
If you are a man who has experienced sexual abuse or sexual assault, or a partner, family member or friend, this information may be of help to you. On this page is a directory of counselling and support services worldwide, listed by country. Many of these services offer online counselling, support and resources, much like we do here at Living Well.

As Living Well can only provide direct and ongoing support to residents of Australia, please check to see if your country is listed below for ongoing help and more relevant information. All links open in a new window.

New Zealand

Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse Trust

The MSSAT in New Zealand evolved from a monthly support group started in 1991 after a client asked his therapist how he could meet other men who had suffered similar traumatic experiences to him when they were children. The trust offers their clients confidential, one-to-one support, peer support, group meetings, workshops, retreats and an introduction to ACC approved counsellors and therapists.


Men and Healing

This is a charitable men’s counselling agency based in Ottawa, Ontario that provides services to men and their families with a website in French and in English.  It has a wide range of services, groups and resources.


This is a Montreal based service which is in French.

United States

1in6: Courage, Hope, Strength

The mission of 1in6 is to help men who have had unwanted or abusive sexual experiences in childhood live healthy, happy lives. This is a new and evolving website that, although located in California, is seeking to provide practical resources and information for men, partners, family and friends. Check it out.

Male Survivor

Male survivor was formed in an endeavour to commit to preventing, healing, and eliminating all forms of sexual victimization of boys and men through support, treatment, research, education, advocacy, and activism.

Next Step Counselling

A counselling and training service located in Brookline, Massachusetts that focuses on adult male recovery from the effects of sexual child abuse and other trauma.  Also offers a series of books, resources and events.

The New York City Alliance Against Sexual Assault (NVCAASA)

This is a coalition of programs in New York City united to help victims of rape, incest, sexual abuse and sexual assault.

RAINN: Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network

This is a National Network of over 1,300 sexual assault services throughout the U.S. It incorporates The National Sexual Assault Hotline 1.800.656.HOPE or online through the website which offers free, confidential instant messaging linkage to any of RAINN’s agencies. It has a Myspace page at http://www.myspace.com/rainn_dc
Rainn was founded in 1994 by Scott Berkowitz and musician Tori Amos was a founding member and organisation spokesperson.


This is a Charleston (SC) based group dedicated to diminishing the incidence and the impact of child abuse.

United Kingdom

Mankind Counselling (UK)

Mankind Counselling (UK) delivers specialist support services to men in Sussex who have experienced childhood sexual abuse and/or adult sexual assault at any time in their lives.

Survivors UK

Survivors (UK) provides information, support and counselling for men in London who have been sexually assaulted or abused. Also provides a list of other male sexual assault services.

Survivors Manchester

Survivors Manchester: A site designed to provide you with various kinds of information and help, from downloadable self help guides to ways of accessing direct support and connecting with other men.

West Yorkshire Survivors

West Yorkshire Survivors is a specialist sexual violence abuse support service with a focus on “survivor-led” online based support.

HAVOCA Help for Victims of Childhood Abuse

(The entry page can be triggering but you can “skip it” and go to the home page)
Help for Victims of Childhood Abuse is a non-profit organisation which offers supportive contact and friendship for those who have experienced abuse. It offers a pen pals service and the map of the UK offers some local contacts for self-help and support groups which might be useful if you are looking for a support group to attend in person.


One in Four

One in four offers support for people who have experienced sexual abuse and or sexual violence. Services are for men, women and their supporters offering individual psychotherapy, group therapy, advocacy and support. They have a 24 hour message board which can offer support.

The Dublin Rape Crisis Centre

The Dublin Rape Crisis Centre is a National centre which acts as a contact point for services throughout Ireland. It operates a 24 hour Helpline 1800 778 888 and offers individualised or group therapy programs for those who have experienced sexual abuse and rape, training for workers, court support and outreach and lobbies for law reform and awareness raising.


  1. Comment by Crystal

    Crystal Reply July 20, 2017 at 9:44 am

    I need help. Please I’m 29 yrs old and yes I’ve been sexually abused. A few things happened when I was a lil girl, and now its starting to hit me more and more every day. I’ve been put in a hospital because of that.

    • Comment by Jess [Living Well Staff]

      Jess [Living Well Staff] Reply July 26, 2017 at 9:43 am

      Hi Crystal,
      I’m so sorry this has happened to you. Please know that you are not alone, and that support is available.

      We cannot help you directly, as we are an Australian service. However I would like to suggest taking a look at this Canadian directory of services for adult survivors of sexual abuse. Another option is the Central Alberta Sexual Assault Support Centre – it does look like they deal with both sexual assault and historic sexual abuse.

      Best of luck to you Crystal; you can get through this.

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