
The ‘My Name is’ project is one man’s contribution to breaking the silence and taboo associated with sexual abuse of males. My name is project at (Wo)Men Speak Out started with one video:

Chris says:

It’s been a few years since I first posted the video My Name is Chris on Youtube. I wanted to create a snapshot of my life. I have been silent about my abuse for over 2 decades and this video is my admission that it has affected almost everything about me. I wanted that happy childhood dream. But I finally knew that there was nothing I could do to take my childhood back, to wipe away the abuse. I couldn’t even pretend anymore that the abuse didn’t exist.

So I made My Name is Chris, and I cry just a little every time I watch it.

There are many men who want to provide testimony of their experiences and struggles, the My name is project is one way to do this. If you considering compiling a video or personal account, here at living Well we encourage you to always prioritise your safety.


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