
Below are some videos made by and for men who have experienced childhood sexual abuse or sexual assault. These men have come forward to share their stories in order to break down barriers for men. If you have a video story, or any suggestions for others, please get in touch with us via the comments below.

Please note that due to some of the confronting and potentially upsetting information in some of these videos they come with a content warning.

Leslie Turner talks

Leslie Turner, a retired primary head teacher, was paid £17,000 in compensation by the Irish Christian Brothers, after claiming two teachers from the Catholic Order sexually abused him at school in Sunderland in the 1960s. The church has not accepted liability for the alleged abuse. Turner, now 66, has waived his anonymity in a film for the Guardian to allege he was molested from the age of 12 by two Irish Christian Brother teachers at St Aidan’s Roman Catholic Grammar School in Sunderland between 1961 and 1967. Both men are long dead, but he sued after being diagnosed with delayed onset post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of what he said he suffered.

An end to silence

This powerful video from our friends at Survivors UK speaks to the importance of developing service that breaks the silence and supports men who have been sexually abused or sexually assaulted.

Support for men who have experienced sexual abuse

An initiative of the Leicestershire Police and First Step, this video is part of a campaign for men who have experienced sexual abuse or sexual assault to break the silence and engage in support.

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