
Quality assurance

At Living well we are interested in providing the best possible service to men who have experienced child sexual abuse or sexual assault, and to partners, friends, family or service providers. We work to provide the most relevant, accurate information possible, and to ensure it is up to date in an ongoing sense. We seek to draw from established resources and evidence based research in order to produce material that is reliable and has a practical, useful focus. We endeavour to fully acknowledge the multiple original sources, where appropriate, and to not to infringe on the rights of anyone.

Living Well welcomes suggestions as to how you feel our web resources can be improved. If you have noticed any mistakes, or wish to provide us with feedback on any aspect of our website and its content, please do not hesitate to contact us! All comments and criticisms are welcome.


Living Well is an initiative of Anglicare Southern Queensland. It was originally established through a grant from the Queensland Gambling Community Benefit Fund and the generous assistance of private donors.

We are extremely grateful to the many men, women and organisations that have supported the development of this resource. We would like to express particular thanks to:

  • Alex, Brent, Dave, Glen, Ken, Kobi, Mitch, Nathan, Rob, and Roger.
  • Carolyn and Max from South East Centre Against Sexual Assault (Victoria).
  • Cameron at Northern Centre Against Sexual Assault (Victoria).
  • The Collective at BRISCC.
  • Deb, Erica And Christie at Zig Zag Young Women’s Resource Centre.
  • Jan and Mary Jane from the Brisbane Sexual Assault Service.
  • Di at Gold Coast Sexual Assault Prevention Service.
  • Karen and Julie at Toowoomba Sexual Assault Service.
  • Wendell, Murad and Ari at MARS.
  • Andrew and Piers from Mensline Australia.
  • Judy from the Sexual Assault Support and Prevention Service Roma.
  • Craig at NOUS.
  • David at Dulwish Centre Publications.
  • Paul at Kyabra.
  • Mike Lew, Ron Fry, Noel Harbinger, Patrick O’Leary, Jim Hopper, Tony Fletcher, and Kent Smith.
  • Project X.
  • SAMSSA (Service Assisting Male Survivors of Sexual Assault) Canberra.
  • NSW Rape Crisis.
  • ACAP.
  • Australian Centre for the Study of Sexual Assault (ACSSA).
  • Relationships Australia (Queensland).
  • Logan Youth and Family Services.
  • Centrecare (Queensland).

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