feelings may be difficult, they may be deeply uncomfortable, but they are not wrong or right. They are simply part of your present moment experience.

Allow your awareness to move between the thoughts you are having as you notice them, the physical sensations you are having as you notice them, and the feelings and emotions you are having as you notice them.

Finally, bring your awareness and attention back to your breathing for a while, noticing the physical sensation of taking breath into your body and releasing it.

Please feel free to download the MP3 for your own personal use.

Exercise 14: Mindfulness of difficult thoughts


Other mindfulness exercises


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  1. Comment by Tammy

    Tammy Reply June 20, 2014 at 4:33 pm

    The mindfullness activities are AWESOME. I will be using them with a client that is struggling with anxiety, depression and negative thoughts. Thanks for the tool !!

  2. Comment by Elise

    Elise Reply January 14, 2015 at 7:51 am

    Thank you for the PDF’s these activities are wonderful :)

  3. Comment by Jose Luis Suarez Olivera

    Jose Luis Suarez Olivera Reply December 20, 2015 at 8:27 pm


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