
The Living Well service is committed to raising awareness of the problems related to childhood sexual abuse and adult sexual assault, as well as building community capacity to prevent sexual abuse and respond more appropriately.

Our current campaign includes four new posters and four new postcards for distribution. These posters details some of the specific challenges males can face in relation to speaking about sexual abuse, as well providing practical information and encouragement to community members to support and assist someone who has experienced sexual abuse. The campaign includes the creation of a 60 page booklet, ‘Living Well: A guide for men who have experienced sexual abuse‘ (available in hard copy and for download).

Please feel free to download these PDFs to print out or distribute as you wish. The first two posters and all of the postcards are available from us in high quality printed form.

Posters and Postcards

Check out the posters and postcards below. You can click the thumbnails to download the full PDF file. We would encourage you to print in colour or better still allow us to send you the high quality printed copies for greater impact and support.

Poster: How to support a sexual abuse victim
If I tell you I was sexually abused…
Postcard: Will you judge me?
Will you judge me?
Poster: Masculinity and sexual abuse
If a man is meant to be…
Postcard: Sexual assault is something that happened to me.
Sexual assault is something that happened to me. It’s not who I am.
Poster: How to support a friend who was sexually abused
If a friend told you he was sexually abused, how could you help?
Postcard: Listen. Believe.
Listen. Believe.
Poster: Give us hope.
The image of a guy who has been sexually abused
Postcard: If a man is meant to be...
How can he tell you

Our posters have been translated to 24 languages, for use in countries all over the world. Check out and download our collection of translated posters here.

Tell us what you think about the posters and postcards in the comments below.

You can also view and download media from our 2010 campaign.

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