
Living Well wishes to encourage the support of Stop it Now!

Stop It Now!® is a non-profit organisation whose mission is to prevent the perpetration of child sexual abuse through a public health approach which emphasises adult and community responsibility.

Stop It Now! was founded in the United States of America in 1992 by a survivor of child sexual abuse, who was determined to find new ways to prevent children from being sexually harmed. Fran Henry acknowledged that children cannot be expected to prevent sexual abuse, particularly as most children are abused by someone they know and possibly trust, such as a family member. Adults need to take this burden of responsibility and become responsible for helping to protect their communities children.

Stop It Now! is a world wide organisation, with sites and affiliates in the USA (Georgia, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Philadelphia, Vermont, Virginia, and Wisconsin), the United Kingdom and Ireland, and most recently Stop It Now! Australia (Queensland).

Since 1992 Stop It Now!’s public policy, public education and research programmes have worked to protect children by reaching out to adults who are concerned about the inappropriate sexualised behaviour of another adult, young person or child, and to adults who are concerned about their own thoughts or behaviours.

Stop It Now! provides tools, resources and education to encourage these adults to take action steps toward preventing child sexual abuse and can be accessed at http://www.stopitnow.org

Stop it Now Prevention Guidebooks

Individual copies of the following guidebooks are available for download in PDF format at http://www.stopitnow.org/help-guidance/prevention-tools.

Let’s Talk

Adults Talking to Adults about Child Sexual Abuse
A practical 14 page guide to one of Stop It Now!’s core principles for protecting children: adults talking honestly with other adults.

Prevent Child Sexual Abuse:

Facts About Abuse and How to Prevent It
A clear, newly expanded 22-page primer on child sexual abuse, offering practical steps adults can take to prevent it—before it starts.

Do Children Sexually Abuse Other Children?

Preventing Sexual Abuse Among Children and Youth
Our expanded and updated 18-page guidebook that offers a clear, positive discussion about actions adults can take to prevent harmful sexual interactions between children.

Algo estaba pasando en Mi propio hogar, y yo no me habia dado cuenta antes

(Something was going on in my own home and I didn’t realize it.)
This Spanish-language brochure, written in mini novella format with lists of warning sign behaviors, informs readers that help is available for people who sexually abuse children. (2 pages)

Don’t Wait: Everyday Actions to Keep Kids Safe

Everyday Actions provides specific actions parents and caregivers can take to create a safer environment that keeps kids safe. (2 pages)

Concerned about Sex Offenders: What You Can Do to Protect Your Family

This tool offers individuals and communities suggestions on how to respond to knowledge that people with sexual abuse convictions are living in their communities. (2 pages)

Create a Family Safety Plan

Create a Family Safety Plan provides ways a family can help protect children from child sexual abuse by creating a safer environment and a more supportive network. (2 pages)

Keeping Adults and Children Safe on the Internet

If you have concerns about your own or someone else’s behaviors online, this resource guide provides a variety of links to publications and valuable guidance for next steps towards safety and sexual abuse prevention.

Sample Journal Entry

This tool illustrates how to record observed suspicious behaviors in order to help prevent child sexual abuse. (1 page)

Grandparents’ Unique Role in Prevention

This resource explains why grandparents can play an integral part in preventing child sexual abuse, and why grandparents need to speak up. (2 pages)

Helpline Brochure

The Helpline Brochure explains the details of the Helpline and what you can expect when you call the Helpline. (2 pages)

Working Upstream: A Public Health Approach to Preventing the Sexual Abuse of Children.

Proceedings from the 2002 Stop It Now! Expert Panel Meeting.<

Acknowledgement: Stop it Now! Queensland is coordinated by Phoenix House in Bundaberg – http://www.phoenixhouse.com.au/index.php


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