
The National Redress Scheme provides support to people who have experienced institutional child sexual abuse. It was established in response to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.

National Redress Scheme

The National Redress Scheme:

  • Acknowledges that many children were sexually abused in Australian institutions.
  • Recognises the harm caused by this abuse.
  • Holds institutions accountable for this abuse.
  • Helps people who have experienced institutional child sexual abuse gain access to counselling and psychological services, a direct personal response, and a monetary payment.

The scheme started on 1 July 2018, and will run for 10 years. Applications can be made any time before 30 June 2027.

Who can apply?

You can apply to the National Redress Scheme if:

  • you experienced sexual abuse when you were a child (under 18 years of age) and
  • the abuse happened before 1 July 2018, and
  • an institution was responsible for bringing you into contact with the person who abused you, and
  • you were born before 30 June 2010, and
  • you are an Australian citizen or permanent resident.

More information about applying to the scheme.

Make an application.

Get support

There are free and confidential Redress Support Services available to help you. These services can help you understand the Scheme, talk about your feelings, and guide and assist you through the application process. The Redress Support Services are there to:

  • Listen to your experiences and support you to cope.
  • Provide information about the National Redress Scheme.
  • Answer your questions about the scheme.
  • Assist you with your application to the scheme, or even make an application on your behalf.
  • Help you understand the outcome of your application.

Support services

The redress support services available in Queensland are listed below. A list of all of the redress support services across Australia can be found on this page: Explore all Redress Support Services.

Additionally there are community services that can support you with:

Redress support Queensland

All States and Territories

Counselling, information, support and referral for people who have experienced child sexual abuse and childhood trauma.

Phone: 1300 657 380 Mon-Sun 9-5 AEST

Type of support: Information, Support and referral, Counselling, Telephone support

All States and Territories

Trauma informed telephone and online counselling for childhood abuse

Phone: 1800 991 099 (Free Call)

Type of support: Counselling, Online support, Telephone support

All States and Territories

Counselling and support for people who experienced child sexual abuse

Phone: 1800 272 831 (Free Call)

Type of support: Counselling, Face-to-face support, Telephone support


Support, information and referral, and counselling for people who have experienced child sexual abuse.

Phone: 1300 364 277 or 1800 552 127

Type of support: Counselling, Face-to-face support

All States and Territories

National peak body for children and young people with disability. Provides information and systemic representation.

Phone: 1800 222 660 (Free Call)

Type of support: Support and referral


A dedicated support service and resource centre for Forgotten Australians and Former Child Migrants.

Phone: (07) 3029 7000

Type of support: Counselling, Face-to-face support

All States and Territories

Independent service giving free legal advice to assist survivors of institutional child sexual abuse.

Phone: 1800 605 762 (Free Call)

Type of support: Counselling, Face-to-face support

All States and Territories

National telephone and online support, information and referral service for men with family and relationship concerns.

Phone: 1300 78 99 78

Type of support: 24/7 support, Counselling, Online support, Telephone support

All States and Territories

National telephone line to provide information and referrals to people with disabilities.

Phone: 1800 422 015 (Free Call) or TTY: 1800 422 016

Type of support: Counselling, Face-to-face support, Telephone support

All States and Territories

Service to help build the capacity of Indigenous organisations and support the development of the Link Up network.

Phone: (02) 6272 7500

Type of support: Support and referral

All States and Territories

Advocacy, referrals and support services to people who have experienced religious/clergy abuse, with a focus on the Jewish community.

Phone: 1300 893 335

Type of support: Counselling, Face-to-face support


Counselling, healing and culturally appropriate support for Indigenous Australians.

Phone: 1800 200 855 (Free Call)

Type of support: Counselling, Face-to-face support, For Indigenous Australians

All States and Territories

Support and advocacy for Care Leavers

Phone: 1800 008 774 (Free Call)

Type of support: Support and advocacy for Care Leavers, Counselling, Face-to-face support

All States and Territories

Independent advocacy, case work, referral and support to aid recovery for people who have experienced abuse, their families and communities responding to religious institutional abuses.

Phone: (03) 9326 1190

Type of support: Counselling, Face-to-face support


Community based sexual assault service dedicated to serving the sexual assault support, education and information needs of the Logan, Beenleigh and Beaudesert communities.

Phone: (07) 3808 3299

Type of support: Counselling, Face-to-face support

All States and Territories

National telephone counselling service for people who have experienced abuse. Face-to-face counselling is available in New South Wales.

Phone: 1800 211 028

Type of support: Counselling, Face-to-face support, Telephone support

All States and Territories

Social work services for Former Child Migrants, including counselling and support for family reunions.

Phone: 1800 040 509 (Free Call)

Type of support: Counselling, Face-to-face support

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