
The following is a list of telephone numbers and web resources that men who have experienced sexual violence have found useful.

Queensland Statewide Sexual Assault Helpline

Freecall: 1800 010 210

The Queensland State Wide Sexual Assault Helpline is a free confidential service open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  This service is currently hosted by DVConnect which also runs the Mensline Queensland.

Mensline Queensland

Freecall: 1800 600 636


Mensline Queensland is a free, confidential telephone counselling referral and support service for men.  It is a Queensland wide service that currently operates between the hours of 9am – 12midnight, 7 days a week.
Mensline offers professional counselling and information, and acts as a strategic point of referral for Queensland men around issues of:

  • Domestic and family violence.
  • Relationship problems and separation issues.
  • Men’s health.
  • Child support.
  • Family law issues.
  • Suicide.
  • Any significant issues for men.

Mensline Australia

1300 78 99 78


The Mensline hotline and website is designed to empower Australian men to actively participate in building and sustaining healthy personal relationships that support healthy families, workplaces and communities. This line is Nation-wide.


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Lifeline’s 13 11 14 service is staffed by trained volunteer telephone counsellors who are ready to take calls 24-hour a day, any day of the week from anywhere in Australia. The website details services that Lifeline provides to the Australian Community. This website has been designed to address three different areas which may be of interest; help seeker information, details on how to support Lifeline and general information about Lifeline.


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