
This page offers a sample of services that are able to address the specific needs of Queensland men and their supporters although many have offices and comparable services throughout Australia. Generally they are not acute or crisis intervention services which are listed in a separate page on this site), but will be able to direct you to the nearest facility in your preferred location. Please contact the individual service to enquire about whether it is suitable for your needs. As always use your own judgement as to whether a service feels right for you at this point in time. Often you can just ask some general questions first without giving your name and many are able to assist you in an anonymous way too if you are more comfortable with this.

While most are similarly dedicated to providing assistance to people who have experienced sexual abuse and their partners, families, and friends, they may vary as to the language that is used. For example a legal service will use the word “victim,” a health based service will say “patient,” a self-help service might say “survivor,” and most counselling services will say “a person who has experienced sexual abuse,” etc. As language contains different meanings for us all depending on our individual life experiences and circumstances you might have some particular preferences or discomfort around these titles. Most of the time they mean the same thing but the language used is an indication of the type of assistance that is offered. (Consider the information given on our Users Guide to Counselling page). It helps to know what you need right now in deciding which service to contact. They all offer assistance but will offer it in different ways… just ask!

We would value your feedback on how helpful you have found these suggestions and whether there are other services that you feel we should list also.

Phone counselling and helplines

This is a free and confidential telephone OR online counselling service which operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Phone: 1300 78 99 78
Web: www.mensline.org.au

Kids Help Line
Provides free and confidential telephone, email and online counselling services to young people 5 to 24 years. Male and female counsellors on request.
Phone: 1800 55 1800
Email: [email protected]
Web: http://www.kidshelp.com.au

Operates a free and confidential telephone service which aims to support parents and carers of young people.
Phone: 1300 30 1300 (8am to 10pm, 7 days)
Email: [email protected]
Web: http://www.parentline.com.au

Elder Abuse Prevention Unit
The EAPU operates a Helpline which offers advice, support information and referral to anyone in Queensland who is experiencing or witnessing elder abuse. There is also a Peer Support Network for rural and remote seniors.
Phone: Helpline 1300 65 192 (9am to 5pm Mon to Fri)
Phone: (07) 3250 1836
Web: http://www.eapu.com.au

The Homelessness Persons Information Centre Qld.
(Ask for other State connection to services)
Ph: 1800 47 47 or TTY 1800 010 222

For survivors & their supporters

Advocates for Survivors of Child Abuse, is the only Australian non-government organisation dedicated to the health and wellbeing of adult survivors of child abuse. Through an Australia-wide network of survivors, supporters and professionals, ASCA helps to break down the sense of isolation and alienation that many survivors feel. ASCA is working to ensure that all survivors will be able to access the help they need, as well as engaging the Australian community to raise awareness about this important issue.
Web: http://www.asca.org.au

Assistance for non-English speakers and the hearing impaired

TIS – Translating & Interpreting Service
A free National interpreter and relay service on the phone.
Phone: 131 450 (Australia wide)
Web: http://www.immi.gov.au/living-in-australia/help-with-english/help_with_translating/

This is the Queensland Program to Assist Survivors of Torture and Trauma.
Phone: (07) 3391 6677 for Sth Brisbane, or (07) 4659 5501 for Toowoomba
Email: [email protected]
Web: http://www.qpastt.org.au

Legal assistance

Also see the Prosecution and Compensation information page on this site

JAG – The Justice and Attorney Generals Department funds a number of services which assist clients especially those on limited incomes to obtain advice, support and information that allows them to negotiate the legal processes in an equitable way. Translation services can be arranged by phone or face to face and many offer or can arrange court support.

Victim Assist Queensland
This service provides information and referral services to clients throughout the states rural, regional and metropolitan regions for people who have been victims of a crime. Financial compensation may be possible. Court support and liaison can be offered.
Phone: 1300 LINKUP (1300 546 587) 8.30am to 5pm Mon to Fri
Email: [email protected]

Legalaid Qld
Phone: (07) 3238 3500 or 1300 65 11 88 for legal info and referrals.
For Indigenous clients 1300 65 01 43
Web: http://www.legalaid.qld.gov.au

CLC’s – The following are free Community Legal Centres which receive funds by various government departments to assist clients on limited incomes with a range of experiences including personal and family violence issues. Contact individual services for details through the associations’ site at http://qails.org.au

Caxton Legal Service – South Brisbane
General & family law matters
Phone: (07) 3214 6333
Drop in evening advice sessions. A social worker is available for short term counselling and referral by appointment.
Web: http://www.caxton.org.au

Seniors Legal & Support Service – South Brisbane
A combined legal and social work support service which assists seniors 60+ who are experiencing or are at risk of emotional, psychological, financial, physical and sexual abuse and exploitation. The service is funded to provide home visits and court support where needed. There are five locations throughout Queensland.
Phone: (07) 3214 6333
Web: http://www.communities.qld.gov.au/communityservices/ or www.caxton.org.au

YAC – Youth Advocacy Service
Free and confidential legal, social, and youthwork assistance for 10 to 16 year olds in Brisbane region.
Phone: (07) 3356 1002
Email: [email protected]
Web: http://www.yac.net.au

RAILS – Refugee and Immigrant Legal Service
Provides free legal assistance in immigration and refugee cases to people in need.
Phone: (07) 3846 3189
Web: http://rails.org.au

Assistance to young offenders & their families

The Mater Family and Youth Counselling Service
This is a face to face counselling service for young persons and their families who are part of the Youth Justice Conferencing Program as a result of their offending behaviours towards others. The service also supports children and youths and their families who have been the subject of unwelcome sexual contact and abuse. Located in South Brisbane. Contact Judy or Christine.
Email: [email protected]
Web: http://www.mater.org.au

Griffith University Youth Forensic Service (GYFS)
This is a university based assessment and treatment program which uses individualised and culturally appropriate approaches for youths who have been before the Queensland Courts on sexual offending charges. Direct enquiries to chief researcher Steven Smallbone.
Phone: (07) 3735 6907
Web: http://www.griffith.edu.au

For those who are or have been in prison or institutions

Prison Fellowship
This is an international faith based organisation which operates within Queensland correctional facilities staffed largely by trained volunteers offering counselling and chaplaincy services to inmates and their families. There are over 6000 inmates in Qld prisons and 93% are men. Post release support is also available.
Phone: (07) 3397 7193
Email: [email protected]
Web: http://www.prisonfellowship.org.au

Catholic Prison Ministry
Responds to issues faced by people affected by the criminal justice system in court, in prison and in the community.
Phone: 1300 236 822
Email: [email protected]
Web: https://centacarebrisbane.net.au/services/centacare-site/centacare-prisoners-services-south-brisbane

Faith organisations (see above also)

Multifaith Chaplaincy Service
Univ of Queensland
The interfaith chaplain also facilitates counselling groups for MARS
Phone: 0433553163
Web: http://www.uq.edu.au/chaplaincy

For those who identify as lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and/or transgender, or for those who are questioning their sexual orientation or gender identity (LGBTQ)

Rainbow Counselling Service – Relationships Australia
A specialised counselling service supporting people within the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community in Queensland. It offers advice and support also to those who are questioning their sexual orientation or gender identity and supports partners, families and friends. It is also on Facebook
Phone: 1300 364 277
Web: http://www.raq.org.au/services/counselling/rainbow-service

Open Doors Youth Service
Offers support to young people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual and or transgender. Operates a drop-in centre and peer support and mentoring program.
Located in Fortitude Valley. Can be found on Facebook.
Phone: (07) 3257 7660
Email: [email protected]
Web: http://opendoors.net.au

This is a service which supports and offers advice to parents, family and friends of young people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual and or as transgender. It provides an anonymous telephone service where issues can be explored in a safe environment.
Phone: (07) 3017 1739
Email: [email protected]
Web: http://pflagbrisbane.org.au

For those with eating issues

Isis – The Eating Issues Centre
A comprehensive South Brisbane based service for women and men 17+ which offers counselling, individual and groups, workshop and professional training programs. The Men’s Eating Project addresses specific issues on Fridays. Is on Facebook.
Phone: (07) 3844 6055
Web: http://www.isis.org.au

Eating Disorders Queensland
(Formerly The Eating Disorders Association) Provides information and support on a range of issues.
Email: [email protected]
Web: https://eatingdisordersqueensland.org.au

For those with alcohol, drug and/or gambling issues

The Salvation Army Moonyah Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation Services
Located at Red Hill on Brisbane’s north side this service has counsellors trained in the specific impacts of sexual abuse on males. It provides residential care and support while clients progress through the 12 step program. For clients who have drug, alcohol and or gambling addictions
Phone: (07) 3369 0922 or 1300 363 622 for counselling & referral 24 hours.
Web: http://www.salvos.org.au/need-help/drugs-and-alcohol

Housing & accomodation

Rental Tenancy Association
Can help negotiate changes to leases which may become necessary on compassionate grounds or as a result of disputes between tenants and with landlords.
Phone: 1300 366 311
Web: http://www.rta.qld.gov.au

Brisbane Homelessness Service Centre
Sth Brisbane Location
Ph: (07) 3036 4444
Web: http://www.bhsc.net.au


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