
It is important to be aware that historically in Queensland, sexual assault services have only been funded by Queensland Health to support women aged 15 years and over. Some services, however, are now providing assistance to men, and many services will know of local organisations or workers who can assist men who have experienced sexual violence. Given that due to funding constraints women’s service may not be able to help directly, we encourage you to enquire at the services listed on the General Counselling Services in Queensland page.

State-wide sexual assault services

Queensland Statewide Sexual Assault Helpline

Freecall 1800 010 120

The Queensland State Wide Sexual Assault Helpline is a free, confidential service. This service is currently hosted by DVConnect, which also runs the Mensline Queensland. It is open 7.30am to midnight, 7 days a week. For persons with a hearing impairment: TTY 1800 003 98

Brisbane sexual assault aervices

Living Well
South Brisbane: 221 Logan Road, Buranda.
North Brisbane: 408 Gympie Road, Strathpine.
Face to face counselling, telephone, email and web counselling, plus support groups for men and partners. This service is for men, partners, friends, family and workers.
See our Contact us page for more details.
Email: info@livingwell.org.au
Web: https://livingwell.org.au

BRISSC – Brisbane Rape & Incest Survivors Support Centre.
15 Morrisey Street, Woolloongabba.
This is a free, feminist and confidential service for women from 15 years who are survivors of sexual violence and their supporters.
Phone: (07) 3391 0004. 9am to 1pm Monday to Thursday
Email: admin@brissc.org.au
Web: http://www.brissc.org.au/

RBWH Sexual Assault Response Team
Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital, Butterfield Street, Herston.
Acute response for men and women aged 14 and over who have been recently assaulted. No fees are charged. Access by direct presentation to Emergency Services for recent assaults within 72 hour period.
Phone: (07) 3646 5207 (24 hours 7 days).
Offers short to mid-term counselling and referral.

Murrigunyah Family & Cultural Healing Centre
2 Burrigan Street (Cnr Ewing Road), Woodridge.
Provides sexual assault support and counselling for women. Holds a Healing Group for young women weekly.
Phone: (07) 3290 4254
Web: http://www.murrigunyah.org.au

Sisters Inside
326 Montague Road, West End.
Counselling and support service for women who are or have been in prison.
Phone: (07) 3844 5066
Web: http://sistersinside.com.au

WWILD – Working alongside People with Intellectual and Learning Disabilities.
211 Hudson Road, Wooloowin, also at Logan and Caboolture.
This service has a Sexual Violence Prevention (SVP) counselling program for men and women over the age of 13 years. It also has a Victims of Crime (VOC) advisory service which offers support to men and women with intellectual and learning disabilities, their supporters and workers who are involved in the criminal justice system.
Phone: (07) 3262 9877
Email: info@wwild.org.au
Web: http://www.wwild.org.au

ZIG ZAG – Young Women’s Resource Centre.
575 Old Cleveland Road, Camp Hill.
This is a Brisbane-based service that provides sexual assault and housing support for young women aged 12 to 25 years.
Phone: (07) 3843 1823
Email: info@zigzag.org.au
Web: http://www.zigzag.org.au

IWSS – Immigrant Women’s Support Service.
South Brisbane
A community based crisis and support service which works with women and children of non-English-speaking backgrounds who have experienced sexual assault. Interpreting and Translation services are available.
Phone: (07) 3846 3490
Email: mail@iwss.org.au
Web: http://www.iwss.org.au

South-East Queensland sexual assault services

Located at Springwood, Strathpine and Arundel.
Provides face to face counselling services for children and young people who have experienced sexual assault or who are at risk, and see adults who have experienced childhood sexual assault if spaces permit. Fees are charged to non-government referrals, on a sliding scale and starts at $10 per hour. The service also has Advocacy/Support Officers and operates a Sexual Disclosure Scheme (SADS) to assist the process of disclosure of historical sexual assaults to the police.
Phone: 1800 272 831 or (07) 5552 3000
Email: admin@bravehearts.org.au
Web: http://www.bravehearts.org.au

Centre Against Sexual Violence (CASV)
5/13-21 Mayes Ave, Logan.
Provides counselling and support for females 12+ who have experienced both recent and past sexual assault. Not currently funded to provide a service to males but will provide information and referral options. All client services are free.
Phone: (07) 3808 3299
Email: admin@casv.org.au
Web: http://www.casv.org.au

Gold Coast Centre against Sexual Violence
179-181 Scarborough Street, Southport.
This is a community based sexual assault support service for women, staffed by women. Provides free and confidential counselling and advocacy.
Phone: (07) 5591 1164
Email: counselling@stopsexualviolence.com
Web: http://www.stopsexualviolence.com

Redcliffe Caboolture Sexual Assault Service
Caboolture Hospital – Private, Mckean Street, Caboolture.
Provides counselling for females (over 15 years of age) who have experienced sexual abuse or sexual assault. Information for families, partners.
Phone: (07) 3897 6300 (Redcliffe)
Phone: (07) 5433 8300 (Caboolture)

Sexual Health Service (Ipswich)
21 Bell Street, Ipswich
Phone: (07) 3817 2428

West Moreton Women’s Health & Acute Sexual Assault Service
Support directly following a sexual assault, and follow up counselling and support.
Phone: (07) 3812 0138
After hours phone: (07) 3202 2766

Central Queensland sexual assault services

Centacare Emerald
141 Egerton Street, Emerald.
Phone: 1300 523 985
Email emerald@centacare.net

Gladstone Region Sexual Assault Service
9 Derby Street, Gladstone.
Provides free professional specialist sexual assault counselling to children, women, and men who have been sexually assaulted whether it was in the past or recently. Additionally, we provide counselling to those who have experienced sexual harassment or were sexually assaulted in childhood.
Phone: (07) 4979 1456
Email: info@gladstonewomenshealth.org.au
Web: http://www.gladstonewomenshealth.org.au/

Longreach Women’s Sexual Assault Support Service
Phone: (07) 4652 7983

Phoenix House
8 Barolin Street, Bundaberg.
This service provides counselling to children, adolescents, and male and female adults who have been sexually abused and or assaulted, as well as intervention services for those who have committed sexual offences. Clients can self-refer and there are no fees.
Phone: (07) 4153 4299
Email: admin@basas.org.au
Web: http://www.phoenixhouse.com.au

Rockhampton Sexual Assault Support & Prevention Service
Provide counselling, support, advocacy, information, advice and referral to women who have been sexually assaulted during their lives and support and education for parents, siblings and friends.
Phone: (07) 4922 6585
After hours: 1800 017 382

Sunshine Coast Sexual Health Clinic (Maroochydore)
Phone: (07) 5441 2459

Sunshine Coast & Gympie Sexual Assault Support Service
Phone: (07) 5443 4711

Sunshine Coast Sexual Health/Hiv Service (Nambour)
Phone: (07) 5470 5244

Wide Bay Sexual Assault Services
3/8 Neils Sreet, Pialba, Hervey Bay.
(Outreach services in Maryborough, Gayndah and Biggenden)
Phone: (07) 4194 5230
Email: admin@wbsass.com.au
Website: http://www.wbsass.com.au
Operation Hours: Mon to Fri: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm

Northern Queensland sexual assault services

Cairns Sexual Assault Support Service (Family Planning Cairns)
Though not funded to do so, this service does support men.
Phone: (07) 4031 3590
After hours: (07) 4031 3590

Druamalon Sexual Assault Service (Napranum)
Phone: (07) 4069 8160

Mackay Sexual Health & Sexual Assault Service
This service supports men.
12-14 Nelson St. Mackay,Qld, 4740
Phone: (07) 4968 3919

Mt Isa Sexual Assault Service
Phone: (07) 4744 4826
After hours: (07) 4744 4444 (Mt Isa Hospital)

Sexual Health Program (Weipa)
Phone: (07) 4069 9036

Sexual Health & Sexual Assault Services (Mackay)
Phone: (07) 4968 3919

Tableland Sexual Assault Service
Phone: (07) 4091 4036

Townsville Thuringowa Sexual Assault Support Service
Phone: (07) 4775 7555
After hours: (07) 4775 7555

Whitsunday Sexual Assault Service
Phone: (07) 4946 5211
After hours: (07) 4946 5211

Southern Queensland sexual assault services

Roma Health Service District Sexual Assault Support Project
Phone: (07) 4622 2277

Toowoomba Sexual Assault Support Service
Phone: (07) 4616 6950
After hours: (07) 4616 6000


  1. Comment by Madonna

    Madonna Reply June 20, 2014 at 4:01 pm

    Bayside Sexual Assault Service
    Cleveland Redlands Health Service Centre
    Phone: (07) 3488 3111 BH & After hours

    No longer exists. I phoned them and they told me it has been disbanded. Just thought you might like to update this on your page. Thanks for the information otherwise.

    • Comment by Jess [Living Well Staff]

      Jess [Living Well Staff] Reply June 20, 2014 at 4:02 pm

      Thank you so much for this feedback. We contacted the service and you are right, it is no longer available. The information has been removed from this page.

  2. Comment by John (Kemu) Gordon

    John (Kemu) Gordon Reply July 21, 2014 at 10:39 pm

    I have submitted to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse on advise from a psychologist/therapist at the Cairns Sexual Assault Service.

    She would like to see this document distributed as widely as possible, I am only to happy to go along with her wishes. Could you or anyone, please advise me as to how this may be achieved. Any assistance would be very much appreciated. I will mail you a copy within the next day or two. Best wishes and kind thoughts. John. (Kemu)

  3. Comment by Linda Ford

    Linda Ford Reply August 24, 2016 at 8:44 am

    Some of the details on the is page are incorrect in terms of contact numbers. Can someone please contact to up date. Regards Linda Ford

    • Comment by Jess [Living Well Staff]

      Jess [Living Well Staff] Reply August 26, 2016 at 12:55 pm

      Hi Linda,
      Thanks for your feedback. We very much want to provide accurate information.
      I’ve sent you an email to the address provided.

  4. Comment by Kate

    Kate Reply August 17, 2017 at 9:17 am

    I’m just wondering what it takes to have an offender/offenders charged with rape and sexual assault. I have now exhausted every legal avenue to have my 2 attackers charged and the head of CIB on the Sunshine Coast in our final conversation only just fell short of Sking me what I was wearing. I complained to the CCC, Licencing and Police in Brisbane about a pathetic investigation in Noosa with still no charges occurring. I am now offering my shocking story to the media to shine a light on our stupid laws that protect rapists. Laws need to be changed , women need to stop feeling shameful and being silent. Change has only occurred for victims of paedophiles and child abuse because victims started talking publicly. is there anyone out there??

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