
This 60 page book has been written to provide men with some practical information and support about dealing with sexual abuse and its effects. We have tried to keep it manageable, both in terms of its size and the level of detail. Most of all we hope that it offers some useful ideas about taking care of yourself.
Cameron Boyd PhD and Gary Foster PhD
The authors.

Accessing a copy

You can access an A6 hard copy by contacting Living Well, or you may view and download an electronic version of the booklet below.

Download Living Well: A Guide for Men [PDF 9 MB]

Or simply view it below:


UK Version

A UK version of the Guide for Men has been developed and translated by Bob Balfour for West Yorkshire Survivors (funded by fees Bob received by providing training to West Yorkshire Police Officers). This booklet has now been updated and re-released as of 2016.

Download A Self Help Guide for Men Who Have Been Sexually Abused  [PDF 700 KB]

US Version

We are pleased to announce the creation, in partnership with www.1in6.org and 1in6.ca, of a North American version of our booklet Living Well: A Guide for Men.

Download Living Well: A Guide for Men   [PDF 1013 KB]

Invitation to work with us

Whilst we have worked to make the Guide something that might be useful for all men who have experienced sexual abuse, we recognize that there are specific issues that particular groups of men face. We believe it will be useful to develop specifically adapted editions for Indigenous men, and for Men from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds, for example. We would welcome contact from service providers or groups of men interested in working with us to suitably revise and adapt version for their communities.

Official launch

On Tuesday the 10th of May 2011, Living Well: A Guide for Men was officially launched at St John’s Cathedral, Brisbane, as part of the 18th Captain Snapper Loaves and Fishes Fundraising Luncheon, of which Living Well was the 2011 beneficiary. A copy of the booklet was be formally presented to the Archbishop of Brisbane and the Primate of Australia, the Most Reverend Dr Philip Aspinall. The book has been updated and re-released several times since.


Sources that contributed to the development of the Living Well: A Guide for Men booklet include:

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