
Below are some things men have found useful for getting through tough times. This tips have been offered by men who have experienced sexual assault or abuse. They are taken from some of the responses to the Men's Experiences Survey.


Professional, Age 51, sexually abused from age 9-15

I have joined a support group consisting of male survivors of sexual abuse. I have found it helps enormously to talk about my experiences in a group who can understand the pain and hurt.

Write out your thoughts

Skilled Tradesperson, Age 64, first sexually abused at age 1

Writing (journalling) proffesional support group, work, coping strategies.

Professional, Age 38, sexually abused from age 5-16

Writing down feelings and memories.

Skilled Tradesperson, Age 55, sexually assaulted from age 9-11

Seek professional counseling, live in the present, trace negative thoughts back to their origins (they're usually surprisingly trivial).

Professional, Age 35, sexually abused from age 3-7

Music, learning, reading. Don't hide your anger it will jump up and bite you sometime.

Professional, Age 23, sexually abused from age 2-22

Music; art; beating a pillowcase full of socks; friends who tell me off for apologizing and reassure me that i'm ok….that i'm allowed to be. client centered counselling that doesn't require me to sit in an office. drawing self affirming things on my arms; my cats.

Manager, Age 38, sexually assaulted at age 13

Researching the topic.

Skilled tradesperson, Age 49, sexually abused from age 10-17.

Have a men's group I go to, offshoot after attending a meeting run by MARS (men affected by rape and sexual abuse).

Professional, Age 48, sexually abused from age 9-12

My Christian faith. Words to songs by many artists. Remembering that it could have been so much worse. Learning that it was not my fault.

If you have words of encouragement of your own you would like to offer, you are invited to participate in the Men's Experiences Survey.


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