At Living Well, we recognise that there is not a lot of information and support out there for partners of men who have experienced childhood sexual abuse or sexual assault, particularly in relation to the impact on couple relationships. Whilst relationships can be a place where difficulties with trust, intimacy and sex can appear, they also provide an opportunity for issues to be worked through and resolved.
If your loved one or partner was sexually abused or sexually assaulted, this page details some of the relationship challenges you may be facing, and some ways of responding. While the language in this article often refers to couple relationships, this information can apply to any form of relationship or loved one — a son, brother, father, relative, or friend.

All relationships require work
Before discussing some of the ways sexual abuse can impact men and their relationships, it is important to acknowledge that all relationships require time, effort and commitment – from both parties – to be successful. A relationship can be a place of intense joy and pleasure, and at times can produce considerable heartache and distress. Relationships where one or both parties have experienced childhood sexual abuse or sexual assault are no different. They benefit from partners talking, sharing interests and working together to address difficulties as they arise. A healthy relationship is therefore not about having no difficulties; it is about having the skills, time and energy to work things out and grow together. Whether you or your partner was sexually abused or not, this will always be the case.
The impact of sexual abuse on relationships
There is no prescribed way that an experience of sexual abuse will impact on a man or on his relationships. Everyone is different. A man will often try to find his own way to deal with the experience of sexual abuse, and will work hard to limit its impact on his life and relationships. Although hearing that a man has been sexually abused is distressing, sometimes this information can help a partner make sense of some of the behaviours they have been observing. It can then provide a starting place for positive change.
Men and their partners have identified a number of ways that the experience of childhood sexual abuse or sexual assault has impacted on them and their relationships.
- Avoidance of some people, places or situations. He may leave the room when some things come on television. He may change the subject when some things are talked about. There may be certain types of people that he stays away from, or there may be parts of his past that he avoids talking about. These are common ways that people try to keep themselves safe and try to keep distressing memories at bay.
- Bad dreams, being preoccupied and spacing out. At times he may seem to be in “another world,” and appear to be disconnected or vague. Sometimes, after a traumatic experience, people can experience flashbacks to an event or series of events, to the point where they are re-living the past in the present moment. Memories of sexual assault for some men can “pop in” uninvited at any time of the day or night, even while asleep in the form of nightmares, and this can be very exhausting. See our pages on Dealing with flashbacks and Dealing with nightmares for more information about this.
- Being jumpy, easily startled and preoccupied by safety issues. He may seem overly concerned with checking doors, windows, or not visiting crowded places. He might be uncomfortable on public transport, or be extremely nervous when you or the children are not at home. Again, this makes perfect sense in terms of his desire to keep himself and his loved ones safe, as he knows first hand what it is like to be unsafe.
- Having difficulty trusting people, even you at times. When somebody has been hurt by a person they are supposed to be able to trust, it can be extremely difficult to take trust for granted in later relationships. Another possibility is that he may trust you, but nobody else.
- Mood swings. It is common for people who have experienced sexual abuse and or assault to find that they can swing from feeling okay, to angry, to sad, or to other strong feelings. This can happen quite quickly and without much warning. These strong feelings might not make much sense on the outside, as there might appear to be no external cause for them. However, they are usually connected to a thought or memory that has come uninvited, and that brings with it some of the distressing feelings of the original event.
- Behaviours that don’t make sense. Sometimes people who have experienced sexual abuse and assault develop behaviours that seem to be self-defeating. This might include problematic use of alcohol or other drugs, gambling, workaholism, over-exercising, overspending, over eating or consuming very little food, or having complex rituals around the quantity and timings of meals. Others might be more directly involved in self-harming or obsessing about the appearance of their bodies in various ways. Many of these behaviours are not necessarily harmful in and of themselves. In fact some, like exercising and hard work, are admirable; as a society we approve of men who are active in these ways. These activities and behaviours are self soothing, calming, offer a sense of control, and have an internal logic that can take the person away from difficult thoughts and feelings. But they can become problematic when they are used to the extent that the person is not able to incorporate or to manage other aspects of daily life in balanced ways.
The behaviours listed above might have developed as a direct result of being sexually abused, or in an effort to manage the trauma. They should not be seen as evidence of a damaged person. It can be useful to talk and understand how this behaviour developed, the reason behind it and how it has become a habit. Some behaviours that may have worked for a while or in particular circumstances can overstay their welcome. They can become unmanageable, unwelcome for the man and for you. With enough support, it is possible to develop alternative, more sustainable and more life-giving ways of coping. Read more about how solutions can become problems on the page Dealing with the effects of childhood sexual abuse.
For a long time, until I could talk about it all and find some other ways of getting by, I just tried whatever was available. Some of those things took the edge off things for awhile and that’s probably why I kept doing them.”
Negotiating difficulties and improving the relationship
It is really important to avoid seeing everything that happens in a relationship through the prism of sexual assault. Relationships don’t come with a rule book. Couple relationships often involve two people muddling their way through, negotiating and sorting things out, trying to ultimately build satisfying and supportive lives. Many of the ways you have used to get through difficult times together will continue to be helpful in overcoming problems related to sexual abuse or sexual assault. You probably already have most of the tools you need.
Partners and men who have been sexually abused have identified a number of themes that can appear in their relationships. Some of these are below.
Closeness / Distance
The closeness-distance dynamic is one of the common relationship challenges following sexual abuse, in which you might experience a see-sawing in your relationship. Your partner might at times seek out re-assurance and assistance, and at other times distance himself, wanting to work it out on his own. Some men try to manage feeling moody, withdrawn, uncertain and uncommunicative by taking himself off and keeping himself to himself. He might do this with the idea that this will help stop things from getting worse, or that it might help keep his partner safe.
What can you do? Understand that in all relationships there are times for togetherness and there are times where a little space is welcome. It is good to regularly check in with a partner to see how they are travelling. Try to keep each other up to date as to how the relationship is going for each of you, but without increasing pressure to have stuff resolved right now. It is also good to remind yourself that, although you are impacted by his behaviour, it is not all about you. One of the best things you can do is to keep respectful communication flowing. Remember to take time out if it gets too intense, and then to return to the topic and talk about the important stuff when you have had a breather.
Unhelpful behaviours
If your partner was sexually abused, some of the ways he has learned to cope, or to keep the thoughts and memories of the abuse at a distance, may be “playing themselves out” in your relationship with him. This may include self-soothing by use of alcohol, overwork, excessive interest in sex or pornography, etc.
What can you do? You do not have to accept or approve of behaviours that are not working for you or your relationship; nor is it your job to fix them. It is worth encouraging him to access support that helps him develop more life-affirming patterns and ways of dealing with stress and distress. Also, try to make sure that you are properly supported, informed about ways of looking after yourself, and dealing with the impact of sexual abuse. Sometimes, it is only when things aren’t playing out the way that you hoped for that you identify what you most value and appreciate about relationships and what you want from a partner. This then provides an opportunity to talk and confirm there is a shared vision that you can both work towards. (See our page on Men and intimacy).
I always thought that if he loved me enough he would stop doing those things – now I can see that it was his way of switching off and although I still don’t like it and want him to change, at least I can see it for what it is”
A man’s, and possibly even your own, sense of shame around what happened, the effects, and fear of other people’s reactions or judgments. These feelings can make it extremely difficult to talk to each other.
What can you do? We know that shame – just like a mushroom – grows best in the dark. Remember, your partner has probably had a lifetime of messages about what it means to be a man. This includes things like being strong, tough, capable and bullet-proof. He therefore may be struggling with his own masculinity, and this will reinforce his feelings of shame. Men’s sense of shame is often made worse by society’s negativity towards male on male sexual relations (to the extent that the focus is more on the fact that it was male on male sexual contact than that the contact was abusive!). It is useful therefore to access quality information, to not deny or ignore a man’s sense of shame or your own struggles, but to talk it through and firmly place the sense of shame back with the person who committed the sexual abuse or assault. (See Kevin’s Letter)
Sometimes, rather than working overtime on this sense of shame and trying to evaluate whether you or your partner needs to feel ashamed (for either the abuse or some actions taken since then) it can be useful to check in with yourself. “How is holding on to this sense of shame working for me, for my life and for my relationship?” If it is not providing some demonstrable benefit, make a decision to try putting it down for a while.
Heaps of the things he has always done which seemed a bit strange suddenly started to make sense. I also realised that it wasn’t down to me to change it all – in fact, it isn’t all bad. He’s always wanted to be around me and the kids a lot in everything we do and that’s actually really nice – some of my friends wish their husbands could get a bit more involved.”
Understand the way trauma can “act itself out” in a relationship
Many of the ways that people react to traumatic events, such as avoidance, not trusting some people or situations, fear for the safety of loved ones, and being their own harshest judge, can act themselves out in a romantic relationship. As a result of childhood trauma, some men can become extremely protective of partners and children, to the point where his behaviour can feel ‘over protective,’ even controlling.
What can you do? Knowing that these behaviours have an internal logic and might be a response to trauma can both give you perspective and provide a picture of what might help in making things better. When some behaviours are spoken about, and become understood in their historical context, it can provide a platform for change. By talking about what is happening in a safe, supportive environment, individuals and couples can find solutions.
Just as behaviour is learnt and becomes habit over time, alternative ways of doing things can be developed, encouraged and supported. Like in all couple relationships, relationships work best when each partner takes responsibility for themselves, for managing and looking after themselves, and working together to support and encourage each other in building a caring respectful futures.
Thanks for reading. Please see our For partners section for more information that might be useful for partners of men who have been subjected to childhood sexual abuse or sexual assault.
Comments on this page are now closed. If you have further questions, please check out a page we developed in response to some of the messages we get:
Common questions from partners of men who have experienced sexual abuse
Feel free to leave your comment or question on that page, however please note that we are unable to respond to every request.
Comment by melissa
melissa July 22, 2014 at 1:18 pm
I’m starting to think my husband had been sexually molested bcs he has been doing strange things for a very long time and has no answer as to why he does certain things. All he can say is he needs help but continues to do them. I noticed he had a sexual addiction a few years ago when I googled it and saw the symptoms. He started going to a sexual therapist and then stopped bcs of finicial reasons.
Some of the things he has done is drink until he is numb and doesn’t remember anything and starts to either fight or go online and message random girls and talks about sec. That’s all it was for a very long time. Until it started to escalate into texting my friends and recently my sister in law and saying he wanted sex from them.
This is affecting our relationship very much. I have no idea why is he doing this and he direct revenge doing it and it’s just becoming extremely embrassing.
Can you help bcs at this point I just want to take my kids and leave. Should I try
To keep seeking therapy for him so he can attend or just end the relationship after 17yrs. He still hasn’t spoke to me about it and this happened on sat.
Comment by Jess [Living Well Staff]
Jess [Living Well Staff] July 25, 2014 at 1:32 pm
Thanks for contacting Living Well and sharing your concerns.
It sounds like a really difficult situation. I am hearing that you are concerned about what may have happened for your husband in the past, what he is currently doing and how this impacting on your relationship. There really is no way of knowing whether your partner has been sexually abused in the past from his current behaviour. It is good that he is acknowledging that he needs help and that he has previously engaged with a therapist. I would definitely be encouraging him to talk with his doctor and to see if they can assist with obtaining access to a counsellor or therapist at minimal cost (also to consider making use of relevant free help lines if he is in distress or concerned about the way he is acting).
I see you said that this is a 17 year relationship and that you have children together. It will be useful for you also to make sure you are supported and assisted in thinking through what your options and priorities are, and deciding where to from here for you. It is helpful if you are clear about what kind of relationship you want, what expectations there are in relation to how partners behave in this relationship, and how you show love, care and respect for each other. This will mean working out and being clear as to what is and is not acceptable behaviour. Providing a clear message about what your expectations and limits are is important.
I encourage you to continue to seek out information and support. You might want to talk with one of our counsellors online or on the telephone to help work out where to from here for you. Wishing you all the best – The team at Living Well.
Comment by Annonymous
Annonymous August 16, 2016 at 6:55 am
My husband was sexually abused for several years now he has weird sexual behaviour. we have been married for 22 yrs and the abuse happened between age of 10 to 16 yrs old.
Comment by Jane
Jane August 12, 2014 at 1:12 am
I often wonder if my partner has been sexually abused as a child but he says he hasn’t. The reasons I think he has been abused are that he has exposed himself to my friends and family members a number of times, always under the influence of alcohol. His recollection of these incidents is foggy, but he has admitted to them and felt deep shame. He is very withdrawn socially and has extremely low self-esteem. He has overdosed on medication while drunk and been admitted to hospital numerous times. He has self-harmed, cutting himself on his arms and on private parts of his body. He says he doesn’t know why he’s done this. He cannot cope with stressful situations and suffers from high anxiety. He has attended numerous forms of professional counseling and group support but nothing seems to make any difference for him. I have a strong sense he has been sexually abused in his childhood but he says it’s not the case. I feel like there is nothing I can do to help him. Are my instincts realistic? Is it possible he can’t remember the abuse if it has happened to him? How common is it for people to not remember the abuse?
Comment by Jess [Living Well Staff]
Jess [Living Well Staff] August 18, 2014 at 1:41 pm
Hi Jane, Thanks for contacting Living Well. It sounds as if there is a lot going on for your partner and for you, and it is difficult trying to work out where to from here.
In relation to your question “How common is it for people to not remember the abuse?” Research and practice suggests that a majority of people who have been sexually abused have very strong memories of the abuse, although they may not talk about it for a number of reasons. However, there are also some people who have been sexually abused whose memories are not clear or absent for long periods of time, who may remember and piece together fragments of memories later on in life. A difficulty is that you can only work with what is available and searching for a memory of childhood sexual abuse may lead to more distress, confusion and uncertainty.
Your partner’s behaviour in exposing himself when he has been drinking is clearly upsetting for both of you. Given the other difficulties that you have identified – that he is socially isolated, has low self esteem, has self harmed and overdosed, does not cope well with stressful situations and has high anxiety – I suggest it is important that you access professional assistance from a qualified health care professional; from a doctor or mental health care worker. Whether your partner has been sexually abused or not it is important to access support to help him better manage difficult thoughts, emotions and behaviours. A priority is an emphasis on safety and stabilisation, in supporting him to develop skills to take care of himself and express his distress in less destructive and hurtful ways for him and those around him.
I encourage you to keep working to ensure both you and him access quality counselling and support that addresses your concerns. Although it takes perseverance and hard work people can recover from such difficulties and live fulfilling, connected lives. Take care.
Comment by anonymus
anonymus June 10, 2016 at 3:34 am
I am concerned about my boyfriend Andy. I have always wondered if he has been abused. We are in that push pull relationship that has been discussed on this forum. He is an alcoholic and his family comes off iffy to me. the only thing I would like to post publicly on this forum is that once he was afraid to come visit me at work because he swore up and down that we would have sex while I was working. Another thing I noticed is he drinks after his family gatherings.
Could you email me privately so I can discuss my other concerns?
Much appreciated
thank you
Comment by Jess [Living Well Staff]
Jess [Living Well Staff] June 10, 2016 at 10:44 am
Hi Anonymous,
I’m hearing you’re concerned about your boyfriend and want to be able to support him, but you’re not sure how, as there are some quite confusing circumstances that you’re not sure how to interpret.
I understand you would like some email support – unfortunately we can only offer that to people who live in Australia.
What I will suggest is that it is rarely helpful to attempt to ‘interpret’ someone’s behaviour. It is far too easy to jump to conclusions that are way off, which can do far more damage than the good you might do if you were able to get it right. Of course, it is possible Andy has been abused, but it is by no means possible to guess whether or not this is the case.
All you can do is work with what he is willing and able to share with you. Make your observations to him and let him be the one to offer information about them.
“I was really confused when you were afraid we would have sex at work. Can you help me understand what was going on for you then?”
“I’ve noticed you drink more after you see your family. Is it hard for you to be around them?”
You can only support him with the stuff he is ready and willing to share with you. Trying anything more would only be stressful and painful for the both of you.
Best of luck Anon. Perhaps consider finding a local counsellor to discuss your concerns if they continue to stress you out. Make taking care of yourself a high priority.
Comment by Piyush
Piyush August 19, 2014 at 4:45 am
I am from India. In my state mostly marriage are arranged (parents choose a bride/groom for their son/daughter).
Should I tell the girl (I have never met before) about my child sexual abuse?
I want to let her know but I am a little-bit afraid if she tell anyone else.
Comment by Jess [Living Well Staff]
Jess [Living Well Staff] August 22, 2014 at 9:31 am
Hi Piyush,
Firstly thank you for reaching out for some support with this. I know it isn’t an easy thing to put yourself out there like that.
I see that you are considering letting your possible future partner know about your experiences, and it might be that you choose to do this. However sometimes with information like this it is important to choose the right time and be clear about what the purpose is in telling her at this time. I would advise that you first think about why you feel it is important to tell her about it now? What are you hoping might happen by telling her about it?
Is this something that impacts on you in your life, and so you want her to be able to understand this? Or is it more that you want to be open and transparent in your relationship from the very start?
It might be important to take some time first to get to know this woman: What her interests are, what is important to her, what are her hopes and aspirations for her life? It might be that in developing a relationship with her over the coming months that your history of sexual abuse is something you will share with her at the right time and place as you develop your relationship. At that point you might be better able to predict her reaction to it – particularly if you are concerned about her telling other people. At this point it is impossible to know.
Comment by Natasha
Natasha August 21, 2014 at 8:27 am
Over a year ago I told my co-worker I had feelings for him and he said he thought about me as well but nothing could happen between us. I didn’t understand why and after a few weeks of getting really close with him and becoming good friends he confided to me he was sexually abused when he was 6 by his older cousin. It went on for years and he didn’t tell anyone about it. He’s 23 now and still a virgin, had very little sexual contact or intimacy with a girl. He told me his last relationship was about about three years ago and had ended because his girlfriend tried to kiss him. He said he freaked out on her and basically cut her out of his life. He had told me he can’t be with anyone at least not right now because he’s damaged goods and doesn’t want to bring anyone into his life. Over the past year we became good friends, really close to the point where it felt like a relationship but it was a cycle of getting really close to each other and then us not talking mostly because of my own feelings for him. I couldn’t separate my own feelings from our friendship. He also said and did things to show that he cared about me more than a friend which didn’t help me to move on but whenever I would mention it to him we would fight and stop talking. Then days or weeks later we would start talking and get close again. During the last months he said he doesn’t have feelings for me that way anymore and that I should move on. But again his actions showed differently to the point where even his close friends started accusing him of leading me on. We never crossed the physical boundaries but about 3 weeks ago we were at a party where he was severely drunk and crossed those physical boundaries. He approached me and was very sexual. I never seen him act like this before and even I knew it was out of his character. When I mentioned it to him days later he said he couldn’t remember anything. I showed him what he did and he apologized profusely saying he was drunk and maybe did it to me because there was history there. This emotional tug of war got the best of me and I messaged him saying really nasty things that I never said to him before. I was intoxicated and angry and hurt and confused at the time and just lashed out at him. I’ve been trying to apologize to him eversince that day because I knew what I did was wrong and shouldn’t have reacted to him that war. He never responded to anything I said and completely ignores me at work now. When i tried talking to him at work he would yell at me and tell me to go away that he wants nothing to do with me. I’ve stopped trying to apologize and just let him be now. What I want to know is that he won’t even talk to me and just cut me out of his life and I don’t know if it’s because of the message or a build up of the emotional rollercoaster that we been through or if his past has anything to do with him not wanting me in his life even as a friend. Are you able to shed some light on this?
Comment by Jess [Living Well Staff]
Jess [Living Well Staff] August 22, 2014 at 9:16 am
Hi Natasha,
This sounds like a really tough situation for both you and your co-worker. Building a friendship or relationship can be difficult to negotiate at the best of times, but even more so when it involves a dual relationship as it does here, where you are personally close but also need to work together as colleagues.
It can be even more difficult for people who have been sexually abused or have struggled in the past with relationships, where they are left with feeling not good enough or ‘damaged’ in some ways. Of particular relevance here is the difficulty with trust that people who have been sexually abused can experience, both trusting themselves and trusting others, and how this can be played out in relationships by seeking closeness and then pushing people away. This can indeed be a bit of an emotional roller-coaster and really confusing for everyone involved. It seems that you’ve tried to be understanding and respectful of boundaries, but have been pushed to your own ability to handle a really complicated situation. However it sounds as though by acknowledging where things went wrong and apologising to him you have let him know that you are open to talking and being his friend in the future, and rebuilding that trust. As such it will probably take some time for both him and you to sort out your feelings and decide where to from here.
Best of luck Natasha. Let us know if we can offer any further support.
Comment by Charlie
Charlie August 31, 2014 at 10:05 pm
Hi there. Great article, thank you.
My partner has recently revealed to me that he had slept with another woman during the duration of our (short) relationship. We immediately began counseling, and throughout the process it is unearthing that the woman was very manipulative, abusive, and in the end took advantage of him whilst he was under heavy medication and was in no way able to push her off. Furthermore, it appears that she was emotionally, verbally and sexually abusing him for the entire time, and he did not want to participate in sex but she would threaten him if he didn’t comply.
I have evidence that this was in fact the case, but of course am dealing with my own sense of betrayal. He is too terrified to take any action with authorities, but is clearly experiencing trauma. I want to help him, and in some ways can empathize with what he is going through as I was sexually abused and blackmailed when I was a teen. However, I am finding resources for Adult Male Assault/Abuse almost impossible to find – most are designed for men who were abused as children. Do you have any recommendations of resources for us to try?
Thank you.
Comment by Heather [Living Well Staff]
Heather [Living Well Staff] September 8, 2014 at 3:54 pm
Hi Charlie,
The experience that you describe for you and your husband is one I know from experiences with other clients. This can be a very difficult and distressing situation. Despite the distress for you both, it does sound like you are communicating and are trying to work this through together- or at least to understand.
It would be best if we could talk this matter through – rather than offering resources, I am thinking what you both need is support. We at Living Well can provide the necessary information and support you might need. In order for us to best assist we would need to know where you live. There might be a very suitable service nearby that can assist you.
We will be in touch via email. All the best.
Comment by qtpikimb
qtpikimb September 5, 2014 at 4:01 am
I have a son from a previous marriage. I am now married to a man who was molested as a child. I know the details and we have talked about it. My son loves him and i believe he loves my son very much. I have never noticed any innapropriate behavior. But as my childs mother should i be worried? Am i just paranoid and should trust my spouse loves us? I do suffer from major depression and he has been faithfully by my side. Idk if im just fearful or if im doing the right thing?
Comment by Jess [Living Well Staff]
Jess [Living Well Staff] September 5, 2014 at 2:37 pm
Hi Kimberly
Thank you for contacting Living Well. I read that you are concerned for the well-being of your son and husband. I also read that your son loves your husband, your husband loves your son and that you have ‘never noticed any inappropriate behaviour.’ I just want to let you know that there is no evidence to suggest that men who have been sexually abused will automatically go on to commit sexual offences (check out our page on addressing the victim to offender cycle). Research evidence actually suggests that over 95% will not. What we do know is that men who have been sexually abused as children are concerned for the well-being of children, and if anything can be overly protective (they don’t want what happened to them to happen to another child). As a parent, I am sure you will want to keep talking and building the relationship with your son, so that if there is anything worrying him at home, at school or in the neighbourhood he can come and talk with you about it. This is the best thing you can do. Thank you for the question. I wish you, your son and husband well.
Comment by Shayne H
Shayne H May 10, 2015 at 7:57 pm
I would like to add to this a bit. I am someone who was sexually abused as a child, by numerous people. Jess is correct with how people who were abused tend to be protective when it comes to children. I have a son and I have made sure he has not had any situation like I had. Do not be surprised Kim if your Husband becomes a bit over protective. Because when the child is hurt, sexually or otherwise, it reminds the man of the trauma he went through. In part he ends up reliving what happened and feels powerless. So he will make sure it will not happen again.
Comment by Elizabeth
Elizabeth September 7, 2014 at 4:35 pm
My husband came clean to me about the sexual abuse that happened to him as a child when I found out he was on websites looking at other men. He said he has been w a man before but is not “gay” he said he had an encounter w a man while we were engaged. This was a yr ago, just recently I found out he’s been on chat sites talking to men again and frequently watches gay porn but will hardly ever have sex with me and I have a pretty high sex drive so it’s not me pushing him away. So after the last chat site I told him I was leaving and he beggede to stay, is going to counseling and taking pills for depression. Just tonight I saw that he is
Looking at gay porn again…I really don’t know what to do! I feel like I can not talk to anyone I know about this because it is very personal to him and humiliating to me. A part of me feels like I should stay and see if the therapy does anything, another part is just so hurt and depressed I feel like I need to go for my own good. For my sanity. What hurts is that he’s looking on these porn sites at men probably getting off but
Not even touching me. It makes me feel worthless. I really don’t know what to do from here. We are both in our mid 20s and have only been married
For two years but I feel like all he’s done is lie to me these past two yrs. I also feel like it’s not his fault, because he was molested so
I should stay and try. Idk, any advice from anyone? He truly is a good person deep down anyone can see that.
Comment by Jess [Living Well Staff]
Jess [Living Well Staff] September 9, 2014 at 3:25 pm
Hi Elizabeth,
Thanks for contacting Living Well. I hear that you want to be supportive and understanding of your partner and to try and make the relationship work. It is good that he is now obtaining assistance from a counsellor and looking to better manage depression. One of the difficulties that face partners of men who have been sexually abused is that they feel they can’t discuss what is going on with their usual support network of friends or family. I would definitely recommend that you find an experienced counsellor who you feel comfortable talking with. You deserve support yourself.
All relationships can face difficulties that can take some working out, whether a person has been sexually abused or not. What is important is that each partner takes responsibility for themselves and there is a shared understanding and commitment to making this a supportive, caring, respectful relationship that works for both of you. Secrecy about things that are shameful can be a legacy of sexual abuse, but this is not helpful for a mutually supportive relationship. It sounds as if you have been clear that his accessing gay porn and chat rooms and ignoring you is something that pushes you apart. The fact that he is accessing gay porn can add another layer of confusion and complexity. In order to work this out and not become side tracked (the gay issue can be side tracking), it might useful to invite him to consider what he is doing in terms of commitment to the relationship and to you. It will be important to be clear to him that if he chooses to access gay porn and lie to you, he is not showing love and respect to you and your relationship. He is an adult who has choices about how he behaves and where he puts his energy. He can choose to spend time with you doing things that you enjoy together, to nurture and build a more intimate, caring, sexy relationship. Relationships do take commitment and can be rebuilt.
In working this out, I would encourage you to take care of yourself. An experienced counsellor will help you to talk through options in a way that is respectful of both you and your partner.
Comment by michele
michele October 1, 2015 at 9:46 am
hey! I’m newly married and I’m going through exactly what you wrote here. I know you posted about a year ago, and i don’t know if you will see this but i would love to talk, via email or anything..
Note from Admin: Apologies but your email address was removed from this post to protect your privacy. Please contact Living Well with written consent if you would like to share contact details with other visitors of this site.
Comment by Rachel
Rachel May 7, 2015 at 10:50 am
Elizabeth this is my first time on here and i saw your post and i have been going through the same thing now 11 years. Wish there was a way we could talk without everyone else seeing it.
Comment by Cheyanne
Cheyanne October 16, 2015 at 9:13 pm
Hello I am also going through a very similar situation. I have no one to talk to about it and would greatly appreciate it if anyone going through the same thing would reach out to me. I’m losing all perspective here and it would be great to have a friend that understands.
Comment by Marie
Marie September 11, 2014 at 12:48 pm
I have been married to my husband for 5 years. Early in our marriage he had a bit too much to drink and he mentioned that he was sexually abused as a child by a man. He refuses to talk about it and just gets angry when I mention anything close to the subject.
The first 4 years of our marriage, I would catch my husband visiting porn sites on the internet. I expressed to him that I did not like him doing that and to my knowledge, he tried to stay away from it. But recently his behavior has escalated from porn to contacting women on dating sites looking for one night stands to confronting a woman and giving his number to her as they text back and forth. I would approach him, and he would deny it until I would show him the evidence. He would delete his account or stop texting women but then once I turn my back, he is searching for escorts in town and when he is out of town. Again he would deny it and then make me feel like it was my fault for bringing it up again. He says that he doesn’t know why he has these urges and that he is stupid and weak. I want to help him and save our marriage so I have had us seeing a marriage counselor. But I don’t know how much more I can do if he refuses to tell the counselor that he has been a survivor of sexual abuse as a child.
What more can I do? How can I approach my husband in a loving manner? I don’t know how to since he gets angry any time I bring it up.
Comment by Jess [Living Well Staff]
Jess [Living Well Staff] September 12, 2014 at 12:10 pm
Hi Marie, Thanks for contacting Living Well.
It is good to hear that you are seeing a counsellor about the relationship difficulties you are experiencing, including your partner using porn and dating sites. As you are probably aware, sexual abuse can have a profound impact on people’s lives. I also want to make sure you’re aware that many men who have been sexually abused are very reluctant to speak about it, even if they are struggling to cope or engaging in unhelpful behaviours. This is for many reasons, some of which you can read about on our Men and disclosure pages.
Although there may be a connection between his experience of abuse and his accessing porn and dating sites, it appears he is just not willing to talk about the abuse at present. It seems however that he is identifying that he has urges that he is struggling to cope with. It would be useful for him to talk with a counsellor, if he is willing, about the habit of accessing porn sites and how he might stop this.
It would certainly be useful for him to understand that this behaviour of his is impacting negatively on your relationship and your wish to be close to him.
Just because someone identifies an urge, does not mean they have to act on it. Although it might take some work, people can learn to control their behaviour (whether they have been abused or not), and to work with a partner to rebuild trust and improve the relationship. It sounds as if you really do care for your husband and your relationship. Working to improve your relationship need not necessarily be about the abuse. I would suggest that you continue to be clear with him that you care for him, whilst at the same time being clear that you do not accept his use of dating sites and talking with other women as part of a loving relationship.
Good luck Marie and I hope this assists.
Comment by Anna
Anna September 11, 2014 at 3:37 pm
My boyfriend recently told me that he was sexually abused at the age of 9 by a Mexican man that was drunk and punched him in the face. My boyfriend started drinking at the age of 9. He told me he was exposed to his Dad’s porn at the age of 5. His dad was a womanizer and drunk. Every time I wanted to get close to my boyfriend…he’d tell me he was in love with an ex-girlfriend. He did cheat on me, texted various women, has never added me to his Facebook, but has added those women. He was in the military briefly and was released due to an accident, but he never served during war time (never saw combat). He told me that he sees me as “family” and that he loves me, “but not in the way that you want me to love you” and isn’t intimate with me at all. -We had sex in the past, but since reuniting after breaking up for 2 years…he has not asked for sex or anything. -He’s never had a desire to kiss me. Tonight he drank too much and became violent and escalated when I asked him to leave my home and told me to call the cops. He escalated further and choked me and hit me hard in the face and is in jail. I doubt he’ll remember much when he sobers up tomorrow. If he does sober up, I doubt he’ll remember how hard he choked and hit me to leave marks and bruises. -He thought I was exaggerating when I was crying and asking him to stop and told me that I was “weak”. I do truly love him. But he consistently gave me mixed signals then would get mad if I wanted to break up. -When he’d say he’s not my man…he’d become insecure and jealous and want to look at my phone, emails, Facebook and hacked into them. He said he was “in it for the long haul” and wanted to “merge our lives together” yet would say he’s not my boyfriend and had no interest in being more than a friend to me…but told the police that he has been my boyfriend for 8 years and included the 2 years we were broken up, because I kicked him out when I saw he was texting his ex-girlfriend in another state (he went to that state to be with her and she rejected him and he immediately called and begged me to take him back…I didn’t and let him stay there until recently when he called and told me his Dad was dying of lung cancer and that he needed me and wanted to come back to be with me and see his Dad). He’s in jail now. I have no idea what to do. I do love him. But he refuses to go to Counselor or get help and denies that he has been sexually abused and doesn’t remember telling me he was abused when he was drunk. I want to visit him at jail, but was told due to him choking me that he is restrained from me and cannot even call me. I have no idea what to do other than continue to pray for him. Thanks.
Comment by Jess [Living Well Staff]
Jess [Living Well Staff] September 12, 2014 at 12:28 pm
Hi there Anna,
It seems as though you are in a really difficult place right now. I understand your concern and wish to support your boyfriend as a survivor of child sexual abuse. He has a really painful history behind him and, as you clearly care for him so much, you want to be there for him and be close to him. I’m hearing that the mixed signals you’ve been getting from him are making this even more confusing and painful for you and you’re at a loss as to what to do now.
Anna I’m hearing that you’ve so much care and concern for your partner, however I need to be clear that his behaviour is not okay. What you described above is intimate partner violence, or domestic violence.
If he is serious about sorting himself out, it is important that he gets serious about addressing the violent behaviour, whether he remembers it or not. The fact that he had been drinking at the time does not excuse the violence or make it any less worrying. If he wants to build loving, caring relationship in the future, now is the time for him to stand up and be counted on to take responsibility for what he has done, and to address that behaviour so that it never happens again.
Supporting someone to take responsibility for themselves does not mean accepting or excusing the violence. Be aware that men who have been violent in relationships will often minimise, deny and blame. It is more than possible that he will minimise the extent of the danger or harm to you, deny his responsibility for it (for example by saying, “I was drunk”) or blame you for saying something or doing something (“you provoked me,” or “you should know better”).
To demonstrate his commitment to building healthy, safe relationships, he can start by enrolling in a men’s non violence group (such as Living Without Violence). It is important that people around him encourage him to do so. This is about him practically committing to change for himself and those around him, for everyone’s safety and security.
Please take some time to look at:
Domestic Violence Resource Centre or 1800respect if you’re in Australia.
The Hotline if you’re in the USA.
Comment by mary
mary September 27, 2014 at 10:49 pm
I am looking for advice for a man living with dissociative identity disorder because of child sexual abuse. The memory is not clear to him, but he knows it happened and that it occurred at a very young age. I discovered this mental state and was the one to tell him what I had observed. I persevered through some horrible times with him; I care too much about him to ever turn my back….no matter how much it kills my own self. The alternate states of mind are his child self and his abusers. I have witnessed his abuse second hand; his memories are verbally reinacted during his sleep. It is as if I am there hearing a narration of the most devastating circumstances. It is hard for this to not run his life, though he tries so hard to live a happy life. He is seeing a counsellor but I just wanted to hear some sort of supportive words online I suppose.
what can I do? I feel like we are both being traumatised, there is not a day that goes by that I don’t cry…but I know I would cry more if I were to turn my back :(
Comment by Cate [Living Well Staff]
Cate [Living Well Staff] October 2, 2014 at 5:17 pm
Hello Mary,
Thank you for your comment and our apologies for not responding earlier. As a counsellor of men who were sexually abused as either children, young adolescents or as adult men, I appreciate how difficult things can be for both you and for your partner. I’m sure being troubled by things that are heard during his sleep is frightening, and as you say might feel like you “are both being traumatised”. In some ways this is in fact quite true. As counsellors we might describe this as a secondary traumatisation, and it can create the same or similar feelings of helplessness. It can be as disturbing to the individual as the original experiences might have been to the person who was abused. This is especially so for those who are in a close relationship and want so much to be able to help.
Mary there are a few things that might be useful for you to consider here. The first is that it is important to not feel that you have to “fix” him, or that it is your responsibility to do so. You mentioned not “turning your back on him,” and I am not suggesting that you do. However, the reverse of taking full responsibility for identifying the problem, and then trying to deal with the pain that he appears to have experienced, is just not helpful either. It tends to keep him in a position of powerlessness in relation to managing the impacts of his experiences, and may indeed add an extra pain in his awareness of burdening you also. And it may also make you feel that it is all up to you to make it go away somehow, which of course you can’t do!
Secondly what might be more helpful for you both is to take a step back together to decide what would be useful for you to do when these dreams occur. Should you wake him gently and try to talk him through some grounding exercises? Perhaps share a glass of water; put on a soft light or some soothing music and draw his attention to it while you allow it to calm you also? During your waking hours discuss and experiment with the strategies that work best for you both. Empowering him with the solutions and putting yourself as assisting him rather than rescuing him will help both of you to feel more able to deal with it all.
I understand that you might be hearing some of the hurt that he may have experienced as a child through his dreaming, but it is important that you engage with him as an adult partner in the present, rather than engage with him as a child or engage with the voice or actions of the abuser from the past.
The third thing here Mary is that it is so important that you take good care of yourself. By practicing self-care and engaging in positive life affirming activities and energy, you will be modelling self-care for him also. This can be a challenge for persons whose boundaries have been compromised by others during their early lives, so showing him how much you can enjoy your life and encouraging (not insisting) him to do the same can be of great benefit. The result is often less nightmares and anxiety, and a greater sense of control generally.
I hope that the above is helpful for you and wish you and your partner all the best
Comment by Jean
Jean October 2, 2014 at 7:36 am
My husband and I married at 18 and 19 we’ve been married for 40 years. For about 30 of those years he wouldn’t sleep in our bedroom and we rarely had sex. We’ve never had a great sex life. He’s just not interested.
I have been in counseling for years because of frustration in our marriage and finally got him to agree to go last year. It didn’t last long he said that he didn’t have anything to talk to the therapist about – and stopped going.
Recently his distance and lack of intimacy caused me to tell him it was over – that after 40 years I was moving out. I have tried everything I knew how and at almost 60 I couldn’t do it anymore – I needed intimacy.
I asked him again if he had had an adult sexually approach him when he was a child (I had reasons to suspect this might have happened to him) He then admitted to me that a male teacher had tried to kiss him. He said it wasn’t an issue because he stopped him and nothing happened. But this teacher drove 500 miles to come to our wedding and also visited us once after we married. We also used to party with him before we were married.
All the time we’ve been married – and his time in therapy – this never came up! He said its because it was no big deal. But I can’t help believing that this has something to do with his inability to be intimate. I feel sad for all the frustrated years I have tried to make our marriage better. he’s been holding back.
Comment by Cate [Living Well Staff]
Cate [Living Well Staff] October 2, 2014 at 5:23 pm
Hello Jean,
Thank you for contacting the Living Well service. I am a counsellor who assists men who have experienced childhood sexual abuse and or adult sexual assault, and we also support partners and others as an acknowledgement of how important those relationships are. Childhood abuse can be very hard to talk about, and it is not unusual for men to want to keep it to themselves for many years, and even sometimes for a lifetime. Childhood sexual abuse impacts on people differently, and some do manage to live “normal” lives and to have happy and satisfying relationships. However as you are aware some don’t, and issues such as intimacy, whether this is sexual or emotional intimacy, can be real problems within otherwise stable relationships.
He appears to be saying that he didn’t experience a traumatic event, which you may think is his attempt to minimise something more “serious” than a kiss from a male teacher. Only he knows what occurred and how it has impacted on him, and it might distance him from you further to insist on the “whole story.” It may be that he truly can’t remember because his undeveloped brain as a child had not recorded the event fully. Perhaps, as he says, it has not impacted greatly on him. Perhaps he really doesn’t want to talk about it, which after all is his right not to.
Jean it sounds like you have identified that your needs are not being met within the relationship at this point in your life, and perhaps in recent times also. Making the decision to end a long term commitment is never easy, and it is natural to want to find reasons for things not working, and perhaps someone or something to blame it all on. Some knowledge of potentially traumatising events such as an experience of childhood sexual abuse in your partner’s life can appear to be the reason why sex and intimacy has been less important to him, and of course this may in fact be the case. But the fact is he is not identifying this to be true for him (of course this may equally not be the case).
Unless he sees a relationship between these issues, counselling is unlikely to be helpful for him, and ultimately not for you either in solving this particular problem.
Jean I would encourage you to practice some self-care and, whether you leave the relationship or not, to give him the opportunity should he wish to talk to you about it, but it is not something that you can force. He may not be “holding out” on you, but may truly not recall much about it. In either case your needs are important too.
All the best for your future,
Comment by Mira
Mira October 3, 2014 at 1:52 am
I’ve been seeing a man for 3 months now. We’re both in our 50’s. He was married for 20 years, has 2 children and his wife passed away about 3 years ago. I am divorced with a pre-teenage son.
He confessed to me last night that at the age of 12, he was forced into a sexual humiliation abuse with a group of older boys. They made him promise not to say anything, and he didn’t, but they told everyone in the neighborhood, which created a constant source of degrading comments, nicknames and teasing for him for almost a year. His Father died when he was 16 and that began a 6 year journey of alcohol, drugs, bars, (where he would give and receive oral from other men) and whatever decadent behavior he could find.
He told me he’s not gay, not attracted to men, hasn’t engaged in any homosexual behavior, since he was 21-22 and has no interest.
I don’t know what to do. I’m going to speak with a counselor about it next week. I have very strong feelings for this man and I know those feelings are reciprocated, but I’m worried. I’m worried about him spending time with my son. I’m worried that sexual dysfunction (which happens infrequently with him, but he is in his 50’s…) will make me wonder if he’s attracted to me at all or is in denial about his feelings toward men. Will I every trust that he’s telling me the whole truth? I feel like I’m in a nightmare and I realize it can’t compare to what he went/goes through about it, but it’s effecting me deeply.
I just don’t know how I feel about it or if I can handle this. I’m very willing to listen to whatever he needs/wants to tell me, I just have no idea what it will do to me psychologically.
Comment by Jess [Living Well Staff]
Jess [Living Well Staff] October 3, 2014 at 11:39 am
Hi Mira,
Thanks for sharing your experiences with us. I’m hearing that your partner has just shared with you his childhood experience of sexual assault and that this has been a really difficult revelation for you. You care for your partner deeply but have concerns that you’re not sure you can handle. I think it will definitely be useful for you to talk with someone who is experienced to help think this through in your mind, so I’m pleased to hear you’ll be broaching it with your counsellor.
Mira I just want to acknowledge the level of trust in you that your partner has shown in sharing this. Childhood abuse can be very hard to talk about, particularly for men. It is not unusual for men to feel the need to keep it to themselves for many, many years, and even sometimes for a lifetime. Please take a look at Men and disclosure: How you can help for some more information about the barriers men face, and how loved ones can support them through disclosure. I guess I’m highlighting this with you because I really don’t think that the fact he hasn’t told you about this before means you have reason to mistrust him now. In fact, your partner is unlikely to have opened up if he did not believe this was an important relationship and wished to be honest and open with you. I’d say his decision to tell you has been building up for quite a while.
You mentioned some concern regarding the safety of your son. Please know that it is actually a myth (and a very unhelpful one) that men who have been abused will automatically go on to commit abuse. In fact, often men will work to be even more protective and supportive of children. Please take a look at our information Addressing the victim to offender cycle, which details a lot of research in this area.
In terms of his sexuality, whether or not your partner is gay seems to be something he has worked through. He was introduced to same-sex sexual contact through an abusive experience in which he had no choice, which can be a really confusing experience for a young boy. However now, as a mature adult in his fifties, he is making clear choices.
The value of good communication in intimate relationships cannot be overstated. I would encourage you both to notice the things that bring you together; the things that you enjoy together and which make this a healthy, pleasurable relationship. I also really want to stress that you take good care of yourself through this, because these experiences can be so hard on partners. If you haven’t seen it yet, please take a look at the steps to take care of yourself on the Information for partners page.
Please let us know Mira if there is any other way we can support you or your partner.
Comment by maggie
maggie October 13, 2014 at 6:48 pm
My boyfriend of 6 years left me 6 months ago.He came back a few times after he left. He told me he was molested as a young boy between the ages of 12 and 14.He stopped talking to me not long after gw told me his story.. His mom told me that she rarely sees him. I asked him to get meds and therapy. But last I knew he had not done this.He is boxing himself in at his sisters vacation home. I can’t force him to get help.He claims he had therapy as a young teen. This did not help him.any advice? I am waiting for him to get better and come back to our home..
Comment by Jess [Living Well Staff]
Jess [Living Well Staff] November 10, 2014 at 11:43 am
Hi Maggie,
Thanks for contacting Living Well. You describe a difficult situation. I hear that you care and are concerned for your boyfriend of 6 years and want him to get the best possible help he can. I hear he is isolated or isolating himself and it is difficult to know what is going on for him at the present. I would continue to encourage him to access support/counselling, and/or to talk with his GP. I would be clear that there is a difference between counselling as a teen and accessing counselling as an adult, when you have more resources and there are more opportunities for support. I would encourage you to make sure he has some up to date useful information and support that is relevant for where he is at now (this website is a good starting place regarding sexual abuse matters, but that may not be the main thing for him right now). If possible, it is good to continue to reach out and engage with as you would any friend. It is useful for his sister, mother and yourself to invite him to get out and about, to do things that he enjoys or used to enjoy, to help him to connect in with people. We are happy to send our booklet or to help access additional support for you or him, if you believe this might be useful. It can be helpful to let someone know that you are there for them if they want to talk or can connect them in.
I hope this assists.
Comment by Jessica
Jessica October 15, 2014 at 8:53 am
I’v been married to my husband for 4 years now. I found out after we had been dating for 3 months that he was talking to girls on Craigslist. I then found out after we were married and had a daughter that he was masturbating and talking to guys on Craigslist. At that point he confessed that he used to receive oral from men prior to being with me but that he wasn’t gay. He swore he only did it for money. We went to counseling and that didn’t last long. Now we have a son and a daughter and I found out 3 months ago that he has been cheating on me all along by receiving oral from men he would find on Craigslist. So many lies throughout our entire relationship. He has started going to sex and love addicts meetings and we go to therapy once a week. Last night during our therapy session I brought up the fact that he doesn’t allow me to be intimate with him sexually or emotionally. Specifically sexually, he does not like me to touch him or kiss his neck and or any other sensually arousing stuff. Our counselors mentioned that sometimes that is symptom of sexual abuse as a child. His mother introduced him to hardcore porn at the age of 6 saying “I won’t let my boy be uneducated”. Aside from this he swears nobody ever touched him or molested him in any way. But there is this part of me that just feels like he’s not telling me the whole story. Maybe he doesnt even remember or want to remember the whole story. His drug addict Mom had several boyfriends come in and out of her life while he was young. One in particular he especially hates. He says its because the guy used to hit his mom but sometimes I wonder if maybe this guy sexually abused my husband. I guess what my questions are, are: 1) Can you be sexually abused and truly not remember it? 2) Can your mother introducing you to porn at an early age be just as harmful as molestation? 3) Should I be concerned about letting his mother be alone with our children?
Comment by Gary [Living Well Staff]
Gary [Living Well Staff] November 10, 2014 at 11:40 am
Hi Jessica
Thank you for contacting Living Well. I will try and answer your post and questions the best I can. I am pleased that you are seeing a counsellor/therapist, as it sounds as if there is lot you are trying to understand and deal with. I see you mention concerns regarding his behaviour prior to marrying and soon after, questions concerning sexuality and appropriate sexual behaviour, infidelity and betrayal of trust, him distancing himself and not wanting to be intimate with you, plus concern about his mother exposing him to porn and witnessing violence.
In trying to work this out I would note and make a distinction between behaviour that occurred as a child, behaviour that occurred as an adult and behaviour that is occurring now. In marking these different time frames, I am aware that although there may be connections and some behaviours are concerning and distressing, we cannot change what has happened as a child, we cannot change what happened in the relationship up until now, hwoever your husband can change and work to improve his life in the present. Whatever has happened or not, there are opportunities to commit and work individually and if he is interested together, to build an honest, caring, loving life and relationship.
I would note that when the infidelity involves another man, the question of sexuality, of whether your partner is straight, gay or bisexual, can be quite confusing. If you can it is useful to put this question to one side and focus on what is important in your relationship, for him to recognise that being unfaithful is pushing you apart – for him to accept responsibility for his choices.
In relation to your questions.
1) Can you be sexually abused and truly not remember it?
Yes, some people can supress, bury or completely blank out sexual abuse and traumatic memories. For some people there are fragmented, partial memories and some have very strong, clear, overwhelming memories of abuse. It is difficult for people to speak about sexual abuse, even when they have clear memories, as it involves secrecy and deep feelings of shame.
2) Can your mother introducing you to porn at an early age be just as harmful as molestation?
Exposing a child to pornographic material is recognised as a form of sexual abuse. It can leave lasting memories and influence people’s sexual desire and arousal. One of the difficulties with addressing problem porn behaviour is that it involves secrecy and feelings of guilt and shame. However, it is also possible for your partner to address this behaviour, for your partner as an adult to choose to put his energy into building a caring, intimate sexual relationship with you. Please take a look at our page on intimacy.
3) Should I be concerned about letting his mother be alone with our children?
If you are concerned that she is going to expose them to pornography, yes. It will be important to have a conversation with your husband and maybe your mother in law, if you believe their safety may be compromised in some way.
Comment by Miranda
Miranda November 5, 2014 at 11:03 am
The man I love, my future husband, just shared with me the pain of his past. He was sexually abused as a child by someone he thought he could trust. He did’t say anything because he didn’t fully understand then nor for other reasons as well. For 28 years he has keep this to himself. Last night he told me. I saw the pain and suffering that it caused and stills causes him; like it keeps happening all over again. I love him with all my heart and I realize this is the time he needs me most. I do not know what my actions should look like though. Should I comfort him and love him or give him space? How do I encourage him and let him know we will make it through this? How do we make it through? My heart broke when he told me…I cannot see him hurt like that again.
Comment by Jess [Living Well Staff]
Jess [Living Well Staff] January 23, 2015 at 10:32 am
Hi Miranda,
Thanks so much for your patience while we got back to you.
I’m so sorry to hear that your husband went through this, and that it is causing you both such hurt. I commend you for doing some research and thinking about the best way you can respond and support him right now.
Hearing that someone close to you has been sexually abused is never easy – it can be shocking and painful. Even though he may only have recently told you about the abuse, it is likely that he had been questioning in his mind how he could tell you, and whether he should, for quite some time. There are a lot of barriers to men’s disclosure of sexual abuse, so sharing this information with you shows a lot of trust in you – and a belief that you can support each other through anything.
Please take a look at When a man discloses: How you can help.
The best things you can do for him are:
It seems you are based in the US. I invite you to check out, which will have further resources and supports for you both. Best of luck Miranda.
Comment by Alicia
Alicia November 8, 2014 at 2:25 am
I met my husband 6 years ago when we became good friends. When we first started dating he was open to me about being sexually abused. He has never told me details, but I don’t think I want to feel that pain and make him relive it anyway. He has extreme trust issues and it took him a couple years to fully trust me, and after that he became extremely attached to me. Along with being sexually abused, he was adopted from his birth mother when he was 18 months and at the age of 12 his adoptive parents couldn’t handle his angry behavioral issues (probably caused by the sexual abuse that they don’t know occurred) and abandoned him at his uncle’s house to live on a farm for 2 years. So I feel his trust issues come from multiple sources.
Recently we have been discussing having children within the next 5 years or so, and he doesn’t seem optimistic about it. When he first told me about being molested, I already knew the statistic that sexually abused men have a higher chance of sexually abusing others. My husband does not have cruel bone in his body. He is very emotional and sensitive. I do not see him being a danger to others. But that statistic has always been in the back of my mind. Then last night he opened up to me that his biggest fear is that he would sexually abuse our hypothetical children. He says he has never had the urge, but he’s scared that one day he could. So it reaffirmed my fear.
Should we plan on not having children? Could therapy help him? What can I do to help him?
Comment by Gary [Living Well Staff]
Gary [Living Well Staff] November 10, 2014 at 4:25 pm
Hi Alicia,
Thank you for contacting Living Well.
The idea of the cycle of abuse can be very distressing to men who have been sexually abused. Unfortunately it is often uncritically presented in the media as a fact. In reality the overwhelming majority (over 95% in the most recent Australian study) of men who have been sexually abused do not go on to abuse children. In fact because these men know how wrong and distressing sexual abuse can be they are very committed to protecting and caring for children. Sometimes we work with men who identify as being over protective and not wishing to let children out of their sight because they are concerned that they will be safe.
We have written a web page addressing this issue, see Addressing the victim to offender cycle.
In relation to what to do with reference to having children, it sounds as if in order to properly address your husband’s concerns, it would be useful for you and your husband to talk with a counsellor who has up to date knowledge and expertise in this area. Sometimes couples find it useful to see counsellors individually and sometimes they find it useful to speak with a counsellor together, there is no right way. As a partner, I would continue to seek out information and support for yourself and your partner.
It sounds as if you are a loving couple who care for each other, who are committed to creating a safe, caring, loving environment in which to bring up a child.
Wishing you and your husband all the best.
Comment by Cindy
Cindy November 16, 2014 at 2:00 am
I found out that my husband was abused when he was about 11yrs old by his older cousin. It was a one time thing that neither of them ever talked about. His cousin was drunk and during a sleep over he was awakened to find his cousin had taken off his pants and was pushing his legs up. He was penetrated anally. When his cousin finished he went to sleep and it was never discussed again. He does not want to talk about it and refuses counseling even though he is having erection problems that is affecting our sex life. I feel that he is having sex with me as a way to fulfill his desire and that it is lacking the intimacy I desire. I am in college to become a counselor but have not taken any classes that can help me with this. He says anger is the only emotion he feels about it and gets angrier the more he thinks about it. When I try to get him to talk about it, he says there is no need to talk about it. It is the past and he want to leave it there. Is there anyway that I can help him to work through this and can it help his sexual problems or is it better to leave it alone?
Comment by Jess [Living Well Staff]
Jess [Living Well Staff] November 28, 2014 at 8:47 am
Hi Cindy
Thank you for contacting Living Well. You mention the sexual abuse your partner experienced as a child and that there are a number of difficulties that you and your partner are confronted by in the present. It is good to hear that he is talking with you. It must have been really difficult for your partner, as an 11 year old, to have this done to him.. and then for the cousin to never mention or discuss it again. At the time this would have been profoundly confusing for your partner, but now, as an adult, it sounds as if he (and you) can make sense of it as sexual abuse.
It is not uncommon for men who have been sexually abused to disclose what has happened to a partner, and then choose not to speak about it again. He might not want to upset you with extra details, and it might be that for him enough has been said. This can leave a partner, such as yourself, confused and unsure what to do, as you mention.
Working out what current difficulties may or may not be related to the sexual abuse can be a challenge. Men who have been sexually abused often mention difficulties expressing emotions other than anger (take a look at our men and emotions page, for example). However, men who have not been sexually abused can also identify difficulties in expressing, feeling and discussing emotions. When men struggle with emotions such as joy, fun, love, affection, empathy, and care, it can make developing closeness and mutually satisfying sexual intimacy with a partner difficult to achieve. Especially as partners often typically want a man to be emotionally as well as physically present.
It might be worth putting aside some time to actively work on developing greater emotional literacy and to prioritise intimacy in your relationship – sex often works better in a context of generally increased intimacy.
In relation to erection difficulties, it can be worth talking to a doctor to have a physical check up, as there are quite a few different reasons a man can be experiencing erection difficulties that may be not related to a history of sexual abuse.
You mention training to be a counsellor. The thing is, it will be important that in being together your partner feels you are present as his loving wife who wants to have fun and enjoy life together, and that you are not being the ‘counsellor’ you.
Having said all of the above, I would encourage you to make sure you are properly supported and feel good about how you are interacting with your partner. Sometimes seeing a counsellor can help.
Good luck, Cindy.
Comment by Ann
Ann November 17, 2014 at 1:05 am
I have Been married for 3 years. I found out that my husband was sexually abused by his dad when he was a child. During our the coutmanship we had a healthy sexual life and the year we got married it started to decrease. this year it has been almost a year since we haven’t had sex and he always says he doesn’t want to talk about it. I try not to initiate it because I’m afraid he’ll reject me. Supposively he’s seeking therapy but he never wants to talk about it. I feel very excluded in this relationship. Besides that he makes me laugh, he is an ideal husband except the sexual intimacy part. I don’t know what to do?
Comment by Jess [Living Well Staff]
Jess [Living Well Staff] November 28, 2014 at 8:57 am
Hi Ann
Thanks for contacting Living Well.
Developing and maintaining a mutually satisfying sex life can take some negotiating for any couple relationship, whether one partner has been sexually abused or not. The difficulties you mention are not uncommon for some men who have been sexually abused (Check out our page on sexual intimacy for more information).
I note that an added difficulty you face at present is that your husband ‘doesn’t want to talk about it’. In responding to your query, I am aware there is no one way of working things out; it very much depends on each person and couple. You mention that in many ways he is an ideal husband. In seeking greater closeness and sexual intimacy I would encourage you to foreground the good qualities that you appreciate in the relationship. This helps to be clear that you are not complaining, but want to further deepen the closeness and intimacy of your relationship, to share and express your love for him.
Working things out as a couple might mean putting some time aside and doing something different, maybe getting away from the usual routine and life’s pressures. It is good to hear your husband is seeking support from a counsellor or therapist, even though he is keeping the content of these conversations private at present. I encourage you to consider accessing support for yourself from an experienced counsellor or therapist, to make sure you are properly supported in your efforts to build greater sexual intimacy in the relationship.
All the best.
Comment by Athalia
Athalia November 23, 2014 at 12:10 am
I found gay porn on my husbands cell phone last week, He was searching “straight guy gets jerked off” and watched videos. I confronted him about it. After a long fight he admitted to looking at it and it wasn’t for the last three months but started a few years ago. He says it has to do with him being sexually abused by a friend when he was young. I hugged him and cried along side with him and told him I understand, as I was abused too. He told me no I don’t understand, and didn’t want to get into it as no child should ever have to go through this. He is disgusted by it. Our son is now 4 years old and not sure if having a child together triggered the memory, as having my daughter, who is 9 now, triggered my memory. Looking at gay porn doesn’t bother me but it was him lying to me that got to me and I told him that. I also said everyone has the right to explore and express their sexuality and he told me he wasn’t raised that way. I wasn’t either but have learned life is to short to be afraid. So I told him all this. Anyways, we are good but I just don’t understand how sexual abuse as a child from a male would cause him to watch gay porn? Would this not trigger the memory or cause more harm to him as a person? Please help me understand. Thank you
Comment by Jess [Living Well Staff]
Jess [Living Well Staff] November 28, 2014 at 8:54 am
Hi Athalia,
Thanks for getting in touch.
It sounds as if you handled a difficult and confronting situation really well. It is difficult to know what might have influenced your husband to start watching this gay porn. It might be returning memories or flashbacks that could have been triggered by many things, like stress at work, reminders of the abuse, or having a child or a child close to him turning the age he was when first abused.
I think your approach of acknowledging that people explore and express their sexuality in diverse ways is important, as often men who have been abused are hyper critical of themselves, or expect judgement from others, closely followed by feelings of shame and disgust for themselves. This happens even if they are clear that the abuse was not their fault.
I am not sure what the circumstances of the sexual abuse of your husband was, I presume the friend who abused him was a male – 80% of boys are sexually abused by males. Men sexually abused by males often speak of being confronted by questions of sexuality, worried that others will think they are gay or they question their own sexuality and why they did not stop it.
For some men the flashbacks can be physically and emotionally charged (some people use the word arousing). As such, they can be drawn to look at gay porn as a way to try and understand what is happening, whether the flashbacks are related to the trauma of the abuse or questions of sexuality.
One of the difficulties with porn is that it can start to shape desire and stimulate what you find sexually arousing, as pop ups appear of more and more ‘exciting’ material. It can be addictive, a bit like gaming machines. I think it is telling that your husband searched ‘Straight guys get jerked off.’ In so doing he is clearly identifying as ‘straight.’
In some ways questions around sexuality are dead-end questions – they don’t go anywhere. It can be more useful to think in terms of where he chooses to put his emotional energy, love and affection.
It is good to hear that in talking about this, however difficult it has been, the subject has now been named and you have been able to confirm your love for him and a wish for a close, intimate relationship without secrets. I would encourage you to check in with an experienced counsellor or therapist if you think you will benefit from more help.
Take care, Athalia.
Comment by Athalia
Athalia December 3, 2014 at 1:27 am
Thank you for helping me understand. This has brought us more closer together and we both realized this immediately. Not judging and being understanding does help.
Comment by Rachel
Rachel November 27, 2014 at 5:08 am
My boyfriend and I met two years ago and have been off an on since. The first month of ever dating was perfect, but then he began to express a side of him that I had not expected to see such as twisting things in his head to make it seem as if I did something bad to him, or not admitting to his lies even if I had proof. Even when he cheated on me with multiple girls he refuses to delete them from his phone because he says I am trying to control his life. Now, every time he lies he gets extremely worked up and just responds by calling me rude names instead of owning up or giving reasoning. During the first month he told me his mom’s fiance had hung himself when he was in 7th grade but when i asked why he said “I have never told anyone and I never will.”
Last year his mother finally validated my assumptions and told me he was sexually abused by her fiance from 2-7th grade. He does not know that I know but we recently broke up and he began to get violent. His family told me that he went to counseling only for a few months but would not say a word. On top of that, he never took his medicine. His parents provide him with no guidance, I am only 18 but I have done more for him than anyone and he recognizes that but he still does things that he knows hurt me. I am not sure if I should give up or keep trying. I haven’t given up over the past two years but after seeing the violent side of him, I am afraid I need to let him go.
Should I tell him that I know he was sexually abused? Or how do I convince him he needs therapy without sounding offensive? And should I give up?
Comment by Jess [Living Well Staff]
Jess [Living Well Staff] December 5, 2014 at 10:40 am
Hi Rachel
Thank you for contacting Living Well.
What you have detailed is a really difficult situation. I hear you care for your ex-boyfriend, and want to do the best by him, but you aren’t sure how you can best help.
You mention that you would like him to see a therapist or counsellor. One of the difficulties is that if someone does not see that they have a problem, or if they don’t believe that a therapist can help, they are really unlikely to access support.
You also mentioned that he sometimes lies to you, and on occasion has been aggressive and violent towards you. In seeking to help him, it is important that you are clear that you will not tolerate him being manipulative, aggressive or violent. Whatever has happened to him, it is important to always prioritise safety and to remove yourself from a situation if you think he is becoming agitated or aggressive.
If you are very clear with him that you will not tolerate this aggressive behaviour, and signal to him that he needs to get help, this might be the encouragement he needs to see a counsellor.
You mention that you are unsure whether to mention that you know he was sexually abused. I think this is a tricky one, as it could be that he feels further let down by his mother for telling you, or angry at you for bringing it up. If he ever does express his distress to you, or his inability to cope for whatever reason, this might be an opportunity to indicate that you are aware that you know you can’t help with some things. This would be a good opportunity to encourage him to talk with someone you can help.
Even if you have limited contact with your boyfriend from now on, I would encourage you to make sure you have support around you, and to find a counsellor or someone who you can talk to. It is always good to prioritise your own well being and make sure you are properly supported. Everyone needs help at different times in our lives.
Comment by Amy
Amy December 7, 2014 at 1:49 pm
I had a 7 month affair ( I know…..shame on me) with a married man who has 2 male children. He was with his wife for almost 20 years, but she has just filed for divorce because he began a new relationship with another woman immediately after ending it with me, even though he claimed it was to go home and fix his marriage. He lied and manipulated me to no end…..I had no idea that although he and his wife were separated, he was still going home and having sex with her….often within hours of having sex with me.
He is in a position of power (security guard) and is very large and powerful. He seems to value this position greatly. In his shallow relationships, he comes across as very charming, loving, and caring, and for a very long time he was very caring and loving with me. He never, ever hurt me physically. But he had a lot of interest in sex toys, bondage, etc….things that did not interest me and he never pushed.
The new woman he is with enjoys being beaten and he has been bragging to his friends that he has choked her out to the point of unconsciousness and revived her multiple times. All of us (me, his wife, his friends) are all very confused about his behavior. He comes across as very calm, confident, and without any worries. One time we had a conversation about death and he told me it “just doesn’t affect him”. I asked, “but what if it was one of your kids?” His answer was chilling. He just didn’t show any affect.
Because he was so wonderful to me, I let it go and didn’t think anything of it. But now (and it’s a long, long story that I won’t get into) I wonder if he was sexually abused as a child. He seems to be a sexual addict and enjoys sexually deviant behavior. He always wanted me to have sex with him in his wife’s car (which I refused) and is now in this BDSM relationship and enjoys the rush of hurting this woman who for whatever her own sick reasons, enjoys it, too.
One time many months ago, he and I were watching a movie in which an adult male showed affection and admiration for a 13 year old girl. Nothing happened, there was no abused, etc, but he showed so much anger and emotion over the man liking this young girl. It was very strange to me and I couldn’t understand why it bothered him so much.
He vacillates between coming to my home and crying and telling me he is a monster and crying and then telling me not to contact him and to leave him alone. We think he is now doing hard drugs. I suppose I shouldn’t care about him anymore after all that he has done to me (which I know I didn’t describe) but I can’t help loving him and being concerned. He displays characteristics of a sociopath.
With this limited information, does this sound like a man who was sexually abused as a young person? I am afraid for him and for his children.
Comment by Jess [Living Well Staff]
Jess [Living Well Staff] January 16, 2015 at 11:41 am
Hi Amy,
Thanks so much for your patience with us over this busy season.
It sounds like you have been through a turbulent relationship; one that continues to have effects on you.
There is clearly a lot you are trying to deal with here. You’ve witnessed and experienced some pretty confusing behaviour from this man and are trying to make sense of it. While it seems there is a lot going on for him, there really is no way of knowing whether your partner has been sexually abused in the past from his current behaviour. There is no checklist of symptoms that will tell us for sure, as there are a great many reasons people engage in different forms of sexual behaviour, or become emotional watching certain movies. This is made more difficult by the fact that it is something that can be almost impossible for a man to talk about, whether it is something he has experienced directly or not.
The main thing is, given everything that has happened, where to from here? The main point I got from your comment was that, even though it is over between you now, you care for this man, are concerned for him and for those around him. You mentioned concerns regarding his behaviour, sexual aggression, attitude towards death, infidelity and betrayal of trust, and much more you haven’t gone into. The fact that he has come to you remorseful and upset indicates that he acknowledges he could do better. This means he could potentially benefit from some support (whether he has experienced abuse or not), but of course he is the one who needs to make that decision.
I am unsure if this man is still in your life. If he is, and you are seeking to help him, it is important that you prioritise your own safety and well-being. Be clear on what behaviours you will and will not tolerate, such as manipulation, deceit, etc. As it is clear how much these concerns are getting to you, consider engaging in some self care, talking things through with someone you trust (or even a counsellor), and setting some goals for how to move forward.
Best of luck, Amy.
Comment by Kathie
Kathie December 16, 2014 at 7:39 am
My husband and i have been married for 3 years now, but when started dating 7 years ago, he told me he was molested by his uncle when he was a child.
Right now, im 29 weeks pregnant, and have noticed that my husbands libido has gone down, and in the mist of all the insecurities of pregnancy, etc, i asked him, and he confirmed that his libido was low, and that he had something else to share with me. He told me he has been struggling with porn since he was a child/ teenager, right after his abuse. He also told his uncle abused him more than one, and that his uncles and cousins used to bring women to the house and have sex in front of him. He told me he was sorry he had to tell me all this because he was afraid i was going to take it as if i was the problem, and he said he wished he would have told me about the porn early enough in our relationship.
I never saw a clue of porn in his celphone, tablet or computer, but since i trusted him so much, i wasnt looking for it either.
Now, most of all, i know the porn addiction is coming from his past abuse, but im left with doubts and insecurities given that he doesnt want to tell me the details of the abuse or how frequent he watches the porn. I feel cheated and betrayed.
Now, we are having a baby boy and i dont know what to do, i feel like the devil is trying to rob us from the joy we are supposed to be feeling about this.
I am also scared that he wont be able to show our baby boy the love he deserves as he has difficulties expressing love and trusting people. He doesnt have the best reslationship with his dad or with his mom either.
Please help, how can i deal with this? how can i help him? how can i help myself and be strong for us and our family?
Many thanks!
Comment by Jess [Living Well Staff]
Jess [Living Well Staff] January 16, 2015 at 1:24 pm
Hi Kathie,
Thanks for contacting Living Well in this difficult time. I’m hearing you’re going through a lot of uncertainty and pain right now.
You outlined how you’re pregnant and your husband is experiencing decreased desire for sex, and that he has been struggling with porn. This sounds like it really is hard on both of you; I’m guessing he has wanted to tell you about this for quite some time.
I’m also hearing that you are feeling quite uncertain, as he doesn’t want to go into the details of his abuse, or of his porn use, with you. As you’re probably aware, men who have been sexually abused are generally very reluctant to speak about it, even if they are clearly struggling to cope (or engaging in unhelpful behaviours). This is for many reasons, some of which you can read about on our Men and disclosure page. In terms of the porn use, it is important to keep in mind that although you are impacted by this behaviour, it is not all about you. Having said that, while it is not your job to “fix” it, neither must you simply accept it.
It is definitely worth encouraging him to access support that can help him develop more helpful ways of dealing with stress and trauma, and also perhaps that can give him some skills and confidence in opening up and communicating with those around him. This is something, given a history of childhood sexual abuse, that does take some time; however it would seem he has taken some significant steps towards this in sharing some of these details with you. I think that is something to be heartened by and proud of him for.
It is really important that you make sure that you are properly supported and informed about ways of looking after yourself and dealing with the impact of sexual abuse. Be sure to take some compassionate care of yourself, and engage in counselling for yourself if you feel you could be comfortable with that.
If you are both engaging in helpful strategies and seeking support, this could be an opportunity to open lines of communication about what you both appreciate, and want to work on, in your relationship together. This can enable you to talk and confirm there is a shared vision that you can both work towards (The page on Men and intimacy might be helpful here).
Again, thanks for sharing your experiences with us Kathie. We wish you all the best as you move forward.
Comment by Debbie
Debbie December 19, 2014 at 10:35 am
Thank you for being there. I am very concerned about my partner of 9.5 years. He has had two failed marriages before meeting me. I love him dearly but I struggle with his anger and the way he misreads my neutral or well meaning intentions and lashes out at me verbally.
I recently learned that he was groomed my someone who was later convicted of abusing a number of boys. He spent a lot of time with this man when he was a child and it sounds like he was a favourite. Of course he denied anything happening when he was asked about it in a crowded room. He shrugged it off calmly. I have not pursued the topic with him. I know that it will infuriate him and hurt him very much if I ask him about it.
I do not know what to do. His behaviours sound very much like the ones described above. He has rituals which I dare not interrupt. He has worked hard to learn better, kinder ways to communicate with me. He knew that this was necessary to keep me as his partner. I fear that we are not dealing with this inner rage that seems to simmer below the surface.
Here are some examples;
This is a recurring theme: He starts to explain something and I did not understand part of it. I stop and ask a question. He ignores me or gets enraged and accuses me of ‘playing stupid’ or ‘being disagreeable’ or ‘intentionally trying to start an argument’.
He hates being nurtured (in most ways). He gets very very angry with me or with his mother if we fuss over him.
One day we were in a town that he knows and that is unfamiliar to me. I asked which way to the store. He told me to choose. I said, I don’t know this place. Let’s go with your best guess. He accused me of trying to force him to make a decision so that I could blame him later if it was wrong.
These types of behaviours happen frequently and I am frustrated because I am a kind person but he thinks I am out to get him. When I think about the possibility that he may have been abused, it would explain why he is so mistrustful.
I have pleaded with him to get help in the past but he will only go if “I force him”, ie; if it is the only way to keep me.
He has had rage modeled to him as a child, so these could be symptoms of that. He is very controlling, as am I. He hates it when I act in controlling ways. I try not to do so but I often stumble.
Any advice at all would be much appreciated. I am educated and loving but I feel that this is well beyond my skills to manage without professional help. What can I do if he will not seek help?
Thank you!
Comment by Amy
Amy December 23, 2014 at 4:00 pm
Hi there,
I am a childhood sexual abuse victim, my partner was also sexually abused, but not as a child as an adult and he was drugged.
We’ve been together 9 months and he has known about my past for the majority of the time. I didn’t tell him, he figured it out on his own. since then we have discussed both of past alot. More so mine.
My concern currently is that he is taking my experiences on board as his own, bring them up regularly and forcing me to go through it over and over in detail. Which hurts me alot.
He has nightmares about my abuse constantly, and we both loose much sleep and energy to this. I have no idea how to help him as I feel terribly responsible for his mental state.
Comment by Gillian
Gillian January 2, 2015 at 7:13 pm
I have been dating a lovely Muslim man for 8 months. I suspect that he has been sexually abused- he was at a boarding school in his home country and I think it may have happened there. I have never broached the topic, but I have long suspected that something is not right and I found myself nodding my head at everything in your article.
He has an obsession with self-control that goes well beyond the norm- at first I thought it was cultural because he fasts and will never allow himself to have orgasms when we are making love. He is so extreme in these practices that I have come to believe that the fasting and holding back are actually practice for keeping total control over his emotions.
He recently broke up with me because he was falling in love with me and things were going too well. He has told me that he never wants to have an emotional bond with anyone though at times he really wavers and I can see he enjoys being held and loved. He is much more open and affectionate at night. He is very distant during the day- he will not talk about himself or his past, he often “zones out” and has trouble making decisions, he has odd, almost paranoid behaviour (ie: he will not let anyone into his house, he never answers his phone or door). A few times during sex he has bitten me (leaving marks) and has told me repeatedly that he wants to bite certain parts of my body off (I don’t think that he would as he is very squeamish but it really creeps me out). He has also asked me to bite him and “damage” him. He always pays compliments to me but if I try to tell him how wonderful he is he stops me and insists on changing the topic. We don’t have good communication but we do talk or write a lot. He seems to be in constant conflict about the relationship but he loves to be held and kissed once he relaxes- I know he loves me but he won’t say it.
I don’t know how to proceed – he will never, ever consider counselling. Is there some way I can speak to him to help him to trust me or at least believe that I won’t hurt him and that he is safe with me? I always have to be so careful with what I say so that he doesn’t withdraw. I love him very much and care for his well being but I am lost.
Comment by Jess [Living Well Staff]
Jess [Living Well Staff] January 23, 2015 at 9:42 am
Hi Gillian, Thank you for contacting Living Well.
There are clearly aspects of the relationship that are important to you and much that you feel drawn to about this man. There are obviously also things that concern you about some of his behaviour and practices. It is possible that your suspicions regarding past abuse are right, but there is no way to know. There is no checklist of signs that will tell you someone has been subjected to sexual abuse. I gather from your post that he has not said anything about being subjected to abuse.
Is it possible to let him know that there are aspects of the relationship you want to talk about? Focussing on what is happening in the present, and discussing together your hopes for how you want the relationship to be, avoids the pressure of being pushed into disclosing (or denying) any history of sexual abuse. It might be helpful to keep the issues separate until (and if) he is ready to talk about his past (if, in fact, this is relevant). This helps keep sight of the fact that you have a right to express how you think the relationship is going, while leaving the issue of disclosing any history of sexual victimisation in his control (again, you simply don’t know if this is the case).
IF he has been subjected to sexual abuse, it is important that he is in control of whether and when to disclose this. Our pages addressing the process of disclosure may be worth looking at: Men and disclosure and How you can help. Men generally report that being pressured to talk about sexual abuse is not helpful. Your approach – of letting him know that it is safe to talk to you without feeling judged or pressured to say more than he chooses – is on track.
There are many reasons men may struggle with intimacy, sexuality and communication. Some of these reasons may be related to particular cultural or religious practices (although not limited to a specific culture/religion); other reasons may related to ideas and expectations about masculinity and being a man; and the individual history of a person plays a part as well. It’s a complicated puzzle to unpick at the best of times.
In regard to your reactions to some of his sexual requests, if you are feeling creeped out it is important to pay attention to this and not feel you have to go along with ANYTHING you are uncomfortable with. If you are getting warning signs or bad feelings about some of his behaviour, pay attention to what your instincts are telling you – gut feelings about your safety are worth heeding. If he has hurt you during sex, if he has done things to you without your consent, this is not something you should be expected to tolerate. Any sexual activity that is not consensual is a criminal offence.
I hear that you care for his well-being and I would encourage you to care for your own too. It is apparent that you would like a caring, intimate relationship with him, and it sounds like you have let him know this. You have every right to try and make the relationship work if that’s what you want; you also have a right to decide how much you are willing to compromise on what is important to you in a relationship. Unfortunately, we can’t make other people change, we can only let them know we care and are there to listen.
Comment by Eva
Eva January 9, 2015 at 6:15 pm
My husband was sexually abused from the time he was about 7-13 years old by a cousin. I am a trauma therapist myself and I can see that some of his behaviors are that of PTSD. He is very paranoid about safety in general; always checking to make sure things are locked and if we go out making sure everyone is safe. He is also very avoidant of intimacy. Our sexual intimacy is not that of a standard marriage. He only likes specific positions and very is very distant when we are intimate.
Recently I found out that he has been getting erotic massages. I’m hurt, feeling betrayed, angry…but I am also feeling empathetic and compassion for him. I often wonder the severity of the abuse given his behaviors.
I keep trying to convince him to seek treatment but he always gets defensive and says because I am a therapist I should understand. It is difficult when you are on the inside.
Can a marriage really survive through this? I just feel like he will hide it better next time.
Comment by Cameron [Living Well Staff]
Cameron [Living Well Staff] January 22, 2015 at 1:04 pm
Hi Eva
The fact that you have started to open up this conversation about getting support is fantastic. We know that many men never disclose that they were sexually abused. One of the reasons Living Well puts such an emphasis on web and mobile content is to provide another way that men can access information that we hope helps with the process of making sense of sexual abuse. For some couples this has served as a starting point for conversations.
If he doesn’t want to try any form of counselling, I would suggest there is not much you can do about that until he is ready. Most men will say that feeling pressured or pushed to talk about sexual abuse is not helpful (see these words from men). Having said that, I have certainly worked with men that attended counselling largely due to their partner’s insistence! It may or may not help him to know that a good counsellor won’t pressure him to talk about traumatic memories. The focus is generally more on strategies for coping in the present, until such time as the man wants to address past experiences (if at all). I’m sorry that there is no clear answer: you know him probably better than anyone, and are in the best position to assess how much it is useful to encourage him to see a counsellor. In any case, you are entitled to seek support for yourself to get clear about what you need from the relationship.
Is it worth considering couples counselling as something you can do together? Would this feel safer? This might provide an opportunity to be clear about what the current issues are. Your message makes it clear that these difficulties are leading you to question how long things can continue as they are. Sometimes it can be helpful to focus on what is happening now in the relationship and your hopes for the future. It may or may not be related to past abuse, but it can feel more hopeful to be focussed on what can be done now rather than the daunting prospect of going over past trauma. There can be a place for that of course, but that can only be his decision.
You have every right to feel hurt and betrayed. It is OK for you to have limits and boundaries in the relationships – being supportive does not mean having to tolerate anything your partner does, especially when it leaves you feeling the way it has. Perhaps the expectation that you should ‘be a therapist’ in your relationship is worth assessing? In your relationship you are an equal partner with needs, expectations and wishes of your own. Your training and expertise no doubt gives you some information and perspective, but does this mean you should be expected to put your own feelings aside in your relationship?
You mentioned that you wonder about the severity of the abuse. This may or may not be something he will talk about at some point. We know that severity of abuse is one of several factors that can influence the impacts of abuse (the response of people around him at the time is another big factor). However to put what he has told you in context-by the time he was 13, the abuse had been going on for almost half his life, over the period in life when puberty was starting. It’s reasonable to assume that his first ‘sexual’ experiences may have been in the context of being abused. For men in this situation, sexual feelings may become tied up with a range of physiological sensations and emotions- confusion, arousal, disgust, fear, pain, and importantly, shame. Sex may be experienced primarily as a source of discomfort and distress rather than pleasure. This can make it very difficult to have what is often already a delicate conversation about sexual intimacy for many couples. Working through this is often a slow process that requires a great deal of mutual care.
It’s clear from your message that you have a great deal of compassion for your husband and want to share a close, intimate relationship with him. Your effort to reach out and support him as well as yourself is a courageous step. Ultimately, there are no simple answers. Hopefully this provides you with some helpful information, but we always encourage people to seek out a good counsellor if they can. Living Well can help find someone in your area if you need assistance with this.
I wish you and your husband the best of luck.
Comment by Cheryl
Cheryl January 15, 2015 at 8:58 am
Excellent post !!
My partner was sex trafficked as a teen, and well he’s told me all now. he’s had a awful past, I just still can’t get my head around it. We don’t really talk about it any more. Can you recommend any good books to read? I know he loves me but his behaviours and moods can make it hard to get close. I had things when I was young as well, and I find trust and intimacy hard too..
Thanx for any more help x
Comment by Zarafa
Zarafa January 15, 2015 at 11:15 am
Thank you for this resource, it’s been very helpful during a difficult few weeks.
I’ve been dating a wonderful kind man for the last eight months. There was a strong attraction from the start and we became close friends quickly. At first I thought he was shy and understood why the physical side of our relationship was slow to develop. We would hug, hold hands, kiss and share intense eye contact but if I touched him under his clothes or when he wasn’t expecting it he would freeze and become distant. He also seemed scared of touching me in any gently way (though would hug the breath out of me while we slept). He sometimes also expressed fear of hurting me and his instability in relationships. I’ve never experienced anything like this and assumed he just wasn’t attracted to me. He became frustrated and upset, telling me he wanted to be sexually intimate but that ‘his body didn’t work’ and that perhaps we should ‘just be friends’ I tearfully tried to end the relationship. He became upset and told me he loved me and that I was extremely important in his life and that he wanted to continue. This led to a brief sexually encounter and then he withdrew from contact for a week. I respected his space and when he made contact again we continued dating and sharing a close friendship but he began avoiding situations or making excuses where staying over or physical intimacy might be likely. Several times when I asked him to stay he told me he was uncomfortable but couldn’t explain why. He also began mentioning in a semi-joking manner that he ‘might be gay’. I’ve always strongly suspected that that there was something he wanted to tell me.
Two weeks ago we moved into a temporary living situation together and while he initially seemed excited by the idea once we moved in things were different. He began sleeping fully clothed on the couch while enthusiastically trying to take care of me in every other way possible, particularly by providing for me, cooking for me etc. I felt upset and uncomfortable after the first few days and told him. He explained again that he couldn’t give me what I wanted, that he thought we were friends and that he should move out. I asked if something had happened to him in the past to which he withdrew. I let it go.
The next evening after a few drinks he again mentioned being gay. I asked why he would say that and if he thought that he might be. He said no. I asked if something had happened to make him question his sexuality. It turns out that a year or so before we met he was sexually assaulted by a male roommate while passed out drunk. Two male friends had seen it happening and walked away. When he confronted the friend who had assaulted him he was told it wasn’t the first time it had happened. We talked very briefly before he said he didn’t want to ‘go back there in his mind’ and the feeling I got is that he has accepted that this guy was infatuated with him and in some way has forgiven him. He went on to tell me that a girlfriend from a previous relationship was raped while out one night without him and that there was more ‘much worse’ but that I can’t hear everything at once.
I feel like this goes a long way to explaining what has been happening in our relationship. I found his disclosure emotionally very difficult and draining and needed space outside where we had been staying for a few days because I feared I would make it worse by being close and overly emotional. I feel like I didn’t react in the best way possible but I have since written him a letter explaining that I’ll always listen and support him, that it was not his fault in any way and that its completely normal to question his sexuality and have intimacy issues after an assault but it doesn’t need to be permanent.
As horrible as this is I feel like it has made us closer. I would like him to talk to someone but I’m not sure if he is ready and I’m unsure how to approach him about this. I’m generally unsure how to talk to him and I don’t want him to think that its anything he needs to feel ashamed about. I also don’t want to bring it up if he doesn’t want to talk. Should I just let him talk to me in his own time? I’m also conscious of looking after myself. Any ideas for a way forward would be much appreciated. Thanks again.
Comment by Cameron [Living Well Staff]
Cameron [Living Well Staff] January 22, 2015 at 1:00 pm
Hi Zarafa,
Thanks for contacting Living Well. You obviously care deeply for this person in your life and want to support him with this really tough issue. It is encouraging to hear that you are conscious of looking after yourself as well.
His disclosures to you suggest that he trusts you a lot. Many people who have experienced sexual assault are aware of the possible judgments they might face and weigh up pretty carefully who they decide to talk to about it. The fact that two of his roommates saw the assault and did nothing about it is likely to have added another barrier to disclosure. It might be helpful to keep in mind that disclosing (talking about) sexual assault is more of a process that occurs over time, rather than an ‘event’. He may be taking some time to process the fact that he has told you about something that he may never have told anyone else. There is some information on the Living Well site about disclosure: Info for partners (Disclosure) and Men and disclosure – Deciding to tell.
It seems that that the relationship is important to you both, and both of you are trying to create closeness and intimacy in your relationship, each in your own way. Developing and negotiating sexual intimacy in any relationship is often complicated and difficult. There are so many factors that come into play for each partner: previous experiences, expectations, ethical/moral/religious commitments, sexual preferences. There is a wide diversity of human sexual desires and expression, that don’t always match up with how we think we’re expected to feel or behave. For men, this can create a lot of confusion if they don’t feel particularly interested in sex, as this does not fit the image of men as always ready for sex.
When one or both partners have a history of being subjected to sexual abuse, this can add another very complex layer. You mention that your partner seems to ‘freeze’ when you touch him. It is common for people to have ‘fight/flight/freeze’ physiological responses if they are triggered in some way in relation to a traumatic experience or memory. These responses can lead men to judge themselves harshly, particularly in relation to some unhelpful and unrealistic social/cultural masculine ideals (e.g. that men should always be ready for sex). I wonder if this is the context for his comment that his body ‘doesn’t work’.
Confusion about sexuality and sexual orientation is an unfortunate consequence of sexual assault for many, if not most, men who have been subjected to sexual abuse. This is partly because we tend to understand sexuality as closely tied up with our sense of identity as a person. However, the search for a categorical sexual identity (Am I gay? Am I straight? Am I bisexual?) can be a kind of ‘dead-end’ that takes up a lot of energy. It can be more useful to think in terms of where he chooses to put his emotional energy, love and affection. There may be some useful sections on our page about sexual assault, arousal and sexual confusion.
I think you are right to allow him to feel in control of when and how much he talks about the assaults. Letting him know that you’re OK to listen and talk when he is ready is a sensible approach. At the same time, this is your relationship too, and it is not reasonable for you to constantly feel as if you are second guessing what’s going on. There’s no simple prescription for working out how to balance this. Finding a good counsellor can be a starting point (Living Well can help if you need assistance finding someone in your area).
Thanks again for contacting us, I wish you the best of luck.
Comment by Violet
Violet January 25, 2015 at 3:27 am
Thank you for this article. My husband and I are currently separated due to his inappropriate relationship regarding sex. He informed me approximately a year ago of an incident that occurred when he was about 12 – but that he didnt look at it as abuse, rather he was turned on by it. Since then, I discovered his activity on chat rooms with other women and wanting approval from them and exploring his sexuality with them. I asked him to get help and he refused to see a therapist, but managed things for a while on his own. Since then I caught his activity again (6 months later) and hence our current situation. He is now seeking help, realizing that he is losing me. He wont admit he has an addiction to sex – however I believe that to be the case. He is always looking for the next exciting thing and constantly wants to expose himself to me and be close, sexually with me. I have set up boundaries and have explained how this isnt appropriate behaviour. I would like to know how else to cope. Is there hope of him getting a better relationship to sex. Or is this just him. He has always been a very sexual being – but it has just gotten so much worse.
Comment by Jess [Living Well Staff]
Jess [Living Well Staff] January 30, 2015 at 8:03 am
Hi Violet,
Thanks for getting in touch with us.
As you’re possibly aware, people can have varying responses to child sexual abuse, which can change over time. For some men it can result in them avoiding sexual contact or any form of sexual intimacy. For others it can mean an increased interest in sex, and seeking validation of self and self worth through sexual relationships. However, if he doesn’t see the incident as abuse, it may not be helpful to push him to talk of it as such.
In relationships, sex and sexual intimacy is something that needs to be worked out between couples – each individual will have different preferences and expectations. A part of any relationship is being open about expectations, and also boundaries of what is acceptable, and respecting these. I’m hearing that until recently your husband has had trouble with this.
The difficult thing about some porn and chat rooms is that it can lead to chasing ever more ‘stimulating’ experiences, in ways that do not meet the reality of real day to day relationships.
I would encourage you to continue to be clear about your expectations, hopes and aspirations for any relationship. Ask the same of him. Have conversations around what steps you can both take to move towards these aspirations. Perhaps broach the subject of couple’s counselling – emphasising that it only need to be about the two of you now and in the future, not the past.
Have conversations around what behaviour brings you closer together and what pushes you further apart.
He always has a choice. If it is an addiction, even this can be changed if he puts energy into it and prioritises your relationship.
Thanks Violet and best of luck.
Comment by Rania
Rania January 30, 2015 at 7:50 am
Hello. I have been married for 16 years and have two children, 1 boy and 1 girl. I have recently discovered that my husband has been meeting other older men over the course of 2 years. I have access to all the account he has secretly used from work to communicate with these old men. Prior to meeting men in the past two years, he was only emailing dirty things to other old men for 5 years. Anyhow, I confronted him and he confessed to me that he was sexually abused by his teacher at the age of 12. He hated the memory but a movie that described the similar experience trigerred his mind. He started emailing random old men, invite them to his work and without doing anything would ask them to leave due to a guilty concious. After 5 years, he started meeting with these old men. He choses old men because he desires to re-live that experience. He has told me that he never enjoyed meeting any of these old men because they did not do anything that he was expecting. Thus his search continued and he often left these sessions very quickly because he was getting grossed out. However, after stopping for a month or two, he would start doing it again. My sexual life with my husband has never been good. Infact, I did not even know what he likes or does not like in bed. If I demanded something in bed, he would get extremely upset because his vision of a wife is very cultural. He also confessed to me that he has been taking medication for erectile dysfuntion for the last four years. At the same time he is confused with the fact that when he visits these old men, he has no problem with an errection. He hates himself for what he has done. He has apologized profusely and does not want to ruin this marriage. Over the course of month, he has changed a lot. He says he feels better taking the pressure off his chest but he regrets what he has done. He has begged for my forgiveness and promised to give me a good life going forward. I accepted his apology and there is a drastic change in him in terms of intimacy. He is open to talk, discuss and perform in bed freely. However, he still has the errection problem. This problem is mainly mental for him, he is scared in his mind that he might be able to perform. Now, I have a major trusting issue. I do not know if there is more hidden. He claims not to be Gay. I have constant images of him with these older men. I am confused of how open he is NOW after 16 years of marriage in bed ONLY because I found out the truth. I am very hurt but I have been forgiving. I can’t sleep anymore. I pretend to be happy around him. I do not understand how an abusive childhood memory can turn into something to desire. I cannot understand how he controlled me and mentally tortured me all these years pretending to be a very cultural, innocent and honest husband. We had once separated 5 years ago because I could not put up with his “take it or leave it” attitude. I could not understand why intimacy was such a big hang up for him. He kept saying I was asking for too much. I am very confused of what to do. I love him and my children, he was always a great companion for these 16 years. Only the initmacy was missing. Please advise what I am not able to understand.
Comment by Natasha
Natasha February 2, 2015 at 11:47 am
My boyfriend soon to be fiancé (we agreed we want to get married soon but he needs to get a ring first before he can formally propose) told me quite early on that he was sexually assaulted as a boy around the age of 10-12. He hasn’t told me any details still because he doesn’t like talking about it and I understand but all I know is it was by a registered sex offender but his family didn’t believe him and told the police to leave because he was ‘lying’. And so, he never received the proper help he needed and as a result, has been having recurrent nightmares, flashbacks and insomnia. He doesn’t like having sex because it reminds him of the incident, he can do it sometimes but generally he isn’t horny. He used to say he was ‘too tired’ or ‘didn’t feel like it” until he told me the real reason why he couldn’t have sex as much as I would like. He uses medicinal cannabis when he can afford it and it works great. He can sleep, we can have sex with no problem, he’s normal and happy. At first I didn’t know why he used it or that it helped him so well and when his family found out he used it he was shunned and forced to quiet. I was glad then because I never liked it but upon learning how much it helped him and seeing the difference in him when he uses it and when he does not, I see how much he needs it, or at least something that will work the same way. It’s expensive though, and neither of us want it to be the only way he can function, when we get married and start a family he doesn’t want to have to do it with a kid around and neither do I. But he’s tried every depression and anxiety medication, every sleeping pill, and has been to numerous psychologists and therapists since he was a boy. I’m worried these nightmares he has will never go away and that his lack of sleep will affect his quality of life. It’s been many years and it hasn’t gotten any better.
I guess I’m just looking for support and I want to know if there’s anything else we can try to help him, or if there’s anything more I can do to help him.
Thank you.
Comment by Katie
Katie February 17, 2015 at 5:14 pm
I’ve been seeing a very close friend. We both just got out of horrible serious relationships and are very reluctant to call what we’re doing dating. He’s living with me. We sleep in the same bed. We shop together and when we aren’t physically with each other we text and talk on the phone. He admitted to me that he was raped when he was a teenager by his girlfriend. He seems to push me away and pull me back over and over again. His latest attempt at pushing me away is to tell me that he’s no longer attracted to me and that I’ve been pressuring him into sex. I haven’t. I’m very submissive sexually. I also have a big problem with sexual rejection. If I thought for one second that he didn’t want to have sex or that I was forcing him I would be completely done and back off. I really like this guy. I care for him deeply. I want to help him but I don’t know what to do.
Comment by daniel
daniel March 3, 2015 at 12:59 pm
My partner of almost three years revealed to me that he was molested and has problems with having sex. . He is going to start counseling, but I would like know are there any books to assist me with understanding how to help our relationship during this process. It is difficult for me cause I have never been with a partner that wasn’t interested in having sex regularly. I don’t want to pressure him, so I hope there are books to help.
Comment by Broken mom
Broken mom March 5, 2015 at 7:46 am
I’m sorry to comment here as I’m not a spouse but I am a mother who is very concerned about my 28 year old son. Two years ago a family friend (same age as our son) told my husband that our son told him that he was molested by his grandfather (my dad) when he was a child. My husband asked our son about it and he said “it didn’t happen”. That’s all he said and all I was able to say to our son, at the time, was that if something did happened, he was not at all to blame. Here we are, over two years later with no closure. Are we even doing the right thing to not encourage him to talk about it? In my mind, it’s a huge “elephant in the room”.
I am so worried about how he’s doing. He seems fine but I know there may be coping mechanisms in place. My hope is that, maybe because we know about it, he doesn’t carry the shame anymore; that he’s healing. I want that so much for him. If only I could know that for sure. I feel guilty and I have a cloud of shame hanging over me constantly. How did we not see the signs? How did my dad get him alone to do this to him? We failed to protect our son!
Also, my husband is not even 100% sure that it did happen because the discloser back-peddled when my husband approached him for more information (Discloser said that he may have misunderstood). Furthermore, this is not a person that our son is close to so it has caused a lot of confusion as to why he would tell him something so personal. We’ve also had family members that have spoken about the discloser (in the past) in a manner that implies that he’s not trustworthy. So…Did it happen? Did it not happen? I want to ask my son again but I’m not sure if it’s the right thing to do. I’m afraid I’ll push him away. I feel so stupid about not knowing what to do.
The good thing is that our son seems to be thriving. He’s living on his own and has a good job. He’s not only functioning, he looks genuinely happy when we see him. He has close, long-time friendships and his life appears normal. I just hope he’s not dying inside.
I think my husband chooses to be in denial in order to cope. I tried to tell him recently how I was feeling and he got so angry that he was ready to go and have it out with my dad. It’s like he was hearing about it for the first time, so now I keep my mouth shut. I also want to confront my dad but if it was a misunderstanding, how do we approach it?
Anyway, I can’t get it out of my mind. It’s there all the time. The guilt and shame is suffocating me because I believe that it did happen. Is there any way for us to talk to our son about it without him feeling violated again? I just want to do right by him and to make up for what happened to him….
Comment by Jess [Living Well Staff]
Jess [Living Well Staff] March 6, 2015 at 5:17 pm
Hi there, and thanks so much for your comment. Not to worry if you’re not a partner, this information is made available for family and friends as well.
You and your family have been navigating a very complex situation, one made more difficult by the uncertainty of it all. The main thing that came through to me is how deeply you all care for each other and want to support and protect each other.
Please do not blame yourself. You were so right to tell your son that it was not his fault – now you need to tell that to yourself. You would never have let this happen if you had known.
It is not unusual for men to have great difficulty talking about childhood sexual abuse. Whether or not it was a misunderstanding between your son, the family friend and your husband, it does seem that your son is not ready or able to talk it through with you yet. I think though it is important to note that, even though there haven’t been conversations as yet, it is clear he knows that you and his dad are aware that this happened, and that he is supported. If he ever does reach the point where he feels he can talk about it, he will know that you are completely on his side.
The general thought is that not pressing him to talk about it is probably the right thing to do. Most men say that feeling pressured or pushed to talk about sexual abuse is not helpful (see these words from men). The other thing is that it might be simply too difficult to talk to you and your husband yet, as you are pretty close to it. This doesn’t necessarily mean he is not seeking support at all.
Please be encouraged by the fact that your son is getting on with his life and is doing well. That is a great sign. If this did happen to him, the thing he needs most from you is simply to know that he can talk to you when and if he is ready. I’m very much getting the sense that this is the case.
It seems that your husband is also not yet in a place where you feel you can talk it through with him. I would really encourage you to talk with a counsellor so you can work through your feelings around this, as it’s clear it’s quite a burden on you. Please know you needn’t go through this alone. I invite you to check out our partners in Canada, at
I wish you well.
Comment by munchkin partner
munchkin partner March 7, 2015 at 12:50 am
My best friend and i have feelings for each other but we decided not to do anything about it for our friendship’s sake and many other out of topic reasons. Anyway, he told me that he has been sexually abused in his teens and he never shared this info with anyone. i just want to know how to deal with him in all situations putting in mind i know about this sensitive matter. Like whenever we fight he always tends to feel extremely disrespected and hurt if i ignore him, i wonder if because of the trauma he always feels the need to want to feel wanted. I eventually remember his trust in me and tend to make up with him because i always fear that this may hurt him even if he was mistaken. Please put in mind that he never had therapy and rather helped get over his sexual abuse by his own. I am sending this cause i wonder if i should be treating him in a special manner.
Comment by Jen
Jen March 7, 2015 at 6:59 am
My boyfriend and I have had a largely healthy, loving relationship for about two years now- we communicate well, have a fun and “warm” sex life and generally tell one another the truth. We have had our troubles, but we work through them and love each other. We also spend a great deal of time together, and he has recently moved in.
However, Following some recent relationship troubles, I stumbled across some hidden email accounts he has made. When I confronted him about it (fearing infidelity) he was surprisingly reticent to let me see (usually the choice he would’ve made) and, at length, he confessed it was actually to access pay porn. I laughed at this, unperturbed by a little porn, and was like “show me briefly” (I have a history of dating men who used the web to aggressively cheat in this way, so porn is actually a nonissue) but he remained stubborn. At length, he confessed it was sometimes sort of niche gay porn.
He says he is not gay (and I do believe this) but then confessed that he was sexually abused repeatedly as a child (and then rejected by his parents for it when he tried to get help). He has only told one person this other than these family members (an ex who cheated on him a week later) and gets depressed and confused sometimes and finds himself watching it, in a cycle of reinactment of the abuse. He says it hasn’t translated to acts, but honestly I doubt he’d admit it if it had. I wouldn’t even blame him and I”m I’m no hurry to assign anything to him. I just want to understand the psychology, the layers of lies and what on earth I can do for him, for us, etc.
While I know the abuse was terrible, not his fault and traumatic, and while I hate that he has been made to feel ashamed of something that was fundamentally an act of violence, I feel lied to, uncertain as to “what else is coming” and helpless to talk about it with him. His sexuality is obviously confused and to some extent linked to shame, the people who are supposed to love him have abandoned him over this, and I feel that our relationship’s long term will depend on him or us getting outside help for this—-more reinactment and disclosures, probably the opposite of what he wants. My boyfriend is a kind, caring man and I love him deeply. but I do not know how to move this forward in a way that is “safe” for us both.
Comment by Jess [Living Well Staff]
Jess [Living Well Staff] March 13, 2015 at 12:13 pm
Hi Jen,
Thanks for contacting Living Well. I’m not sure how many of the previous comments you’ve read, but I’m sure you’ve realised by now that you are not alone in facing these issues.
As you acknowledged, childhood sexual abuse carries with it a history of secrecy, being silenced, and deep shame. These experiences, carried since childhood (and especially when reinforced by family or the abuser), can be so difficult to overcome that many men never tell anyone about what happened. Please do not take this secrecy personally. Your partner has taken a massive step by being so vulnerable with you about this, particularly since he has had such terrible experiences with telling loved ones previously.
For men, using gay porn is very much linked to the abuse. Confusion about sexuality and sexual orientation is an unfortunate consequence of sexual abuse for many men. However focusing on the issue of sexuality can be a bit of a side track. It may be more helpful to think in terms of where he chooses to put his energy, love and affection.
In terms of how to talk about this with him, please take a look at our page Men and disclosure: How you can help. It looks like you are in Canada, so if you or he would like some further support, please visit our partners at They support partners as well as men, so even if he isn’t ready to get support yet himself, please consider finding someone to talk through your own feelings and responses, as this is a big shock for you. Be sure to take care of yourself in this difficult time.
Best of luck Jen.
Comment by Broken mom
Broken mom March 8, 2015 at 4:03 am
Dear Jess,
Thank you so much for your reply and your encouraging words. I didn’t realize how much I needed to hear all that you said. You really put things into perspective. I will definitely check out your Canadian partners. I need the help!
Again, THANK YOU, from the bottom of my heart.
Comment by Marie
Marie March 11, 2015 at 3:52 pm
I’ve had suspicions for awhile that my boyfriend may have been sexually abused. Mostly due to intimacy problems we had in the first year of our relationships and some other things as well. I’ve been with him now for 3 years and we live together. A few nights ago we were watching a movie where a character had been sexually abused as a child. He started talking about abuse and pedophilia and almost was defending it. He was talking about when a child “pursues” an adult for a sexual relationship. I made it clear that I do not believe a child can do such a thing as they are unable to consent or even really know what sex his. He said he has read a lot about it. I started to feel nauseous. I asked him if he had experience with this and he didn’t say much, but he said yes and that he will never tell anyone, not even me. And that he was a “knowledgable child.” and that it was the past. This all leads me to believe he thinks that he initiated the relationship with his abuser. Should this make me worried that he may abuse someone himself later? Or is this just his way of dealing with how it affected him? By blaming himself in a way? I really don’t know what to do or how to even address this again. He clearly did not wish to discuss it further.
Comment by Jess [Living Well Staff]
Jess [Living Well Staff] March 13, 2015 at 11:54 am
Hi Marie,
Thanks for your comment. I’m sorry to hear you’re experiencing such confusion in this way.
Please know that that there is no evidence to suggest that men who have been sexually abused will automatically go on to commit sexual offences (check out our page on the myth of the victim to offender cycle). Research evidence actually suggests that over 95% will not.
I think you are not far off in your interpretation. It isn’t uncommon for people who have experienced a childhood trauma like sexual abuse to take on responsibility for what happened. This is just one way to make sense of the abuse and to regain a sense of control in a situation where the only other option is to feel completely helpless and powerless.
I also think you approached this in a helpful way, by simply stating your belief that it was not his fault, and not really pressing him to talk about it before he is ready. Many men do not disclose their abuse until much later in life (read more about the issues around disclosure) so at this stage the best thing you can do, though I know it isn’t easy, is simply to wait until he is ready to discuss it again.
In the meantime it might be helpful for you to talk to someone about your own feelings around it as this is a lot for you to process.
Comment by Cata
Cata April 15, 2015 at 10:39 am
I am a 34 yo man who has been through a turbulent childhood and life. My mother died when I was 7, I was sexually abused after that ..I can’t even remember for how long.. me and my father had a cold and distant relationship until today. I’ve been homeless for a year… At some point 9 yrs ago I met a lovely woman…and she changed my life…she stood by me through every problem i had…and I adored her…we were inseperable. Until I cheated on her one day….I had already problems with pornography that didn’t help my relationship..i became addicted to it and to sexual chats…and in that way I met one day another woman… Now My life is turned upside down..the girl I loved so much for 9 yrs left me, although we still talk from distance as only friends… I am alone now and I feel very depressed. It’s been a year since we separated and every day is a torture almost without her…I miss her so much…I can’t recover at all… I wonder if what happened with me…with the affair I had… is because of my past…either the abuse..lack of affection…i don’t know….i just feel this affair…wasn’t me…as it’s not me the one addicted to porn… i want to understand myself…and try to regain my ex-partner’s trust and love… please help me
Comment by Jess [Living Well Staff]
Jess [Living Well Staff] May 6, 2015 at 11:41 am
Hi Cata,
Thank you so much for reaching out to us. You’ve been through so much and it really comes through in your comment how hard you are working to get through it, and how much you want to work to improve your situation and relationship with your ex-partner. Please know you are not alone, and you don’t need to go through this alone. Help is available.
It looks like you are in the UK. We list a couple of services that will be able to help you on out services worldwide page, including Survivors UK in London.
Cata please take care of yourself in the meantime. Take a look at the information on this website, including Dealing with the effects of childhood sexual abuse, which goes into some of what you described.
I wish you the best.
Comment by mia
mia April 26, 2015 at 8:28 am
Hey, I recently started getting to know this guy who defiantly views sex in a way he shouldn’t. He stated how he dosent really like relationships and prefers sex before getting to know the girl. Then he opened up to me and told me how in his childhood he was sexually abused, which is why he has trust issues. I want to be apart of his life, and help him. He goes to the gym every day as we’ll I just looked at it as something he chooses to do. I always have to text him first, and he always responds but he never text first, I don’t know if I’m bothering him, how to handle the situation, I just want to show him that relationships can be a good thing. What should I do to let him know I’m interested In him and helping the situation.
Comment by Jess [Living Well Staff]
Jess [Living Well Staff] May 6, 2015 at 11:01 am
Hi Mia,
This sounds like a complex relationship! My suggestion would be, at this stage, to ensure you are looking out for yourself.
It seems that this guy is making it pretty clear that he is not ready to get involved in a long term emotional connection with someone. I think you need to be realistic here and acknowledge that you may not be able to change his mind about relationships, and if not, how risky is it going to be if you continue to become attached to him and try to build intimacy that he is not open to.
I’m hearing that you care about him and want to help him, however ultimately the decision to change and work to improve his situation has to come from him. As much as we’d like to, we can’t change someone’s behaviour, or their beliefs – We can only be responsible for our own.
However if he is open to getting some support around his childhood sexual abuse then absolutely link him in with some information or websites like this one or (U.S.). But from there.. the rest has to come from him!
Best of luck, Mia, and take care.
Comment by Talisha
Talisha April 26, 2015 at 12:01 pm
I met my boyfriend online. We fell in love really quickly. He’s a heavy smoker. Drinks quite regularly- but thinks it’s normal. He probably drinks a bottle of wine every second day. He used to smoke a lot of weed but does it rarely now (he becomes withdrawn and paranoid when he does). He was abused by a family member when he was about 9. He is actively seeking help but often wants to give up. He told me about his abuse when he ditched me on my 21st birthday party. He is the most loving and kind man I have ever met, but I worry about him a lot. I worry that he’ll never be able to do anything that he wants to do. I worry when he becomes withdrawn, he has been smoking weed a bit recently and knows he shouldn’t. We also have taken MDMA together. He was doing it every weekend last year. It was awful. He was unemployed and has now got a job. I am really proud of him, but he hates it. He knows the field he wants to work in but just seems to lose interest quite often. I really worry about him. I don’t know what to do and if I can help him. What can I do? I get so fed up when he just wants to drink, i just want to go bushwalking and enjoy life. He seems to want to get drunk and watch movies all the time.
Comment by Jess [Living Well Staff]
Jess [Living Well Staff] May 6, 2015 at 10:05 am
Hi Talisha,
This really sounds like a difficult situation for you to be in! You really love your boyfriend and are concerned for his health and wellbeing, however are having trouble supporting him. It sounds as though he is really struggling, and wants to make some changes. On the other hand it also seems that he isn’t acknowledge that some of his strategies, such as his alcohol and other drug use, may be causing him problems (at the very least in his relationship with you).
When I say strategies, I mean that his use of alcohol and other drugs, and even his desire to watch movies all the time, are possibly a way for him to cope with his difficult thoughts and feelings. I can’t say that for sure, of course, but it is often the case. Take a look at our page on Dealing with the effects of childhood sexual abuse to read more about what I mean.
You mentioned that he is looking for help. That is a great sign, regardless of sometimes having the urge to give up. We have a list of services Australia-wide and also some other specialised support service numbers.
Another possibility, if you are both open to it, is couple’s counselling. A counsellor might be able to explore with you both ways you can reconnect and improve intimacy, and build motivation for him to re-engage also. If that is not an option, then Talisha the best way you can help is to communicate with him openly, honestly, nonjudgmentally and also assertively your feelings, needs and expectations in this relationship. And, of course, remember to take care of yourself through this, even if it means reaching out for some support yourself.
Best of luck Talisha.
Comment by Crystal
Crystal May 7, 2015 at 12:30 pm
My husband and I have been married for almost 7 years. He was sexually abused by a step father as a young child. He told me about the abuse early into our marriage. We are both Christians and I was not sexually abused. Early into our marriage, sex was fine I guess although I felt like he was distant. Now we almost never have sex, he always says no when I try to initiate. When we do have sex, I’m unhappy with it because it’s not very intimate and he doesn’t hug or touch me like I want.
I feel like I don’t know what to do — I’ve heard people say “Have him go see a counselor”, but he has no intention of doing that — he went once in college and says he doesn’t need to go again. I don’t want to force him into doing any more counseling because I feel like that will just push him away more. He shows signs of depression such as sleeping 15 hours a day, can’t hold a job, etc….
Our marriage is tough right now because we have a lot of other huge issues going on — we are living with my parents because of a lack of finances and employment, etc… but I would love some advice on how to show love and acceptance to him in a way that will communicate to him.
He can’t handle acts of physical touch or affection — every time I attempt to hug or kiss him he brushes me off or gives me a side hug. It’s so hard because as a woman I long for affection and lots of touch. I feel like I’m starving for affection or even a real kiss. I find myself daydreaming of a time when he will show love and affection to me… or daydreaming of another man who will show love to me. I feel guilty for that.
Not sure how to express my feelings without offending him or pushing him away, or making him angry? I’ve been praying for God to show me a way and to keep me strong. But sometimes it’s so hard to stay strong for so long and not have anyone to talk to about this.
Comment by Jess [Living Well Staff]
Jess [Living Well Staff] June 5, 2015 at 3:36 pm
Hi Crystal,
I’m so sorry to hear you are feeling so dissatisfied in your relationship, and so lost as to how to deal with it. It sounds so lonely for you.
It would seem that your needs are simply not being met in this relationship and that is a problem. It is one that ideally you need to work on together. You mentioned he doesn’t feel he needs to see a counsellor, as he already has, and so will not go again. It does sound, however, that this is a situation in which a couple’s counsellor could help.
Suggesting relationship counselling doesn’t have to make the issue about his past abuse, or even all about his behaviour. It makes it about your relationship together. It can allow you both to set goals and communicate your expectations and needs in a safe space. As such, in suggesting to him that you both go to talk to someone, I think it might be important for you to own your feelings, and to name some of the ways in which the two of you might be able to improve your communication, cooperation and perhaps even dealing with some of the other issues you mentioned.
Either way, Crystal, I think it is also important for you to talk to someone about all this – to get that advice you mentioned you are wanting, and also to express and explore your own feelings about this difficult situation. You are clearly coping with a lot right now, so please take some time to engage in some self care… to take care of yourself.
I wish you the best Crystal.
Comment by KC
KC May 22, 2015 at 3:26 am
My boyfriend of 3 years recently disclosed to me that he was touched inappropriately twice in his life, when he was a child. He has only chosen to tell one other person before (his ex,) and she accused him of lying to make her feel bad for him.. so I understand his delay in telling me. When he told me, I was not exactly surprised or thrown off.. he was unfaithful to our relationship early on and he has had an issue with lying in the past. He also had dating sites that I discovered in the beginning. I let that go, because we didn’t exactly become “official” until after that. Once he opened up to me, everything began to make sense. Although now I feel as if our past has resurfaced. After I was made aware of his childhood, I began to do my research and find that all of these things are common with men who have been abused. Now I feel as if there is more to the dating sites and infidelity.. I often wonder if they were all really deleted as they seem to have been. I find myself worrying about everything now. I thought I found forgiveness and had noticed a significant change in him, but after reading into the blogs and comments, I’m afraid.
In the recent months, I have been trying to discuss marriage and children with my boyfriend. I want both of those things in my future. He used to say he did not know if he wanted either of those things in his future. Within the past year or so, he has told me that he sees his future with me, and wants to marry me. When it comes to children, he still states he does not know. He claims he doesn’t ever think about those things, which I find very hard to believe. He thinks the fact that I want all of my ducks in a row and have my future figured out is abnormal. We have been going to counseling for almost a year now, as I could not completely get past everything he had done to me in the beginning, so I wanted help with that. The counseling has seemed to help, to some extent.. But we still have the issue of children. (along with others, but that is the current “big issue.”)
He went to the counselor the week after telling me about the abuse, but from that day on, he told me he does not want to go any further into his past. He says that it is making everything come back to him and he just wants to move on. But now that he has made me aware of this, I find myself fearing our future, rather than finding joy in the thought of marriage and children. He never went into detail about what happened to him and who was responsible, and that scares me.. I’m not sure if this is normal. I’m afraid at the thought of having a child with this man, and not knowing if the people and places I am sending them to and with are safe. I have tried to make it very clear to him that this is not about me wanting to know, nor would I really care if a child weren’t involved.. But I want children, so that is unavoidable. I think he will be a terrific father, I actually seem to be an outcast in not worrying about him being the abuser. It’s not him I am worried about, it’s others. The unknown is scary enough, but now with this on my mind, I’m scared of everything.
Comment by Jess [Living Well Staff]
Jess [Living Well Staff] June 6, 2015 at 9:38 am
Hi KC,
Thank you for sharing your story with us. That takes courage.
You described a relationship with your boyfriend of three years in which you have both worked together to overcome and work out so much already. It sounds like you do have the foundation, and the skills, to continue to work through these issues together.
Having said that I’m hearing you have some concerns that are truly worrying you, particularly around having children. This sounds like something you and your boyfriend need to explore further. You said that counselling has been helpful for you so far. I think this would definitely be something that you could both benefit from talking to a counsellor about.
In addition to that, KC I would like to recommend the benefits of talking to a counsellor just for yourself. It sounds like you have a lot on your mind: a lot of confusion, and a lot of worry. It could be very helpful for you to talk these thoughts and feelings through with someone. Prioritising your own well-being is an important factor, also.
Look after yourself, KC. Engage in some self care activities to build up your coping and resilience.
I wish you the best.
Comment by Drea
Drea June 1, 2015 at 4:31 pm
Hi, so I’ve been seeing my boyfriend now for not very long. I have a son in primary school, whom he has met as well as my parents and they love him too. In the very beginning he mentioned he doesn’t speak to his mum and her side of the family. He said thinking about them messes him up and he’s in a bad state of mind for awhile so he doesn’t want to talk about it at this point. So he does recognise that he’s not fine but that not talking about it makes him better off.
He is sweet, affectionate, very complimenting, is witty with a dark sense of humour that matches my own. We have a good sex life that we have started to experiment with and we are both comfortable with it. He’s told me he loves me and has never felt this way before. He’s also mentioned he doesn’t want me to hurt him as in previous relationships his ex’s were emotionally unstable and some had mental issues. He felt betrayed and worthless to them because of how they treated him but still stayed with them, it was always the ex’s that ended the relationship. I mentioned in the beginning i was emotionally up and down being a single mum and how my previous relationship wasn’t great. I wonder if, do people who have been abused often seek relationships that are unhealthy to them and then feel guilty about leaving.
Recently after we had gone out, he was acting strange, he just zoned out and said he was fine. I said I wouldn’t pressure him to tell me if he wasn’t ready but that i don’t believe he’s fine when he says he is. He revealed to me crying that he was sexually abused by his mum but didn’t exactly say this rather showed me a comic that indicated this. He said her side of the family knew about it but that his dad didn’t know. Although his dad caught the mother with someone else and my boyfriend thought this meant his dad then knew what was happening. I don’t know at what age or how long this went on for. His parents split and he doesn’t know where his mother is. She used to drink and smoke weed a lot and because of this my boyfriend has never had a drink or smokes anything. Throughout his teenage years he was very angry and violent and wasn’t interested in girlfriends.
He is kind hearted, loving and a gentle person he has not seen a psychiatrist nor do i know who else knows about what happened. I feel the need to ask more questions but i don’t want him to be hurt by bringing it up. All i was able to say when he told me was that he was allowed to be upset as he was holding back tears and didn’t face me on as he was crying. He said he needed to be okay. I replied he didn’t need to be anything he didn’t want to be, he can trust me and i thanked him for telling me. Its been a few days since he told me, things are normal but I feel like I didn’t give a good enough answer I wanna let him know how I feel about this as I’m in shock and absolutely horrified that something like this has happened to him. I don’t wanna freak him out by how much this freaks me out. I don’t want him to relive the trauma by talking about it but I don’t wanna pretend things are fine. Did he tell me because he wants me to do something about it. It is still early in our relationship so do I wait for him to open up more when he’s ready.
Comment by Christie
Christie June 4, 2015 at 11:30 pm
I have been seeing my boyfriend for six months now and apart from the following issues, I feel like it’s the healthiest and most emotionally mature relationship I have ever been in. He’s an incredibly hard working person, kind, funny, outgoing, affectionate. I’ve never been as happy in a relationship as I have been with him, mostly because I find he genuinely respects me.
Him and I have a long distance relationship but are able to see each other normally every month or three weeks for long weekends. After the first two months of being together, I told him an experience I had had with being sexually abused on one occasion during adulthood. After I had opened up about my experience he admitted to me that he had been sexually abused multiple times by an older male cousin when he was about 5 years old. He sought treatment multiple times but has never followed through with psychologists’ prescriptions and advice on healing. Where it most obviously affected our relationship is sexually. We have not had sex nor much of anything else. He is not a virgin and had sexual relationships with 5 different girls while in university, but tells me sex is not something he enjoys at all and wishes sexuality was not a part of his life. When he did sleep with girls, he tells me it was more out of social obligation (he’s latino so even more pressure than north american culture) than something he actually wanted to do. From what I understand, for him sex and love are mutually exclusive. I believe he wants to love me and have a healthy relationship, therefore sex with me is something he finds extremely difficult. For now it’s fine because we still have a very new relationship. However, I want a future with this person and I often think of him as my future husband. Furthermore, emotionally he can be very distant. He is a lawyer and works extremely long hours, often being busy with work from 7am until 10pm. He is often exhausted and has little time to chat or is just enough to say goodnight. Again, we are long distance so sometimes it is difficult for me to feel connected. I want to love and support him in his life goals and I was us to build a life together. Furthermore, my dream for him is that he can see that sexual relationships between loving partners can be such a great joy within a relationship. When him and I finally do sleep together, I want him to do it because he wants to, to genuinely enjoy it and not just to please me. Sometimes I get frustrated and sad when he’s distant and doesn’t have time to dedicate to me, especially because evening phone conversations in a long distance relationship are almost all we have to maintain intimacy. What can I do to support him, while also fulfilling my needs of closeness and connection?
Comment by Mercedes
Mercedes June 29, 2015 at 8:30 am
I’ve been seeing this man for almost 3 months and I fell in love with him. He’s everything I want in a man and more. He came from another country when he was 15 and excelled, graduating 2nd in high school, while doing several sports. He even continued to excel in college. He’s currently 22 and about to receive his Masters degree. Even though he’s extremely intelligent and driven, and treats me like a queen, I believe his mind is troubled.
When we first started talking he admitted to me that his uncle raped him several times, starting at the age of 6. I was so hurt, angry, and sad for him. I can’t imagine the pain, sadness, and confusion he must have felt as a child being subjected to that by somebody he was suppose to be able to trust. It didn’t make it any better that his family didn’t believe him because his uncle denied it. Even though he admitted this to me, my feelings never changed for him. On several occasions though, out of the blue, he would say “I’m gay” or “I used to be gay” (This was said a few weeks after admitting to the abuse). Then he would say, “I’m just playing and just wanted to see what you would say”. After the 3rd time, I explained to him that I believe the words that he says, and if it’s not true he should stop saying it. He agreed that he wouldn’t say it anymore.
Today, he said the same thing. I asked him, why does he keep saying that if its not true? He told me when he was younger he thought he was going to be gay and so did his family. I asked him, why? Were you attracted to boys? Was it because your family said you were going to be? Was it because what your uncle did to you confused you? He told me no, it was because he did things differently than other little boys. He refused to explain what he meant. Then he hesitated and told me that his uncle used to tell him “this is the only sex that you will ever have so get used to it”. Then he said he didn’t want to talk anymore and he would call me back later. After he hung up I just started crying. I don’t know what to do or how to feel.
He said he has moved past the abuse but I don’t believe this is true. I believe he was traumatized and doesn’t know how to fully move on. Every bone in my body wants to help him but I don’t know how or where to start. I know for sure he won’t go to group meetings or talk to a psychiatrist. His shame and ego won’t allow it. So what else could be done to help him? Also, even though I NEVER got the “gay vibe” from him ( I have several gay friends including my two best friends), I’m worried that he might leave me for another man if later on in life he discovers that he was gay all along. I’m worried I might be wasting my time when the warning signs are already being shown. Or it could just be confusion from his childhood that keeps manifesting. All I know is I love him and he loves me. Please help me because I don’t want to lose him!! I will do ANYTHING to help him and our blossoming relationship!!!
Comment by Jess [Living Well Staff]
Jess [Living Well Staff] July 3, 2015 at 10:55 am
Hi Mercedes,
Thanks for visiting us and sharing your story. I know that isn’t easy to do.
I was so saddened to hear of the ongoing sexual abuse your partner was subjected to as a child. I know that was difficult for you to hear as well, and very hard for him to gather the courage to tell you about it. The fact that he feels safe to talk to you about these issues could say a lot for the quality of your relationship.
I’m hearing that he is trying to be open with you about his experiences and his feelings, however these are really complicated, and it sounds like he doesn’t quite understand them himself. This is not unusual, as you may have guessed. I think you’re showing wonderful patience, care and support in being willing to sit with him through figuring this stuff out.
You mentioned you don’t know how best to help him – but it sounds like you are already doing exactly what you need to. Simply experience this with him, hear him without judging, and be there when he does feel ready to try to talk about it.
I know sometimes that isn’t easy, especially if you fear he is uncertain about his sexuality, and that you might lose him. Again, it is not unusual – when the person committing the abuse is male, it can leave boys and men wondering if they are gay. This is not necessarily the case though. Things can be confusing, as sexual activity and arousal later in life can be linked to the earlier abuse. We have a page that goes into detail about this, called Sexual assault and arousal.
It sounds like you’re trying to understand, and to help him understand, by exploring this with him. I think the best way you can do this is to let him set the pace. When you want to ask him questions about his experiences, it might help to frame them in terms of your own experience, and share that with him. For example, “I think it’s absolutely okay if you are gay. I have to admit that I hope you’re not, because I worry about losing you, but I won’t think differently of you if you are. It sounds like you’re not sure though? What feelings come up for you when you think about it?”
The only reason I suggest this is because questions around “Why” he says or does certain things are probably pretty difficult for him to answer right now. Asking him “open-ended” questions about his thoughts, concerns, hopes and feelings will probably result in far more information coming to light, and may help him to work things out in his own mind.
Good luck, Mercedes.
Comment by Marie Claire
Marie Claire July 3, 2015 at 6:07 am
I’m so grateful to have come across this website and I really hope you can help me. My loving, adoring partner of three years and I have ended our relationship recently. Well, I ended it after finding out from common friends that he had feelings for another woman. This other woman is an ‘ex’ – and I use the word ex in the loosest possible terms. I know from my previous conversations with him that she persistently messed him around, toyed with his feelings, and then would always bolt when he would try to return the sentiments. This happened on and off over the years until he met me. Our common friends are in disbelief that he would pay any attention to her advances (she recently came back into the picture to tell him she’s always loved him), and are convinced that she saw him happy and is back to destroy him again.
For me, this has been a massive blow. I found out during our first year together that he was sexually assaulted by someone who worked for his family. He always acted ‘okay’ about the whole thing, but I knew deep down that it was a much bigger issue than he made it out to be. He would regularly get depressive, and he had insane moments of anger when he’d scream and shout for no apparent reason. I kept trying to get him to seek help, and from his initial response of ‘no way’ I eventually managed to get him to see someone. The psychologist, however, wasn’t a very good one, and as we were travelling long term at the time we had to drop the idea of counselling.
So here I am, so totally confused, why he’d so easily leave a relationship with someone who’s loving, caring, only ever wanted what was best for him, for someone who has messed him around persistently. He asked me for time to sort his head out, without making a commitment to me or to the relationship. He’s seeking a psychologist’s help. I told him I could not give him time and ended it.
I guess I’m just seeking some clarity. Why did this happen? I’m a very good judge of character and I can tell you for a fact that he’s the loving person that I thought he was, and we were so in love. He then goes home without me (the abuser still works for the family), encounters family pressure and then just went to pieces.
I cannot quite believe that my relationship of three years has ended in the case of a month. We were planning our whole future together. I was just wondering if this makes any sense to anyone who is in a relationship with someone who was abused? Any words of healing would be most grateful. I don’t doubt he loved me, but I can’t believe he isn’t fighting for the relationship. When I said that to him, his reply was ‘I can’t even fight for myself…’
The part I forgot to add: he regularly told me I was the best thing that had ever happened to him, the love of his life. We shared everything, had a fantastic relationship. I just cannot believe he’d give three years up for someone else just like that.
Comment by Jess [Living Well Staff]
Jess [Living Well Staff] July 3, 2015 at 10:17 am
Hi Marie Claire,
Thanks so much for sharing your story. I’m so sorry to hear of the loss you have experienced, and the shock, sadness and grief you are feeling as a result.
It certainly sounds as though your partner has a lot going on. I’m hearing that you are mystified as to why he would end a perfectly loving, wonderful relationship of three years in such a way. I’m not totally sure, but it sounds as though this all happened after a visit to his family home, during which he may have encountered his abuser. This experience could certainly have been a trigger for a lot of complicated feelings, and perhaps also coping behaviours, such as ending this relationship.
However, as you may have guessed, it is impossible for us to tell you why this happened, and if it was a result of his history of sexual assault. The only person who could shed any light on this is him – the difficulty though is that he may not have the clarity, or the words, himself.
Marie Claire, throughout your comment I picked up hints of strength and courage from you. You mentioned supporting him through his disclosure of pain and abuse, and encouraging him to seek further help. I can tell you now, that is no small feat, and you should absolutely be proud of that.
I’m also hearing that you love this man with all of your heart, and you have been through so much together. Despite this, you were able to stand for your own rights and your own well-being and say, “I am not willing to be hurt in this way,” when he asked for time with no commitment. I can only imagine how difficult that was. I think it is something you were right to do.
For now, you do seem to be taking the right approach – looking after yourself, and working towards acceptance… of whatever happens next.
I wish you the best, Marie Claire.
Comment by Natasha
Natasha August 13, 2015 at 8:41 am
My boyfriend inferred he suffered abuse some months ago, though brushed away an further conversation saying “it’s something to talk about another time”. I want to respect his choice to discuss this on his terms but don’t want him to feel it is something I am uncomfortable discussing as I’ve not brought it up.
He has issues around severe anxiety, depression, difficulty making decisions, gives himself a hard time over almost nothing and I am worried he has eating issues / body dismorphia. He is the kindest, loveliest person ever and a delight to be around, but I want to be able to bolster his self-worth and be able to support and speak candidly about his feelings and any difficulties he feels he has. Any advice?
Comment by Karst
Karst August 16, 2015 at 7:33 am
Ok my boyfriend I know had a rough upbringing. His mom left him when he was 5. His dad worked alot to support him his brother and sister. He abused drugs in the past. Has had a few sexual partners. But I believe he might have been sexualy abused by a male when he was younger. He hides things around the house. I find my clothes cut up, he has made this thing I have found 3 of them he puts socks in gloves/parts of garbage bags exc. And forms them into what look like penis’. When asked about it he says he doesn’t know why he does it or what he does with them. He has an addiction to porn/masterbating. Someone tell me something please
Comment by Katie
Katie August 27, 2015 at 3:44 pm
Hi. I’ve been with my boyfriend for a year now. Early on in our relationship I had a feeling he was sexually abused as a child due to nightmares etc. he then told me 5 months into our relationship he was sexually abused by his big brother up until the age of 18 (he is now 26) in his late teens his brother would sneak into his room after a heavy night of drinking. It didn’t effect our relationship until about 4 months ago when sex just all of a sudden stopped for us. This had never been an issue for us before. At first I thought it may be me as I had gained a little weight from being happy, maybe I was t sexy enough anymore. I felt very unwanted and unloved. Sex only happened once a week. On his terms. I would try and initiate it but was always turned down. We had lots of big arguments about it especially when I found out he was visiting porn websites every other day or so – this made me feel even more unwanted. I would spend nights crying myself to sleep. He then eventually told me that due to what happened he now finds it difficult to be intimate with me but still watches porn often. I’ve suggested therapy, writing down how he feels.. Everything but he flat out refuses and always gets so mad every time I bring it up. I’ve tried suggesting therapy for myself and him together as not being intimate with me is still making me feel unwanted even though I know the reason. I feel that as it is causing problems in our relationship we should try it. He tells me to bare with hi, and it won’t be this way forever.. But how long until it changes? I don’t want to push him into doing anything he won’t want too and I hate to sound like “it’s all about me” but I need to help him understand that we are a team and we work together through issues and that I’m there for him. I just want to feel wanted again. He’s a great boyfriend, he takes care of ,e and shows me he loves me in every other way, just not intimately. I love him so much and I’m not giving up on him, ever. I just don’t know what else to suggest.
Comment by Jessica
Jessica August 31, 2015 at 3:21 am
My boyfriend of three years told me last night that he was molested by his older brother growing up. After that he was in a sexual relationship with a friend who had been in the same situation. He says he hasn’t been with a man sinice. He has temperment issues and severe trust issues (the first 2 years of our relationship he constantly “joked” that I was with other men when I wasn’t with him) and about a year ago I found out he had multiple accounts on saying websites, although I thought we had resolved any issues with that. We recently moved in together and I just don’t know how I can reassure him that no matter what has happened in his past that I still love him for him. I also don’t quite know exactly how I’m supposed to feel about the whole situation.
Comment by Liz
Liz September 16, 2015 at 10:24 am
Hi- My fiancé and I are in our mid 20s. We have been together 3 years. We are getting married in 6 months. I found gay porn on his cell history after we had been dating for a year, he explained, once he realized he would lose me if he did not tell me the truth, that his male cousin 4 years his senior, had molested him from the ages of 6-11. He promised not to look at it anymore and I promised to listen if he wanted to lean on me or find him a therapist if he wanted- he doesn’t . I trust he is doing his best not to look at it anymore.
We haven’t been intimate much in the past few months because of work/moving/family weddings/not prioritizing each other. We had an argument last weekend about a male friend of mine from college who I (shame) flirted with when he was in town and we went to grab drinks/dinner. My fiancé showed up for the tail end of dinner and was irritated the next day. We went out the next evening with friends and I left the bar early to go to bed, he came in at 2 and fell asleep on the couch, we got brunch the next morning and he admitted he went to sleep angry because for whatever reason he thought I wasn’t home. After brunch when he left to do some work I discovered he had emailed a woman on Craigslist who had posted she wanted to give someone head. He wrote ‘still up?’ And she responded “cv” whatever that means. He then passed out. When I confronted him he had no idea what I was talking about. I showed him screen shots and he was disgusted with himself alleging he was drunk and does not remember/would not have believed me without seeing it. He is quitting drinking all together because of it. I think it’s possible he was very drunk and did something very stupid when he was very angry with me. This immaturity (anger/exhibiting threats of infidelity) over the last week is not typical of our relationship. I want to believe that he has never done this before and that he was in an alcohol induced angry/sexually frustrated state…but part of me worries. I worry that like the pornography confrontation in the past there is information he is concealing, that this might be linked to his abuse, and that he might have some deep rooted sexual issues that will haunt our future marriage. I want to know if this has to do with the abuse but tensions are high and I am not sure what I need to hear or know in order to feel security in our relationship. I don’t want to make him feel damaged-I don’t see him as an abuse victim but something that happened to him and shapes the struggles he has to bear. If this is as simple as we need to be better to one another thing I know we can tackle it but if it’s an abuse issue that he doesn’t want professional help with I’m not so sure. If you have any thoughts, please let me know.
Thanks in advance- Liz
Comment by Bri
Bri October 28, 2015 at 3:45 am
I have been with my boyfriend for several months and he is amazing he told me in the beginning of our relationship that he had been molested by a Male and female cousin he hasn’t spoke of it since. When we first got together we had sex a lot and it was great but over the last two months he has stopped completely but watched porn. He reassured me it’s not me and when we do have sex I initiate it and he doesn’t ejaculate it makes me feel unwanted although besides sex he is very loving and loves to hold me. He has a very well paying job but has recently decided he wants a part time job on top of studying for his masters I contribute his work ethic to being molested. he is a very timid guy who is good with people but not a alpha male at all but not feminine either. I really would like assistance on how to deal with this all of you ladies have really helped me understand more about this issue. I still however don’t know what to do because I love him and he loves me but I
Can’t help but ache for him knowing he is dealing with a lot on the inside that he doesn’t get to talk about
Comment by Derek
Derek January 25, 2016 at 12:51 pm
My fiancé recently revealed that he has a lot of extrem sexual abuse by family and strangers in his past. His allegations were dismissed as lies by his mother. Now he suffers with bulimia, insomnia, and substance abuse. He wants to go to therapy but doesn’t believe these events are the cause of his struggles.
How can I stay strong when he can’t cope and blames me for his struggles? I love him and know its the pain of the abuse that causes all of his troublesome behaviors.
Comment by Jess [Living Well Staff]
Jess [Living Well Staff] February 5, 2016 at 1:50 pm
Hi Derek,
Thank you for reaching out for some support and sharing your story. That takes strength.
I’m hearing both you and your partner are going through some serious struggles right now.
Your partner has acknowledged his history of sexual abuse, and also that he is experiencing ongoing issues in regard to his mental well-being. It’s excellent that he has decided to see a counsellor. In therapy he can address his present struggles and begin to work through them, whether or not he believes they stem from the abuse. This is still a very helpful step for him.
I’m hearing though that you personally are having trouble staying strong through all this. You clearly care deeply for him and it hurts you to see him struggle so, and then to feel he blames you on top of this must make it especially hard. Please prioritise your own self care. I know you want to support him, but I’m thinking that right now the most important way to do that is to ensure you have the resilience and strength to do that. That means doing things that improve your own well-being.
Keep in mind that you are each responsible for your own feelings and behaviours. When he lashes out it is not about you, and it is certainly not your fault.
In addition to your fiance seeking individual counselling I would also recommend couple’s counselling, preferably with a different counsellor, to explore your needs, expectations, hopes and concerns in this relationship in a safe and supportive space.
I wish you both the best.
Comment by Amee
Amee February 5, 2016 at 2:04 am
My fiancee has always had problems with self worth, porn, porn shame, and been paranoid about safety. I assumed the latter was because his father is too. But he told me years ago that a girlfriend had “insisted that they had contact, but not sex, when he didn’t really want to”. He refuses to say she abused him. She told him they’d break up, that he was lucky, etc.
Ever since he and I have started to be more intimate, he has been much more obsessed with sex. Sometimes getting moody and frustrated if I’m not in the mood. We’ve talked about it. I had my own trauma as a kid. Luckily, I’m female and have plenty of opportunities to deal with mine. But him pressing was getting to be too much for me. I learned how to set some boundaries and he learned how to be more open and less pressing when he was upset.
But now he asked my friend and roommate if she wanted to see him naked. He insists that he wasn’t going to touch her, but… it hurts… he told me about it himself and said he was going to try counseling. I’m glad he offered to take steps, but it hurts. I feel like if my parents or other friends knew, they’d say to break up. He can get dramatic and impulsive. It makes me wonder if I can trust him. But I want to. I really care about him. He makes me feel beautiful and worth something. He’s helped me through my depression and trauma and I can’t help him. And now it’s hard to trust him.
I don’t know what to do.
Comment by Jess [Living Well Staff]
Jess [Living Well Staff] February 5, 2016 at 1:23 pm
Hi Amee,
Well done to both you and your fiance for talking some really difficult stuff through, setting boundaries and taking steps to try to improve intimacy in safe and healthy ways. It’s also excellent that your fiance is willing to seek individual counselling for his own experiences. That is a massive step right there.
In addition to that step, the story you’ve shared sounds like one that would be best explored and worked through in couple’s counselling. It sounds as though you both need to explore your feelings and concerns with each other in a safe and supportive context. I would really recommend this for you both, as well as individual counselling on the part of your partner.
Also Amee, remember to take care of yourself in this difficult time. Make it a priority.
Best wishes.
Comment by Sarah
Sarah February 13, 2016 at 9:21 pm
Thankyou. What a fantastic, informative and helpful organisation. One that I am very thankful for as I feel like I have entered a new world. Wow have I had blinkers on.
My story starts in my 20th year of marriage (mostly a good one, we had ups and downs, enter children and the usual stresses of married life, plus a few extra I now recognise) and sadly I found out my husband’s coping mechanism first (prostitutes female, transgender, male) gambling (huge amounts of gambling) porn and affair.
Huge shock came first, then the lightbulb moments, then the hurt, betrayal and shock.
Enter the world of therapy and by sheer chance we found a good one first time (I’m sure she knew where we were heading) and after giving me a book and my husband a meditation CD we left the peaceful office like two Zombies, my husband just still clinging to the last straw, and me thinking I’m married to a man I don’t even recognise.
During the week before our next therapy session we used the meditation CD and my husband told me of his sexual assault. It was like we had the middle and ending of the book and now we finally we’re getting the beginning. What a heartbreaking moment, and what sadness to think he had suffered through this himself, what a gift of trust from him. I’m so grateful I was able to tell him that it wasn’t his fault and after 38 years explain how and why his body reacted the way it did.
When I look back on our life I now can see a lot of the effect it has had on our life and relationship, and I would describe it a bit like a jigsaw puzzle without the big picture (very hard to piece together but you are aware something is missing).
We are into our 10 therapy session and we have good days and bad. We are day by day. We have a common goal that at the end we want to be two strong and healthy individuals, who have shown our children that we must face adversity with hard work, respect and kindness.
Together or apart we will each be survivors of this terrible assault.
Comment by Yaya
Yaya February 23, 2016 at 11:02 am
My fiance was molested as a child but I found out through his family. I can understand why he doesn’t want to tell me since I was raped multiple times in my life. He uses alcohol to cope and sometimes it changes his behavior. How do I help him move past this without letting him know I know I until he’s ready to tell me himself?
Comment by Reba
Reba February 24, 2016 at 10:17 am
My boyfriend has recently shared with me he was sexually abused. I am trying to be so supportive. I am just at a loss over one issue.
I have a daughter in my mid 20’s. He refuses to meet her or be around her. He says he is a perv. That he was forced to be with a mother and a daughter repeatedly. He says he gets excited at the though of a mother/older daughter situation even if it isn’t sexual. He is worried he will flirt with my daughter or he will be sexually excited when meeting her. I keep reassuring him I don’t think he is a perv and that I don’t think he wants to sleep with my daughter, that’s it’s just his past experiences that are haunting him.
I want to help him! He is so worried this will effect our relationship. He is so upset over this. He hates to even see pictures of her. He says he is a perv and doesn’t deserve me. I have even considered breaking up with him. No, it isn’t because of what he has confided to me. I am very close to my daughter. I love my boyfriend very much and want to spend my life with him. I just don’t want to hurt him. I don’t want to cause him anymore harm. I love him enough to walk away if that’s what is best for him. He says me walking away will hurt him more than help him.
How do I help him?
Comment by Anne
Anne March 2, 2016 at 7:43 am
My husband was a victim of a priest from 12-17 years old. He was groomed and even with the abuse felt like this man was a father figure. I met him at 17 and our relationship did help him start to say no….although the priest stayed on as that father figure. Marrying us and baptizing our children. Until the church scandal broke in the news and brought it all out for him. He read the stories that this same priest had abused dozens of other kids the same way. He was actually one of the youngest victims and the only one still within the statute of limitations. There was a criminal trial and the priest we to prison for 12 years.
My husband had not really talked about it with me too much. He didn’t lean on me even though I was there. He says it wasn’t that bad, he felt loved, he understands the man was also abused etc.
But we have had many struggles with him cheating over the years. A few drunken ones here and there but two major “relationships”. These always come back to me. That I didn’t show him I loved him enough. That I didn’t have sex enough. That I didn’t want him enough. That we didn’t have a connection.
These two extra marital relationships that he’s had have coincided with right after he put this man in prison, and 12 years later —now– when the man got released.
I am having such a hard time dealing with this because I don’t know if the issues we are having are just due to normal breakdown of a marriage or because of this abuse.
I feel like the way he learned to love was that the person has to give you 100% of their adoration and attention 100% of the time and if they disagree or get angry with you–that means they don’t love you. This is what the priest made him think about his parents.l when he had just normal teen problems with his dad. We had kids. 100% doesn’t come easy when you have babies that depend on you. That meant to him that I didn’t care about our relationship.
He gets stuck in the limerence phase. The first affair he had she was perfect. Until he lived with her for a few months. This time, she’s even more perfect. But I didn’t kick him out, so it’s just a constant comparison.
We watched a movie the other night where his abuser was featured for a few minutes. He was depressed after but didn’t want to talk. He won’t go to counseling because he had to do that for the settlement and the counselor was only there to ask questions that determined how damaged he was and how much abuse he had to endure to find out how much it was “worth”.
I don’t know where this post is going. I just guess I hope to hear that we can work out in our marriage.
Comment by Nicole
Nicole March 6, 2016 at 2:56 am
The biggest obstacle to a healthy relationship for us is his tendency to seek reassurance and validation from 3rd parties… His sexual “promiscuity” and his lack of understanding / remorse for his actions. All other barriers we have been able to cope with, strategize, and fight. How does someone who is understanding of his lack of sexual boundaries forgive him yet not enable his hurtful behavior?
Comment by Shania
Shania March 25, 2016 at 3:42 pm
I was with a man for three years and we have a child together. I was abused and I think he was sexually abused as well.
When we first started seeing each other it was strictly non commitment, we were very sexual but made rules of not sleeping in the same bed or cuddling. It was mutual. Long story short, we began to break a few of those rules and became official about six months later. He cheated within three months and used the opportunity of being caught as a time to confess his love for me the first time. I know better, but I shrugged it off as we were both raging alcoholics all of the time and smoked a lot of pot. I got pregnant (by him obviously) and things started to change. His promiscuity became more frequent, which confused me greatly as I had offered to move out when I got pregnant, so he didn’t feel like he had to stay with me. Offered co-parenting, his full participation, just not as a couple. He denied my offer, became offended that I thought that way, yet continued to cheat, unbeknownst to me for a majority of his infidelity until we broke up. Once I got pregnant I quit drinking and smoking pot immediately. He, however, struggled with sobriety. Despite already having two sons before me. He previously struggled with meth, before we ever met. He was seperated from his wife when we began to see each other. I don’t know the real reason they broke up, which brings me to my next point. He lies…. About everything under the sun. He’d lie to you about the color of his shirt if he could. As confirmed by his parents, most of his childhood stories that he shared with me were false. For instance, being raised Jewish and having a metal plate in his head. But the ones they did confirm to me as true were that;
His biological father was abusive towards his mother. She, herself, refuses to speak of him from what I’ve seen. but she was 16 when she had him and gave him up for adoption to avoid the situation any further. I think he was two or three. Although his mother still apart of his life, he was told she was his aunt. The man who adopted him was married and that woman verbally and physically abused my ex. Turns out she was schizophrenic but she would burn and beat him. But he still texts her every mother’s day but you can tell he suffers great turmoil with it. I think it lasted till he was 6-7.
He has nightmares he refuses to talk about. He would jolt up in bed, sweating and sometimes swinging. There were several times he’d come at me, straight out of his sleep, or sometimes he would cry. At first he tried to blame it on war, from he military. But as time went on, I learned he never deployed and we never spoke of his lies. I just tried to comfort him during the nightmares. Sometimes he’d respond positively, other times negatively. The man is definitely a sex addict…. Worst thing I’ve ever seen. We both shared an interest for violence in the bedroom, and bdsm but I had lines that couldn’t be crossed…. He.. it seemed there was nothing he didn’t fantasize about. (Except any pedophile things, nothing like that to my knowledge) he scared me at times. Outside of the bedroom he never physically harmed me but while drunk he he threatened it several times. after we broke up (I left him for him cheating on me again) he went on a sexual rampage with random women, including me. Bounces between verbally abusing me and trying to gfs sex with me. If I don’t have sex with him he doesn’t treat me like a human being. I try to cut off contact unless its about our son but he agrees, then takes great measures make sure I must speak to him. It’s been over a year and he has a girlfriend. He has hinted once during a drunk conver sation after our split(strongly. But I have never asked him, in fear it’d make him relive it.) That he’d been sexually abused. Said “Ya know my dad (bio) was a real piece of Shit. He was abusive.. to not just my mother.” I asked what he meant by that, or if there was anything he wanted to tell me and he got teared up and said “I know there is a reason I’m like this but I can’t talk about this.” Then cut everything off and went to making sexual attempts at me. I’m worried that if he was abused it will effect our son because of the way it effected him. I’m also curious if this is a result of sexual abuse or if it’s something hereditary, so I can protect my son from getting it, if possible.
I’m sorry this was so long but I have to co parent with this man. He refuses councelling or lies about attending it. Even making up fake doctors. I feel like to work with the problem I have to know what it is… He honestly acts like a sociopath as his emotions don’t seem genuine, except his anger. But I just have to know how to deal with this… How can I help him?
Comment by Tony M.
Tony M. March 26, 2016 at 5:18 am
I am a 42 year old man and have been married for 14 years. We have a 10 year old son who is the light of both our lives.
I have a history of mental health issues relating to my problems with sexuality. I begin questioning my sexuality as early as 8 years of age due to a traumatizing scenario where an older neighbor sexually assaulted a girl his age. The fear and embarrassment that ensued caused a great deal of anxiety and fear which spiraled into the question, “am I gay”. The thinking, When a child is placed into an adult or mature situation, where they feel and experience these very adult and powerful sensations, they want to be treated like an adult. Much of the confusion begins there- here a kid is with all of these feelings and wanting these adult situations to occur, but then again, he’s a kid- he can’t take care of himself, he’s afraid of the dark, is afraid to be alone and unable to cope with any real understanding of what is happening to give a healthy concept of what all of this says about him.
In an effort to overcome the abuse, instead of shying away from it I tried to overcompensate by pretending and lying to myself and others that there was no fear. If I did that, people would never know that I was afraid or realize the amount of anxiety, fear and desperation I was actually experiencing. This became the new mode. Projecting to others that I was ready, willing and able. This way… It would just go away and I would never have to deal with that humiliation, confusion and loneliness ever again.
Unfortunately this backfired and placed me right back into the situation again and again. Because this is what I projected… that I was ready. Of course, I was nowhere close. What happens now is repeat experiences that I am not ready to handle and it increases the self doubt, confusion and anger at myself. All this did was perpetuate the feelings of inadequacy and confusion of who and what I was. Behind this at the time was that I had fantasized many times about the opportunity for sex and when the moment arises… I react in fear.
It took me 30 years to realize that this was the normal reaction of an 8 year old boy.
Also, when I was 4, my brother who was 13 at the time, tried to coerce me into giving him oral sex on two occasions. I actually remember him saying that if I told anyone, “he would kill me”.
I shared a bed with my sister who was ten years older than me. Because I was so curious and interested with sex, the sight of her walking naked in the bedroom would arouse me. It seems that this type of boundary encroachment would later reveal itself from my mother. When my parents were having marriage issues, I became the focal point of my mother’s attention. At the age of 12 or 13, she would request that I lay down with her and cuddle. When I refused and questioned her, she would attempt to make me feel guilty by telling me that she was told by my friends mother that they too cuddle. The whole thing made me cringe, but also aroused me. Later on, she told me that fantasized that she and I would run away and leave my father.
From the age of 9-13, my parents would have sex two feet away from me in the same hotel room. This made me feel worthless, marginalized and confused, because once again… it caused arousal.
Later, when I was 15 and beyond inebriated, I was molested by a 19 old man. This caused further shame and humiliation. This individual was later convicted of molesting a student of his within the school where he taught.
This all came to a head a few years ago when I basically had a nervous breakdown and was convinced I was gay because of all of this guilt and shame. I had told my wife everything – at this point I just wanted peace.
The therapist I began seeing was convinced that this was not the case- that I was not gay, but suffering the effect of both overt and covert abuse. This realization placed me on a new path for understanding and healing.
However, the past year of taking personal inventory I learned that I was guilty of transgressions against not only my wife before we married, but a good friend as well. All of these transgressions took place while drunk and included kissing only, never intercourse. I am fearful my wife and friend will find out and that all of the work and progress made will be for nothing.
Comment by Jess [Living Well Staff]
Jess [Living Well Staff] April 4, 2016 at 5:00 pm
Hi Tony,
Thank you so much for reaching out and sharing your story. I can’t begin to tell you how brave that is.
I was so pleased for you to read that you had begun seeing a therapist who understood the legacy of abuse – that it can cause you to question so much about yourself, but that ultimately it doesn’t mean anything about you. It’s not your fault this happened to you. You did nothing to cause it, the abusers did. It does not mean that you’re gay, nor that the guilt and shame you’ve experienced are valid, nor that you were in any way responsible.
You are quite right – the confusion and extremely difficult thoughts and feelings that you experienced following the abuse were all a completely normal reaction to a painful and senseless situation.
I’d like to invite you to take some time to read through some of the resources on this website, if you haven’t already, such as Dealing with the effects of childhood sexual abuse, Sexual assault and arousal, and The effects of sexual abuse. Our partners in the USA have some more info on
Please know that nothing will undo the progress you have made. In the words of another man who experienced childhood abuse: “You possess great knowledge and skills relating to survival and living, make the most of these and be kind to yourself always, you are worth it.”
Best of luck, Tony.
Comment by Marion
Marion April 4, 2016 at 2:53 am
Hi. This site has given me some hope and some very helpful information.
I have known my BF for 25 years; we lived in the same small town and were married to other people. 15 years after my divorce and 4 years after his, he started pursuing me heavily. I was hesitant, but as we became more intimate, I fell in love with him. He has always had trouble ejaculating during intercourse (maybe 10 times total) in the past 4 years, it is a huge effort to get him to ejaculate at all.
He suddenly broke up with me after 1 year of dating, saying that he couldn’t give me what I wanted and he felt trapped. I was in total shock, as I thought things were great. We stayed friends, but no intimacy. About 6 months after this, I found a video from my security system when he met a strange man in my home/bed. When I came back into town, I confronted my BF, and he said he had been meeting guys for about 4 months. He expressed great relief that I knew.
He also told me that his older cousin (13 years old) performed oral sex on him when he was 8. He says that he can still see it vividly, and has described it. He also described a few other encounters with men, in college and afterwards. BF says that this is all about power and control, and about gettting off. He says he doesn’t touch these guys, it is all them, and says he is not bisexual or gay – he just wants to have an orgasm.
Last September, he was diagnosed with aggressive prostate cancer, and had a prostatectomy in October. He and I are now actively dating since last July, and he trusts me with everything (emotionally, financially, medically, physically). He has ED, and hasn’t had any success with an erection since surgery. He is mourning (his words) the loss of ejaculation, sexual freedom, etc, and is very depressed and withdrawn; he has told me that right now he is just happiest being alone. He can get an erection with Trimix injections, which are great but there is a lack of spontaneity, and the erections last 3-4 hours (taking away early morning sex before work, lunchtime sex, etc). The chances are very good that he will have to have further radiation plus hormone therapy that will cause more ED, loss of libido, loss of muscle mass, night sweats, tears, etc (think menopause on steroids), as his PSA level has started to rise again. He has no desire for sex with me right now, and I think he is only spending occasional nights with me just to keep my anxiety level down.
He told me a month ago that he is thinking again about these random encounters. But he also says he doesn’t want to have sex with anyone. I believe that he subconsciously wants 1) to feel in charge, to feel powerful (both against his past abuser and against his present cancer) and 2) to see if sex with someone else makes him feel any better. Will that encounter be the magic pill that makes his depression or worry disappear? I also think he hasn’t acted on it YET, as he knows in his mind that those encounters will not “fix” him, but he still wonders and hopes and dreams that it will.
He is finally saying that he wants to talk to a therapist, and has even taken the step of googling a local one. I know that my suggestions make him feel cornered and pushed into action, and I want to learn better ways of communicating with him that let him feel in control but also let me express my support AND my worries and needs. Are there online sites for learning communication techniques, such as a Motivational Interviewing? I feel so helpless…
Comment by Kat
Kat April 10, 2016 at 5:05 am
My husband and I have been married for 3 and half years. We separated (for the 3rd time) in November last year due to many issues including children/stepchildren, finances and such (I’m not making light of these things but they are “normal” obstacles and difficulties faced in relationships and life) but mainly due to arguments born out of my frustration caused by his lack of affection. This has arisen SO MANY times throughout our relationship.
As well as being unable to comfort me when I cry (NEVER), unable to offer me any compliments (even on our wedding day) and being unaccepting of any this, he is controlling with sex in the sense that it is on his terms. If he does not want sex, we do not do anything. We never “make out” or mess about on the sofa etc, he seems to struggle with the concept of kissing and fooling around without having to have sex. Therefore, kissing is generally limited to when we have sex. I no longer try to initiate sex because of fear of rejection (which has happened many times). This creates feelings of frustration (sexual and emotional) for me which in turn creates arguments. I feel worthless, ugly and hurt. He knows this. I am a very affectionate person, which he has know since day 1. He rarely shows emotion. I have never once seen him cry an he never admits when he is wrong.
Please note: he has not had any issues with the actual physical act of sex and has regularly watched “normal” porn. (Not obsessively so, however).
I have tried to discuss this all with him so many times but it always results in a huge argument and even splitting up several times as a result.
Going back to our separation in November last year, after him instigating us getting back together, he admitted to me that he was sexually abused by his older sister for 2 years as a child. He was aged 11-13 and she 13-15 . It stopped when she met an older man with whom it is suspected she had a sexual affair with.
He has not gone into very much detail other than it was always set in a “role play” type setting; for example she would pretend to be a teacher and he a pupil etc etc. He has maintained a family relationship with his sister into adulthood and it has never been discussed by them.
I was surprised and distressed to hear about this. In fact I was absolutely astonished. Of course I offered him my support in dealing with this however he wished to; I would take it at his pace and manage it how he felt comfortable. I am the only person who knows. Not even his previous wife of 11 years knows anything of it.
Upon him instigating us getting back together, he said he would seek counselling and speak to the GP.
However, this was the end of December/early January. It is now mid april and we are right back in the same cycle. He has not sought help, not discussed it further with me and is now saying he does not want to tell anyone else. Even at the risk of our relationship ending.
I am hurt and lost. I love him dearly, I know he loves me but he cannot deal with this.
Any advice on where to go from here would be gratefully received as I am at breaking point.
Thank you
Comment by Sydney
Sydney April 11, 2016 at 3:50 am
My partner was sexually abused as a child, whilst he hasn’t shared with me the details, it’s definitely caused intimacy issues both sexually and emotionally. I’m wondering if anyone has any advice on how to deal with this. I love him very much and am not sure how to support him to the best of my ability. There are problems sexually with performance that I know give him anxiety and stress and whilst I reassure him he never seems to listen. He also finds it very difficult to open up to me about things consistently. He will frequently open up to me and then immediately close up, need to take time to feel better and then want to go back to just being normal. I know relationships take time and effort- all of which I’m happy to give- but I know it’s stressful for the both of us as he feels he is letting me down and hurting me and I just want to help him. If anyone has any tips or advice that they can share I would really really appreciate it.
Comment by Jess [Living Well Staff]
Jess [Living Well Staff] June 10, 2016 at 12:55 pm
Hi Sydney,
Thanks for your comment. I’m hearing how difficult this is for you both, and how much you want to be able to support your partner to cope.
It sounds like you are handling it exactly right – by reassuring your partner, by listening to him when he is able to open up to you, and by trying to understand what it’s like for him. My advice would be, simply continue to do this. With your helpful attitude to encourage him, the only other thing that will help you to move through this is time.
If you’d like a deeper understanding and some more strategies, the following pages may help:
Developing intimacy in a relationship
Sexual intimacy
Men, emotions and sexual abuse
Men’s advice for partners
Best of luck Sydney, and please be sure to prioritise your own self care through this.
Comment by Kiran
Kiran May 26, 2016 at 1:36 pm
My husband is a very emotional person as he goes from being very angry to very sad.. but most of the time he is angry. He has punched walls, hit me a few times and then I found out about a year ago from my husband that he was sodomoized as a child. He was very upset and was more worried about what I would say and begged me not to tell anyone. However, recently I just found out he was actually raped twice by a family friend as a child and then sexually assaulted on numerous occasions by a female tutor he used to see as a child. I was shocked and very upset that he didn’t trust me enough to share this with me. He’s so scared about what people will think of him. He said he had forgiven the person who had raped him and they stayed friends. I had even met this family friend a few years ago, to be told only last year he was the man who had raped him. I really want to help my husband but he is a very private person and said he is not comfortable sharing this with a counsellor as this could come back to haunt him if he ever did anything wrong or he’s worried I would use it against him. I feel so sad that he went through so much and never told a soul for nearly 26 years. But his anger is affecting our marriage as he’s become very aggressive and we have a baby too now. My husband says he feels suicidal and depressed and I ask him if it’s because of what has happened and he says “I don’t know – maybe”. He says he hasn’t really thought about it for all these years , but he does more now that I know. Hes angry that he has to work all the time and that will be his whole life gone just doing that, he’s an only child and so he has the responsibility of his parents on his shoulders who are not independent at all and rely on him for everything emotionally and socially. I feel like my husband has so much going on that he can’t handle and I try to do as much as I can for him. When I’m upset with him he says I belittle him and tells me not to do that…He told me recently, that when we got married I was afraid to have sex and for a month I refused to have sex with him, he thought it was because of him and that maybe he’s gay because he couldn’t please me because of everything he went through. He also told me that he feels alone and has no one to talk to. One day he reached out to his mum and told her he feels suicidal and her response was “so do I”. I find his parents very selfish and make everything about themselves and criticize him when hes busy and unable to help them with their business issues…I find he rarely has time for himself as he works all the time. I want to help him but I really don’t know where to begin…
Comment by Jess [Living Well Staff]
Jess [Living Well Staff] June 10, 2016 at 12:42 pm
Hi Kiran,
Thanks for sharing your story with us here. It sounds like both you and your husband are struggling – and no wonder. This is all a lot to cope with.
Please know that neither of you need go through this alone. Help is available. Whether or not your husband is ready to talk about the abuse, I am sure getting some professional support could be very helpful, particularly if he is experiencing thoughts of suicide. I think counselling could also help you to explore and process your own thoughts around this, to build up your own coping, resilience and wellbeing, and also to figure out how you can best support him.
It sounds like the two of you have a relationship in which the two of you can share anything and everything, and yet he only recently shared his history of sexual abuse with you. I know what a shock that can be, however I am 100% certain that it is not a lack of trust that stopped him from telling you earlier. For various reasons it can be really difficult for men to talk about this issue, and it is not unusual for men to keep it to themselves for several decades before telling anyone. There’s some information on our page Men and disclosure – Deciding to tell about why this is the case.
Finally, regardless of what anyone has been through in the past, physical violence is never acceptable. It could be helpful for the two of you access some relationships counselling – completely separate from the childhood abuse – to explore ways you can communicate healthily and best support each other.
Best of luck Kiran.
Comment by Bethany
Bethany June 5, 2016 at 8:30 am
I recently found out that my partner was molested as a child by his uncle. And then found out that he’d also had sexual relations with a dude and he’s very torn up about it and about telling me about it I’m not a judgmental person so I am not worried about what happened in the past I just want to know how to help him get through this. Please help me!
Comment by Jess [Living Well Staff]
Jess [Living Well Staff] June 8, 2016 at 3:42 pm
Hi Bethany,
Thanks for your comment. I’m hearing that you really want some guidance in terms of how to support your partner now that he has told you about his history of sexual abuse. If you are wondering how to respond to him, what to expect, and how to improve the resilience and wellbeing of both of you, I would like to suggest you have a look at other pages on this website. That’s precisely what this website is for, and it has a wealth of information on just those topics.
The main articles I would recommend are:
Men’s disclosure: How you can help.
Information for partners about disclosure.
This list of ‘relationships’ articles.
If you or your partner would like some direct support, please check out our partners in the US, 1in6.
Comment by Kellie
Kellie June 6, 2016 at 2:56 pm
I have been in a relationship with my boyfriend for a little under a year now, and I have known my bf for almost 2 years. Our relationship has been one heck of a roller coaster ride, but he and I communicate openly and honestly with one another. He is an alcoholic, has a gambling addiction, and suffers from major depression (we just recently got him back on anti-depressants through his gp dr ).
I have wondered often if he suffered some type of traumatic event or abuse earlier in life due to his self-destructive behavior. Last night, he confided in me that he was sexually abused when he was a first grader by his teenaged female babysitter, which is his cousin.
He is 45 years of age and has never mentioned the abuse to anyone until last night. He more or less thought it was his fault, because “any guy would love to have sex with a female, right?”
I told him he was a baby, a six year old little child and that it was wrong!!
I just wanted to hold him and take all the pain away. I’ve been trying so hard to understand why he is the way he is and does the things that he does and now, it explained so much; the self-loathing, the low self-esteem, feeling unworthy of a healthy relationship, pushing me away, the hot and cold nature of our own sex life, not wanting to be touched sometimes or flinching when he is touched, etc.
I mentioned that he needs counseling to deal with the abuse and to better understand why he continually self-destructs and sabotages different aspects in his life.
This morning, I found him on the couch because he couldn’t sleep in the same bed with me; I suspected it was because he felt awkward about confiding in me about the abuse. I love this man and will not give up on him, but I need help!
I am a student nurse but textbooks and clinicals do not prepare you emotionally to deal with these issues up close and personal. We both want and desire a healthy and positive relationship with each other and he is trying so incredibly hard to deal with his depression and alcohol abuse, but the sexual abuse needs to be dealt with…it is the root of all that ails him.
Are there any support groups that you can suggest in our area? Looking at other postings on this thread, I’m not sure if I should include where our location is and I’m hoping that someone associated with your organization can contact me via email and we can go from there.
I certainly do appreciate any help and advice that you can give me.
Thank you,
Comment by Alexis
Alexis June 17, 2016 at 9:15 am
So my boyfriend of 2 and a half years has taken 3-4 showers a day everyday since we’ve met. I learned that while he is in the shower he will play with his butt, I already know that he is bisexual and I’m not worried about him being gay or feeling like I don’t give him the pleasure he needs… What bothers me is that he does it so often and will…sometimes do it till he craps himself in the shower. I’ve asked him how long it has been going on and why he does it but he isn’t comfortable talking about it with me.. I’m greatly concerned that it has something to do with his childhood and I fear that he may possibly hurt himself doing this, maybe not intentionally but accidentally. I know it’s been a habit of his since before we met but that’s all I know..
Comment by Miranda
Miranda July 3, 2016 at 5:28 pm
Hi, thank you for this article.
I’ve been in a sexless marriage for a little over six years. My husband says he simply doesn’t want to have sex. He feels insecure about performing, he feels fat, he’s too tired, it’s never the right time. I could write a novel to list all of his excuses. Before we were married, we visited a physician to have his testosterone levels tested. They came out fine. Lack of sexual intimacy has been a theme our entire relationship.
Recently I caught him in an affair with his former boss. He denies it was sexual. I’m trying very hard to forgive him for stepping outside our marriage. At the same time, he is not interested in any kind of sexual intimacy with me. The rejection is killing my soul. I’m not sure how much longer I can take it.
A couple years ago, he quietly said that “he thinks his mom may have molested him” as a boy. Unfortunately, I didn’t react in a loving, compassionate way, which I totally regret. His mother is a wretched human being and I’ve had many, many problems with her. In that moment I made his comments about his mother about me and he shut down.
Now I’m beginning to wonder if his lack of sexual desire comes from the trauma of his mother’s abuse. Perhaps it is also tied to his need to cheat.
How can I approach this delicate subject with him? I feel like we are in a hopeless space at this point and I’m desperately reaching for any kind of direction.
Comment by Jess [Living Well Staff]
Jess [Living Well Staff] July 4, 2016 at 3:07 pm
Hi Miranda,
Thanks for your comment, and well done on reflecting on your experiences in such an open and genuine way.
My main suggestion to you would be to tell your husband that you’ve been thinking about it and that you have regrets around your initial response to his disclosure. Let him know your thoughts and feelings on it now. Then close by saying if he ever does feel willing and able to explore his thoughts and fears around this topic, you will be there for him, and will try your best to listen in an empathic, validating way. You want to support him, that much is clear – I’m sure it will come through to him during this conversation.
Finally, when he does feel okay to broach this subject with you again, allow him to be the one to direct the conversation and to put any interpretations on it. Your current relationship issues may or may not have anything to do with a possible history of abuse. If he makes the connection then, by all means, explore this possibility – but try not to put this spin on it yourself. It’s his story.
For how else to approach this subject, please take a look at the page Men’s disclosure: How you can help.
For developing intimacy in your relationship check out our page on intimacy.
And be sure to take care of yourself, Miranda. Best of luck.
Comment by Anonymous Male
Anonymous Male July 4, 2016 at 7:28 pm
Thank you for the article.
I am a man who was sexually abused by an older brother when I was 12 and he was 16. This went on for a period of time and not just a one time thing. I then found another brother’s and father’s hidden porn magazines. I have been addicted to porn ever since. I never acted out sexually through high school or college. I always made excuses to be alone. Didn’t really want to have fun either I just seemed happy being by myself. I don’t drink and it is probably because I feel like I might not be in control of my thoughts which I have to guard continually (so much of my energy is wasted thinking or hiding of what I am thinking.) I am in my early 50’s, married with a couple of children and a medical professional. I have only been with one woman and that being my wife. She thought I was a catch. She was previously married with a child which I adopted when we married. We have been married over 25 years. Our relationship has not been great. Some things have happened which have really hurt our marriage. The most significant is my porn addiction which has turned to almost completely gay porn. Even when I watched straight porn I generally was watching the guy. (sorry if that bothers some) When she found it on the computer one day she confronted me, however, it was in a very public place with many people around. Not that they would hear, but they might have if they stopped talking or walked by. She wanted answers. I wanted to tell her, but was afraid. I did finally tell her there what happened between me an my brother. Her response was “How disgusting!” and then she followed up with “Did you tell anyone? Oh great he has probably done that to other people!” I wanted to die and actually still do (this was 15 years or so ago, not that I am going to kill myself, but life isn’t all that great and I know heaven has got to be better than this.) So not only did I reveal my secret, but now had to deal with all the shame and guilt from supposedly the woman who loves me. This is the same woman who refused me to hear her weight when she was in the hospital. I believe those two revelations the molestation and the porn addiction have put a stake through the heart of the marriage.
Another thing that happened that helped to poison the relationship was a comment by a coworker who told me that my wife did not love me, but was looking for a daddy for her son. This probably caused me to look for such clues too through the years. I seem to sense that it is true. She has a hard time remembering the date of our anniversary, but remembers every year the dates of all of our children’s birthdays. Maybe I am too sensitive and that is what she tells me many times when I tell her I don’t appreciate being spoken to the way she does. I know I hurt her monumentally. She is not a forgiving type of person. I told her I was wrong to hide all of this, but was afraid to talk to her about it. We pretty much coexist in our house now. Our youngest is going off to college soon. Maybe we will end the horror soon.
I have been seeing a counselor for a couple of years talking about my marriage, my same sex attraction, my porn addiction, and my very negative self talk. He is a great guy and seems to see things so clearly. He is able to clear through the junk and show me how my thinking is skewed. He tells me that I am a good and productive father, husband, employee, and Christian. I appreciate it, but long to hear that from people who supposedly love me, not counselors, coworkers or friends (I only have two.) I also go to sexual purity/addiction group at a nearby church once a week. They know about my same sex attraction even though they all seek straight porn/relationships.
My desire unfortunately is not decreasing in having a same sex interaction/relationship. My marriage relationship is strained at best currently. I think we are both exhausted and have stayed together for the children and me also for my vows that I made even though I have made a mockery of them, not that I wanted to, but have hoped things would turn around.
I wanted to write this to give you insight into another victim of sexual molestation and its consequences and how it affects me today. I hope it helps or lets others know what may be going on inside the head of someone they care about.
Comment by Jess [Living Well Staff]
Jess [Living Well Staff] July 15, 2016 at 12:34 pm
Thank you so much Anonymous for sharing your story here. It is a story of strength despite many hardships.
We are only too aware of the profound impacts sexual abuse can have on people’s lives and how difficult it can be talk to talk about what happened. We also know that there is no one way that people respond, impacts can vary and it is possible to improve your life and develop rewarding relationships. In saying this we know that this can take quite a bit of work and that not everyone responds in a supportive and understanding way.
You mention struggling with accessing porn and that much of this porn is gay porn. This is more common than you may think for men who have been sexually abused by a male. The fact that you are looking at male porn can sometimes confuse partners and the men involved and add to the sense of shame, given the taboos in some communities about same sex sex and attraction. One of the added difficulties is that the sense of secrecy and shame around accessing porn and same sex porn can increase the distress for men who have been sexually abused, as it gets very mixed up with the experience of abuse and trying to work out ‘who I am’. It is good to hear that you have a supportive counsellor.
I’m sorry to hear your wife responded to your disclosure of abuse in a way that was upsetting for you. Sometimes when people hear something they are not prepared for, is quite confronting for them, or they have limited understanding about, they can react in shock and in ways that produce distress for all involved. The hurt you still feel came across clearly in your comment. I’m getting the sense that this is something that is difficult for you to reconcile. It seems you have accepted that this is the way things are, but it is not how you wished they were and that it causes pain.
I’m hearing that you are very much committed to your family and finding a way through this difficult situation that is supportive for your children. Having said that, it does not sound easy. I can’t say how glad I am that you are seeking support. The importance of being active in addressing the impacts of abuse and working to improve your life and relationships cannot be overstated.
Please take care that you are not overly down on yourself. Sometimes if people are too self critical or judgemental of how they have behaved in the past they can increase the sense of shame and make it difficult to get on and improve things in the present. Do not lose sight of the ways you have demonstrated love and care for your wife and your family, despite the struggle this has sometimes been. It is very clear from what you’ve shared that you have consistently striven to live in accordance with your values – of being a good husband, father and Christian. (Even here and now this is true – sharing your experiences with the hope that others may understand or learn from this – a difficult and commendable thing to do). You have mentioned struggling with porn use; struggling with questions of sexuality and lack of desired closeness and intimacy in your marriage. Unfortunately these are not uncommon struggles for men who have experienced sexual assault, this is why it is important to access a counsellor who can help you navigate a way through and make the changes you desire. You have indicated that continue to take steps, to move forward, and to improve things.
You said how very much you want to hear from someone who loves you that you are good. I’d invite you to look at your situation and the efforts you have made and are making, with self compassion and understanding (not with judgement and criticism), knowing that you are doing the best you can. Sometimes we can forget the value of being encouraging and supportive of ourselves in making change in the present.
All the best Anon and take care.
Comment by Broken
Broken July 13, 2016 at 8:12 am
I am my most likely former partner are in a mess.
I met him 10 years ago while he was working abroad, in my country. He was separated at the time and the divorce went through about a year later. We’ve been together all this time, with plans for him to move to my country and us to marry.
Last few years, he’s been depressed and drinking more and more heavily. I thought that was a result of his battle with a terminal cancer, which he did win. A year ago there was an attempted suicide with alcohol and sleeping pills.
Then four months ago it came out that he is still married, not divorced. He has fooled his family, his friends,
myself and the psychiatrist and therapist he had been seeing!
He was kicked out of his house. Apparently his family had found out about me four years before and he lied and said he ended it with me and his wife wanted to work it out with him but this time, he was not allowed back. He was traveling for work and stayed in hotels, pretty much drinking himself to death.
I flew over there , supposedly for 10 days, to help him stop the drinking, find an apartment, and to get him to go back to work to keep his job. He managed to do that, but started drinking when I was there . The evening before I was supposed to leave he remembered childhood sexual abuse.
The timing seemed iffy to me, perhaps a way to manipulate me into staying because he did want me to leave. I extended my stay for two months. During this time his drinking increased to uncontrollable again. He has had numerous emergency services calls and hospital stays and has cut himself. His flat is filthy and unlivable, and had to be professionally cleaned.
Currently is in hospital again, and this time, perhaps, he will make a genuine attempt at being honest with the mental health professionals to try to get better.
Also while over there, I discovered he was seeing prostitutes and getting sexual massages, as well as had extensive porn usage. I also suspect other women that were not sex workers.
This is a mess to sort out, of course. I feel broken and used, and god knows what motivated him to lie to me and to his family all this time. The man I met 10 years ago…the man who appeared on the outside to be happy, vibrant, considerate, thoughtful is just gone. And the man I thought had morals and would treat me honorably.
I have no idea how much of this stems from possible sexual abuse. But I want to know why what happened, happened.
I have also been sexually abused as a child, so I know it from a woman’s perspective, but not from a man’s. I don’t know too much of the details; very little, in fact. But I do know that I am not 100% convinced of it from him, since he has shown himself to be a pathological liar already.
Please….any insight you can share………
Comment by Ricky
Ricky July 16, 2016 at 6:58 am
Me and my boyfriend were play wrestling when I had him held face down and trying to pull his pants off. he said that’s rape, I thought he was joking so I didnt let go. A few minutes later I could he his whole demena changed. So I let him up and he was so different. He told me without telling me. I apologised and said I didn’t know. He said when someone’s saying rape that’s a sign. I have been with him for 2.5 years and had no idea. I know his previous relationship was 5 years and his ex is a totally douche who cheated, stole, abused his children and then left for my boyfriend to take care of and raise them and hasn’t contacted any of them in the last 4 years. I’ve heard some pretty bad stuff about the ex from my boyfriend and from others but know I’m wondering if he raped my boyfriend when they were together. (My boyfriend is a 100% top (meaning he is the giver.)) and I know the ex wanted to top. My boyfriend also has depression issues, but I have helped him and he’s been good lately, and also RLS (restless leg syndrome) and usually occurs every night. Straight after the wrestling they were going crazy, I mean full on, the worst I’ve seen them in 2.5 years. I’m thinking he may have tried to use that as a defence during. I don’t know. Did this event cause his depression?? He was distant with me during the night and we usually snuggle in bed and that didn’t happen last night. I feel so sick and I’m worried. I have apologised and he said that it was ok. Please help me help him.
Comment by Jess [Living Well Staff]
Jess [Living Well Staff] July 27, 2016 at 4:19 pm
Hi Ricky,
Thanks for getting in touch with us at Living Well.
It sounds like your boyfriend hinted, during and after your play wrestling, that he had experienced sexual violence in the past, and that during your play you inadvertently triggered his memories of this. I’m hearing how much this has distressed you Ricky and I just want to say – you weren’t to know. This was an accident so please don’t blame yourself too much!
It is really hard to say if there is a direct cause between his depression and any particular event. Everyone responds to sexual violence differently, and many people have depression where there is no history of abuse or assault. However it does sound like your boyfriend was upset and/or stressed out for a while afterward.
You’ve done exactly the right thing by apologising and letting him know that if you had known it was a serious issue you would have behaved very differently. It’s clear your boyfriend knows this now. I think going forward the best way you can help him is to let him know that you are there for him if he does want to talk. Take a look at our page Men’s disclosure: How you can help for a bit more info on how to approach this.
Also please take care of yourself Ricky, as it is clearly very upsetting and stressful for you as well. If you need any further support from us please do get in touch.
Comment by Farron
Farron August 12, 2016 at 6:02 am
My fiancee was molested multiple times at a young age. I was sexually mistreated in my last relationship, as well–not raped, though. He has told me that no one knows he was (raped) other than me–he never reached out to anyone. I was his first kiss, first girlfriend, and I am the one he gave his virginity to. We are planning on talking about the hurt in our pasts soon, but he has avoided the topic entirely for a long time. He daily asks me to let him know if I’m okay and safe throughout the day–and to always not let any guy or suspicious girl talk to or bother me. His rapist was someone by the name of Shawn–he doesn’t like talking about it. When we first got together two years ago, I logged onto his Skype to test call myself and saw a contact with the exact same name. I deleted it–we’re going to talk. Yet… I worry for my future husband. I know that he will make a great father; he has always been so loving and protective of me, not wanting any harm to come my way–some would say almost over-protective. I’m just distressed, because I know that he has pain locked away, and I want to do everything I can to help him cope and move on, though it may take years. I worry for him, and it breaks my heart to know that he didn’t reach out to anyone–not even his family. The rape happened multiple times..perhaps he submitted because of fear? Help! What can I do?
Comment by Private
Private August 19, 2016 at 1:04 am
My boyfriend just recently told me that he was raped by a man for about a year when he was 10 years old. He has never told anyone but his parents (the man is now in jail for what he did) and I think he felt a lot of shame after he told me, he was almost shocked that now someone else knew.
He is very protective of everyone in his life (especially me) and certainly has trust issues. He says he doesn’t believe in marriage and can’t explain exactly why but I think it’s because of the trust he lacks. He wants to be with me forever (we’re in our 30s) in a committed relationship and have children soon but I think he is afraid to make someone his wife and then be disappointed again.
He is so loving and kind and such a great man but he has a lot of anger towards his abuser (it’s been 18 years) and told me he will not rest until that man dies or is killed (he wants to kill him). I’m trying to get him to go to counseling but he says he’s tried and it doesn’t work. He confessed that sometimes he even thinks about killing himself so he doesn’t have to deal with the the pain anymore. He doesn’t drink at all or do any drugs, doesn’t have any vices at all-seems as if he’s put all his pain into anger which he keeps inside and almost a promise to never trust anyone again.
I want to know how I can help, what I can do/suggest. I feel so terrible for what he’s been thru it truly breaks my heart.
Comment by Jess [Living Well Staff]
Jess [Living Well Staff] August 19, 2016 at 1:48 pm
Hi Anon,
Thanks for your comment. What came across in your message is that you care so much for your boyfriend and want to help him to be okay.
We have a page on dealing with anger that may be helpful in understanding this very common reaction to childhood sexual abuse. Often anger, particularly for men, can be a relatively “safe” way to express the underlying hurt, betrayal, vulnerability and other difficult emotions that can result from a history of sexual abuse.
I think the fact that he told you about the abuse means he is already taking steps to work through these. It showed a remarkable level of trust in you for him to be able to share this with you, and I would consider it a first step towards working through some of these issues.
In terms of what you can do to help him, from your message it sounds like you are already doing that. We have a page on Men’s disclosure: How you can help, but I’m thinking you have been (and are being) very supportive of him. I know you would like to encourage him to seek some support, particularly given some of his worrying thoughts (i.e. revenge and suicide), however this is ultimately up to him. As much as we want to, we can’t ‘make everything okay’ for someone else. Perhaps simply suggest he continue thinking about it; as every counsellor works differently, it may just be that he hasn’t found the right one yet. Good professionals who really understand a legacy of trauma can be difficult to find. If he does ever feel open to trying again, may be able to point him in the right direction.
Finally, please take care of yourself through this. It is hard on you as a partner as well. Engage in self care so you can both build up your own capacity to cope, as well as “model” good self care for him.
Best of luck.
Comment by PRIVATE
PRIVATE August 20, 2016 at 5:20 am
Thank you so much for your reply, it was really helpful to read because I don’t have anyone to talk to about this. I have a few questions that I would love your input on:
1 – have you heard of men not wanting to make a big commitment like marriage as a result of the betrayal and lack of trust from their abuse? i think it’s because his train of thought it “well if you cheat/lie/betray me as my gf it wouldn’t be as bad if you did those things to me as my wife” if that makes any sense?
2 – he mentioned when he disclosed what had happened that he often thinks about moving away (to another state) as a way to leave it all behind. The other boy (now man) who was abused by the same predator with him moved across the country and I think he has hopes that if he ever did the same it would relieve some of his pain. is this a common feeling? seems like it would be.
Comment by PRIVATE
PRIVATE August 20, 2016 at 5:23 am
I also wanted to add that he has been having a lot of health issues lately (one being extremely high blood pressure) and his Dr even told him that he thinks he’s making himself get sick because of his stress (a dr who does not know about his past) and I’m very concerned. He is in excellent psychical shape but his blood pressure levels are extremely alarming. Seems like all these things are a result of what he’s been thru.
Comment by Luna
Luna August 19, 2016 at 5:05 am
My boyfriend and I have been dating on and off for 9 months. We are now doing really well and we are happy. He told me he was sexually abused by his father at a young age a few months ago. My parents won’t stop telling me to leave him because they say that he is going to sexually abuse our children. My mom is the one that says she has talked to multiple therapists who say that he will do this. I don’t think he will but I’m scared. I’ve talked to him about my fears and he is hurt and says he would never do this. I guess my moms constant flow of negative comments scare me and get to me. I just want to know what I should do to help him and if what my mom is saying is somewhat true or if there is something I should do?
Thank you.
Comment by Jess [Living Well Staff]
Jess [Living Well Staff] August 19, 2016 at 2:14 pm
Hi Luna,
Thanks for getting in touch with us.
I’m afraid your mother has been misinformed. There is a large body of research on this area, as it is unfortunately a commonly held myth that men who have experienced sexual abuse will go on to abuse. This research shows that there is no evidence to suggest that men who have been sexually abused will automatically go on to commit sexual offences.
Research evidence actually suggests that over 95% of abused men will not abuse others. What we do know is that men who have been sexually abused as children are concerned for the well-being of children, and if anything can be overly protective (they don’t want what happened to them to happen to another child). Check out our page on addressing the victim to offender cycle.
I’m so pleased to hear that otherwise you and your boyfriend are doing well and are happy. Regardless of the research your boyfriend is not a statistic; his past and present behaviour is the best indicator of his future behaviour. It sounds as though he is doing really well, and has been quite open and genuine with you. He has shown trust in you by sharing this information with you, which is a really great sign.
It’s not unusual for family members to worry, however this can sometimes come out in unhelpful ways. Perhaps it might help to thank your parents for their concern, let them know you’ve done some research, and that you feel confident in your decision to support your boyfriend. Hopefully they will respect this.
It’s a difficult position for you to be in, as well as your boyfriend. Please take care of yourself through this.
Comment by Alyssa
Alyssa August 24, 2016 at 3:35 pm
My partner has recently told me that he was molested as a child. I have found messages to around 30 other women with him asking them to preform kinky things for him that spans throughout our relationship. He says that this is his cooing mechanism to help when he gets flashbacks and things. He’s also been having nightmares where he will end up hitting me during the night and I have been seriously hurt because of this but he doesn’t think it’s alright for me to be upset by it all because of what he went through as a child.
I feel like he has betrayed and emotionally cheated with the things he has done but he always refers back to how horrible it is for him.
Is it selfish for me to want to leave because of these things? I fully understand how horrible and heartbreaking his situation is but am I a bad person for not forgiving him? I just don’t know how I can trust him after this and to top it all off it is a long distance relationship where we can spend months apart.
I really don’t know what to do anymore
Comment by STEFF
STEFF September 21, 2016 at 3:07 am
About 3 months ago I got married to my boyfriend of 4yrs. At one point during our relationship, I confessed to him that during my early childhood I had been sexually molested for years by a family member. I told him what happened and he was very understanding and supportive. I have for many years tried to put that part of my life behind me and although I told him about it, I did not really go into details. He briefly mentioned that he had a similar situation, but that he did not want to talk about it, which I respected and have never brought up since then.
Now that we are married, I found out that he watches an extremely large amount of porn. I found lots of porn on his phone and different social media platforms that he visits. It got to the point were he was watching it in our bed while I was sleeping. I confronted him about it and he promised he would not do it again, yet I caught him two more times after that. I decided to sit down with him and discuss all my feelings and concerns about him watching porn, and told him that I was not sure if I could be in a marriage where porn was such a big part of his llife. I told him that the main reason for me feeling this way was because of my experience as a child. At that moment, he broke down in tears and came clean about a single experience he had at 4yrs old where a family member sexually molested him.
In my head, I realized that this is was his way to cope with that situation and a way to turn it off in his mind and I felt more understanding of him and less upset. I myself was sexually promiscuous as a teen because of this and I have then switched to being a workaholic. He admitted to me that he has a problem and wants help and I have decided to stay and work through this together as we both are clearly still very damaged from these experience.
We have decided to seek help with our church group and are currently trying to keep a strong communication with each other. My question at this point is, should I allow him to continue watching porn, since it seems to help him reinforce his masculinity and its his way of “forgetting” what happened? or should we work to try and completely eliminate his need to watch porn.
Please help, I would greatly appreciate your advice. We are newlyweds and I would hate to see our marriage end because of something that those people in our past put us through.
Thank you,
Comment by Jess [Living Well Staff]
Jess [Living Well Staff] January 11, 2017 at 9:51 am
Hi Steff,
Thanks for sharing your story here, and also for your patience while we got back to you. I know it has been quite a while.
For someone who has experienced sexual abuse, the use of pornography can feel like a safe sexual experience. It can be a way of staying in control of a situation that previously has a history of loss-of-control. This may even feel like a way of looking after yourself. Some men may view the use of pornography as a relatively safe way to explore sexual feelings and desires.
However, pornography usage can be problematic. There are aspects of sexual abuse which can be potentially replicated: secrecy, shame, confusion, all tied up with sexual arousal. Not to mention the conflict it can cause in relationships.
In terms of how to move forward, there is no blanket answer that will work for all relationships. As with any other important issue in a relationship, communication is key. It sounds like the two of you have opened that up, which is great to hear. What I would suggest is trying to work out, openly and honestly, whether your husband’s use of pornography is more problematic than helpful. Ask questions like:
How does it affect him – before, during, and after?
How does it affect you, and your relationship with each other?
Does it bring you closer together, or push you further apart?
What would be different if he wasn’t using pornography?
Best of luck to you both.
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