
In 2011, in order to raise awareness and increase support for men who have been sexually abused in childhood, we created 2 new posters. In creating these resources, we were confronted by the problem that they were only available in English: they did not speak to people from different cultures who speak different languages. Since then we have been overwhelmed by the generosity of people who have come forward and volunteered to translate the posters into many different languages.

24 languages and counting…

To date, volunteers have assisted us in translating the posters into Russian, Finnish, Swedish, Danish, German, French Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Greek, Czech, Hebrew, Afrikaans, Arabic, Dari (Afghanistan), Hindi, Korean, Mandarin, Chinese, Vietnamese, Fillipino, Fijian. We have also been encouraged to create two new posters that confront the additional challenges faced by people with learning difficulties and physical disabilities.

We would like to express our thanks to Francesca, Hugo, Louise, Camille, Chris, Salome, Winnie, Anna, Asolupe, George, Gurbir, Leona, Vincent, Fatin, Kelly, Outi, Debbie, Ye, David, Harshi, Karis, Eva, Hannah, Carlos, Gareth, Gavin, Osnat, and Ding for helping us to translate the below posters.

At Living Well, we welcome opportunities to collaborate with community members and organisations to produce further multilingual resources that raise awareness and increase support for people who have experienced sexual abuse. We are particularly interested in partnering and working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, organisations and communities to produce culturally appropriate resources and support.

Check out the posters below. You can click the thumbnails to download the full PDF file. We would encourage you to print in colour.

If I tell you I was sexually abused, will you... If a friend told you he was sexually abused, how could you help?




Translated Poster - Afrikaan 3a.pdf
Afrikaan – 9.47 mb
Translated Poster - Afrikaan 3b.pdf
Afrikaan – 6.04 mb
Translated Poster - Arabic 3a.pdf
Arabic – 8.48 mb
Translated Poster - Arabic 3b.pdf
Arabic – 6.43 mb
Translated Poster - Chinese 3a.pdf
Chinese – 9.52 mb
Translated Poster - Chinese 3b.pdf
Chinese – 5.54 mb
Translated Poster - Czech 3a.pdf
Czech – 8.49 mb
Translated Poster - Czech 3b.pdf
Czech – 6.34 mb
Translated Poster - Dannish 3a.pdf
Dannish – 9.99 mb
Translated Poster - Dannish 3b.pdf
Dannish – 5.50 mb
Translated Poster - Dari 3a.pdf
Dari – 8.64 mb
Translated Poster - Dari 3b.pdf
Dari – 5.64 mb
Translated Poster - Disability 3a.pdf
Disability – 8.01 mb
Translated Poster - Disability 3b.pdf
Disability – 7.58 mb
Translated Poster - Fijian 3a.pdf
Fijian – 8.89 mb
Translated Poster - Fijian 3b.pdf
Fijian – 5.27 mb
Translated Poster - Filipino 3a.pdf
Filipino – 8.02 mb
Translated Poster - Filipino 3b.pdf
Filipino – 5.62 mb
Translated Poster - Finnish 3a.pdf
Finnish – 8.19 mb
Translated Poster - Finnish 3b.pdf
Finnish – 6.31 mb
Translated Poster - Greek 3a.pdf
Greek – 8.52 mb
Translated Poster - Greek 3b.pdf
Greek – 5.66 mb
Translated Poster - Hebrew 3a.pdf
Hebrew – 8.29 mb
Translated Poster - Hebrew 3b.pdf
Hebrew – 6.93 mb
Translated Poster - Hindi 3a.pdf
Hindi – 8.61 mb
Translated Poster - Hindi 3b.pdf
Hindi – 6.03 mb
Translated Poster - Italian 3a.pdf
Italian – 8.04 mb
Translated Poster - Italian 3b.pdf
Italian – 7.34 mb
Translated Poster - Korean 3a.pdf
Korean – 8.23 mb
Translated Poster - Korean 3b.pdf
Korean – 5.78 mb
Translated Poster - Mandarin 3a.pdf
Mandarin – 8.03 mb
Translated Poster - Mandarin 3b.pdf
Mandarin – 5.86 mb
Translated Poster - Portuguese 3a.pdf
Portuguese – 8.04 mb
Translated Poster - Portuguese 3b.pdf
Portuguese – 6.10 mb
Translated Poster - Russian 3a.pdf
Russian – 8.73 mb
Translated Poster - Russian 3b.pdf
Russian – 5.40 mb
Translated Poster - Spanish
Spanish – 376 kb

Translated Poster - Spanish
Spanish – 443 kb

Translated Poster - Swedish 3a.pdf
Swedish – 8.18 mb
Translated Poster - Swedish 3b.pdf
Swedish – 9.09 mb
Translated Poster - Vietnamese 3a.pdf
Vietnamese – 7.75 mb
Translated Poster - Vietnamese 3b.pdf
Vietnamese – 6.15 mb
Translated Poster - French 3a.pdf
French – 6.15 mb
Translated Poster - French 3b.pdf
French – 5.34 mb
Translated Poster - German 3a.pdf
German – 8.27 mb
Translated Poster - German 3b.pdf
German – 6.20 mb




How can he tell you... We need more inspirational work and stories to be told.

Note: At Living Well we believe that preventing and reducing the influence of childhood sexual abuse and sexual assault in people's lives is best addressed through collaboration and working in partnership with individuals, organizations and communities. We believe that together we can make a world of difference.



  1. Comment by Donald Bondick

    Donald Bondick Reply June 20, 2014 at 4:06 pm

    Thank you for being at Male Survivor in November 2012! Thank you for all you do for survivors.

    Donald Bondick
    Rockford, IL

  2. Comment by Tony Anstatt

    Tony Anstatt Reply November 24, 2019 at 3:12 pm

    Agreeing with Donald’s 2014 comments, your LW services are extremely worthwhile! Particularly your small, printed-booklets are often suggested + distributed by both ‘knowmore’ centres + many other Support Groups. These also make up key stages, in our Speaking out, Coping + Repairing stages.

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