
Relationships Australia (Victoria) and Mensline Australia (Crisis Support Services) have recently developed a resource for men called Renovate your Relationship. The booklet explores how relationships can be renovated and provides a wide range of tools for men to use.

Many men tell us that they didn’t see the problems in their relationship until it was too late. These guys wish they had done maintenance work beforehand and never reached this point. The 24 page manual provides men with a set of practical skills; tools to renovate their most important relationship.

The tool box

Working together / Avoiding misunderstandings / Sharpen up your listening / Resolving conflict / When the roof blows off! Anger and frustration / Who has the power? Abuse and violence / Self-maintenance / Renovate your sex life / Love / Valuing difference / Appreciation / When trust breaks down / Children – Planning for the extension

More often than not separations are initiated by women. When relationships break down, men feel gutted, their trust and confidence is knocked big time. As if the building has suddenly collapsed. The challenge for men is to see the tell-tale cracks appearing and take action.

Your renovation project

Most men don’t look at instructions until they cannot get something to work. Not always the best way!

This manual is a call to action. Don’t wait until your relationship is in trouble. Use this manual as your set of instructions for your most important renovation project. It’s worth the work! The book has been inspired by the men who work with us and who we have worked with over many years.

Download the booklet: Renovate your Relationship, or simply view it below.



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