
Living Well is dedicated to the provision of a supportive, accessible, respectful, service to men who have experienced child sexual abuse or sexual assault, to partners, friends, family and service providers.

Our commitment

Living Well is committed to working positively with individuals and organisations to end all forms of violence and abuse. Living Well is committed to using collaborative processes to work with men and their supporters in ways that are respectful and inclusive and which value men’s strength, energy and creativity and which enhance trust, give hope and celebrate life.

Wellness, not illness


Promoting wellness

The Living Well resource seeks to create, encourage and maintain men’s health and well being in relation to self and others. This means that whilst acknowledging the profound impact of child sexual abuse or sexual assault in men’s lives, the resource does not promote a ‘pathogenic’ model that sees men’s lives in terms of deficit or only damage.

Access and equity

Living Well affirms the rights of men who have experienced child sexual abuse or sexual assault to services that are safe, accessible, appropriate and free from discrimination.

Rights and Responsibilities

Living Well supports the rights of all men who have experienced child sexual abuse or sexual assault to quality information and support and for them to make safe, healthy and respectful choices with regards to their actions and lifestyle that do not negate the rights, choices and safety of others.

Support for women and women’s services

Living Well acknowledges the gains and challenges that women, women’s movements and feminist action have made possible in relation to the discussion and awareness of sexual violence perpetrated against men, women and children. Living Well is supportive and respectful of women and women’s services and is committed to the ending of all forms of gender based violence.

Diversity in our community

Living Well recognises the diversity within the Australian community and welcomes the challenges and opportunities such diversity presents.

Living Well acknowledges the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the traditional custodians of this land. Living Well seeks to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander services and peoples: in particular to assist indigenous men who have experienced child sexual abuse or sexual assault.

Living Well recognises and values the diversity within Australian society. Living Well believes diversity enriches and strengthens the community; whereas discrimination, intolerance and acts of violence based on sex, gender, race, ethnicity, religious belief, class, age, physical or mental ability or sexuality undermines and weakens our community.

Acknowledgement: Created with reference to the philosophy adopted by the Canberra Service Assisting Male Survivors of Sexual Assault (SAMSSA).


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