
Enjoy eating well

Eating well is about enjoying the food you eat, not just about nutrients. Vitamin and mineral supplements should not, and cannot, be used to replace a balanced diet. So get into the habit of enjoying tasty, fresh and healthy meals. It’s easy once you’re in the swing of it! Here are a few tips:

  • eat a healthy breakfast
  • avoid snacking between meals
  • plan healthy, quick and easy meals for busy days
  • enjoy cooking – experiment with new foods and try new recipes
  • make the most of foods in season
  • make mealtimes special occasions for the whole family
  • eat slowly and savour every mouthful
  • listen to your body – stop when you feel full

Get your 2&5® every day

Try these tips to make sure you get at least two fruit and five vegetable serves each day:

  • add extra vegies to stir-fries, curries or casseroles
  • add a salad as well as extra vegies to main meals
  • pack fresh fruit for a quick snack on the run
  • add an extra serve of salad to your sandwich
  • puree fruit and pour into ice-block moulds to make great icy poles or add to drinks
  • chop chunks of different fruit and thread on a skewer for a fruit kebab desert
  • serve carrot and celery sticks, florets of broccoli and cauliflower with a low fat dip

Boost your fibre

  • choose wholemeal, wholegrain and seeded breads instead of white
  • add fruit to breakfast cereal and choose a cereal that’s high in fibre
  • keep the skin on fruit and vegetables (wash them well first)

Enjoy whole foods Drink more water

  • keep a jug of chilled water in the fridge
  • add fresh lemon juice or mint leaves for flavour
  • take a water bottle with you when you go out
  • keep a water bottle on your desk

Cut down on sugar

  • gradually cut down the amount of sugar you have in your cuppa
  • go for fruit instead of biscuits, chocolate, cakes or lollies
  • choose foods and drinks with no added sugar, especially soft drinks

Eat less saturated and total fat

  • choose lean cuts of meat and poultry and trim off visible fat and skin
  • choose polyunsaturated or monounsaturated margarines and oils, especially reduced fat varieties, and only use a little
  • use spreads like margarine sparingly, especially on toast
  • use a thin layer of avocado or low-fat mayonnaise instead of butter or margarine
  • go easy on high-fat nuts like peanuts
  • use low or reduced fat milk or soy milk, yoghurts and cheese
  • avoid high fat meat products like sausages, bacon, salami or ham

For more information on eating well

Check out the Queensland Health website and downloadable documents.


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