
Books Below is a list of books written by men or for men who have experienced childhood sexual abuse or sexual assault.

We invite you to share with us. If you know of any other books or stories, or would like to share your own, please do let us know.

Nice to Meet Me Nice to Meet Me
Chris Carlton
This is a walk with one man, Chris Carlton, a former collegiate athlete, U.S. Navy Intelligence Officer, and advertising executive, as he stops trying to prove his worth, and starts repairing his past.
Surviving Childhood Sexual Abuse Surviving Childhood Sexual Abuse: Practical Self-help for Adults Who Were Sexually Abused as Children
Carolyn Ainscough & Kay Toon
Understanding the past – and breaking free from it – is the key to surviving childhood sexual abuse. This book can help ease the journey.
Surviving Childhood Sexual Abuse Workbook Surviving Childhood Sexual Abuse Workbook: Practical Exercises for Working on Problems Resulting Form Childhood Abuse
Carolyn Ainscough & Kay Toon
This practical companion guides readers through a series of exercises, charts, and checklists aimed at recognizing, understanding, and working on the problems resulting from childhood sexual abuse.
Breaking the Chains of Abuse Breaking the Chains of Abuse: A Practical Guide
Sue Atkinson
Writing from her own experience, she gets alongside survivors to offer hope and guidance. The book is divided into 5 sections: The start of it all; Deciding to heal; Understanding the chains; Working through the pain; and, Starting to heal.
Abused Boys Abused Boys: The Neglected Victims of Sexual Abuse
Mic Hunter
Looks at types of abuse, stages of recovery, and reasons why men remain silent about it later in life. Thirteen first-hand “survival stories” offer inspiration to readers.
A Man's Recovery from Traumatic Childhood Abuse A Man’s Recovery from Traumatic Childhood Abuse: The Insiders
Robert Knight
Few male survivors of sexual abuse have spoken out to tell their stories, but this is one of those breaking the silence. Because the author is a trained therapist as well as a survivor, he weaves psychological theory into his personal story.
Beginning to Heal (Revised Edition): A First Book for Men and Women Who Were Sexually Abused as Children Beginning to Heal: A First Book for Men and Women Who Were Sexually Abused as Children
Ellen Bass & Laura Davis
This book has become a touchstone for anyone seeking a gentler, more gradual entry into the process of healing from childhood sexual abuse. Includes stories of both men and women survivors, and also covers the issue of clergy abuse.
Broken Boys, Mending Men: Recovery from Childhood Sexual Abuse Broken Boys, Mending Men: Recovery from Childhood Sexual Abuse
Stephen D. Grubman-Black
Provides a frank discussion of the consequences of male sexual abuse and the ways that victims can find help in healing the pain. Candid first-person accounts illustrate issues commonly faced by males.
Victims No Longer (Second Edition): The Classic Guide for Men Recovering from Sexual Child Abuse Victims No Longer: The Classic Guide for Men Recovering from Sexual Child Abuse
Mike Lew
A guide by a psychotherapist and sexual abuse counsellor which answers men’s needs and addresses changing cultural attitudes toward male survivors of incest and sexual violence.
Beyond Belief: Abused by His Priest, Betrayed by His Church - The Story of the Boy Who Sued the Pope Beyond Belief: Abused by His Priest, Betrayed by His Church – The Story of the Boy Who Sued the Pope
Colm O’Gorman
A powerful story of a young man’s shame turning to justice, demonstrating that – whatever our past hurts – there is hope for the future if we are prepared to stand for truth.
Leaping upon the Mountains: Men Proclaiming Victory over Sex Leaping upon the Mountains: Men Proclaiming Victory over Sex
Mike Lew & Richard Hoffman
Contains contributions from hundreds of men throughout the world. A compilation of many stories – a quilt pieced together from men’s experiences – forming an impressively triumphant pattern.

Further books can be found at our Books for Professionals page.


1 comment

  1. Comment by Marcel Anderson

    Marcel Anderson Reply July 18, 2017 at 12:52 am


    I would like to submit my book for you website.

    Still Living: A Vitimized Mans Journey

    Survior of a Sexual Assault Robbery.

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