
The problem of sexual abuse by clergy and within institutional settings is currently the subject of four separate Parliamentary Commissions or Inquiries throughout Australia (see Royal Commissions and other Inquiries). We understand that the specific contexts in which sexual abuse takes place can significantly influence how the abuse is experienced, how the disclosure is handled and the options available to those who have been abused in seeking redress and holding those who have committed abuse to account. Men sexually abused within religious and institutional settings report how this can profoundly impact on their life and well being, as well as facing particular difficulties in obtaining assistance and support.

Detailed below are some useful links for those seeking support and information.

Forgotten Australians Support Services


Redress – Justice – Community
Micah Projects Forgotten Australians Support Services are based at Lotus Place and include:

  • State-wide information and referral
  • Drop in space for individual support and group activities
  • Community education, memorials and rituals
  • Esther Advocacy and Redress Services, processing complaints through internal church and organisational processes, civil and criminal systems.


Broken Rites Australia


Broken Rites helps victims of church-related sexual abuse. The sexual abuse may have occurred in parishes, church schools, church youth clubs or church-affiliated children's homes. The offenders may be priests, ministers, religious brothers, church-school teachers, lay officials or other church personnel.


Clergy Abuse Australia

This page is designed by and for survivors of clergy sexual abuse in Australia. It contains no religious icons, out of respect for those of us who cannot yet separate the symbols from the pain associated with them. This page provides a forum for information about clergy sexual abuse, and society's, the Church's and the victims' responses to it.


Protocol for dealing with complaints of sexual harassment, sexual assault or sexually inappropriate behaviour

The Anglican Church Australia – Diocese of Brisbane (2006) Download the PDF version accessible through living Well.



  1. Comment by peter hunce

    peter hunce Reply January 22, 2015 at 12:45 pm

    never told anybody what happened over 40 years ago
    now im writing to someone in another part of the world
    who would care
    I survived

  2. Comment by paul lawrence

    paul lawrence Reply March 3, 2016 at 3:49 pm

    I too was a child of institutional sexual abuse back in 1980 I was a state ward from the age of 14 – 18 years old ,I have had a police investigation the offender has died in a car crash .I have had a private session at the royal commission .but feel like i have been left hanging out to dry. No redress from the state gov , or federal gov why have a royal commission if your not going to put in place what they say

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