
One of the aims of the Living Well website is to raise awareness of the problems related to childhood sexual abuse and adult sexual assault, as well as to build community capacity to assist men who have experienced sexual victimisation. Below are some of our postcards that provide practical information to partners, friends and family on how to support and assist someone who has experienced sexual abuse.


If a mate told you he had been sexually abused, what would you do?
If a mate told you he had been sexually abused, what would you do?
If a mate told you he had been sexually abused, how would you help?

If you want us to send you some copies please contact us via [email protected]

We also have the below postcards available in hard copy (or just download the image).

Sexual abuse is something that happened to me
Sexual abuse is something that happened to me
1 in 6 men have experienced childhood sexual abuse.
1 in 6 men have experienced childhood sexual abuse.
For over 20 years I thought it was my fault
For over 20 years I thought it was my fault

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